MA: Westfield officials hesitant to repeal sex offender ordinance despite high court ruling

One resident and several councilors spoke out against repealing the city’s sex offender ordinance Thursday at the Westfield City Council meeting.

The ordinance restricts where registered sex offenders may live and establishes “child safety zones” where offenders are not allowed. But a 2015 Supreme Judicial Court ruling indicates such ordinances are unconstitutional. Full Article

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What is up with these city council people? They did the same thing in San Diego. The superior court ruled the residency restrictions were unconstitutional, but they voted to not follow the courts. Why aren’t they arrested and jailed? They voted to not follow the law, they intentionally and knowingly broke the law, but none are even cited. It resulted in more wasted tax money with more law suits. These people are such arrogant idiots. They have petty city positions, but think they are emperors.

“The state Supreme Judicial Court hasn’t said we have to repeal this,” said Paul.

“The city solicitor did,” said Councilor Nicholas J. Morganelli Jr. “The SJC said it was unconstitutional.”

Do you really need to have your hand held that much? It being unconstitutional means its unenforceable. Go ahead and arrest someone for this, but then you better start gathering paperwork for bankruptcy.

“I say the hell with it – let them sue us,” Flaherty said. “I’d rather spend a little money and make people safer.”

^THIS is the level of willful ignorance and entitlement we’re dealing with! Oh, yes.. just piss away your constituents tax dollars just so they can have a false sense of relief. What an idiot!

If fertilized eggs are “people” and those with a former sex crime or aren’t, then we have a problem..

You can’t just “shoo” people away and herd them like cattle, but that’s exactly what’s happening!

Arrogant and Ignorant!! What are these fools going to support next, slavery? Torture? [Wait, what am I saying?? They ARE supporting slavery and torture!]

We need more of these incidences reported and logged as evidence.

Colorado Judge Matsch said the registry is cruel and unusual due to the public. Adelanto, San Diego, and, now, Westfield, Mass. have their public officials willingly vote against the Constitution.

Here is a new quote to add to the matrix from this article:
“Why is everyone so concerned with the assailant’s rights?” he asked. “We need to find another outlet so these (level) twos and threes can’t live in certain areas. … When they do something like that, they throw their life away.”

Notice, the terminology of assailant. This is of present tense.

Now, let’s let’s change assailant to citizen.
“Why is everyone so concerned about [these citizen’s] rights?”

This implies our rights are not equal.

Also, the quote goes on and is still looking to banish registrants because level 2 and 3 have already thrown their life away. This implies there is no rehabilitation afforded or extended.

All registrants are made out to be second class citizens who should not have rights all because they are on the registry. I thought custody to the state ended when you finished serving your time. Apparently, the registry is being used to continue the separation from society by way of neglecting registrants have rights that are protected.

There is talk about lengthening the years in prison, but what happens after their prison term is served? They still will be subjected to the same discrimination.