Councilman Wants To Rewrite San Diego Sex Offender Law

San Diego City Councilman Chris Ward says he wants to rewrite an ordinance that puts strict limits on where registered sex offenders can live, as a lawsuit seeks to force the ordinance’s repeal.

Ward was one of five council members who voted last month to uphold the city’s “Child Protection Act,” against advice from the City Attorney’s Office. Courts have found similar ordinances both unconstitutional and ineffective at preventing child sexual abuse. Full Article

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Prime time to raise housing market values of the have and have not people who live in restricted areas and don’t. Certainly can be an election issue and whether the elected officials have their constituent’s interests at heart or not. Once they are ruled against on any restriction, the topic is toast and they can start to address homelessness.

One seriously has to wonder what this man’s agenda is. The supreme court voted against this law, the city doesn’t enforce for obvious reasons, there is zero evidence to support it and plenty of evidence showing its flaws, yet he wants to waste tax dollars in a city that can’t fix pot holes, and he wants to bring more lawsuits against the city. Has this man ever consulted one of the SO counselors or met with any of the members of the groups? Has he ever met any RSO’s? This man is out for himself and himself only, or otherwise he is totally out of touch with the people of the community (Unless he is getting a payoff from a certain few for this), but something doesn’t make sense.

Oh the chillllldren…Get a real job….Man these guys make me sick..He looks like a closet perv anyway….Like how it’s always “them” or “they” or “those”?? It’s like saying “those japs” or “them blacks” or “they, the mexs”..You get the point..

Yet another reason why the public registry should be brought down in whole

It’s time for a ballot initiative that allows individuals in public service (like these A. Holes) to be personally sued for wilful violations of people’s civil rights. Plain and simple! These A. Holes have a blank check to do whatever they want and with no personal liabilities. This must change!!!

Sounds like the councilman is being desperate.

this guy is the one we always hit in dodgeball ! LOSER !! and still a loSeR !!