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Pierre Trudeau would not take very kindly to this kind of rhetoric if he were alive to see it. He’d tell the truth about it and call it what it is. On the surface it appears to be an invitation to vigilantism, but what it is in reality is the first step in the process of Ghettoization, which we in California know all too well, and have only
recently taken the first step in rectifying. The registry itself amounts to a fundamental dehumanization of sexual offenders.

The articles perfectly covers how looking at the registry provides next to no actual information about the crime committed even though in some cases, just like in the article, the “crime” was a technicality were not for a few more weeks time.

I’ve actually recently came across someone on FB saying how the registry helps differentiate between the guys “caught peeing in the bushes” and serial rapists. No, not it really doesn’t. It doesn’t say “urinating in public”. All it provides are the legal codes and language for the crime. Looking at my codes one would easily assume I filmed full on CP and molested (hands-on) my victim. Not that it was a non-contact crime of up-skirting. Or in any SORNA state where a teen sending a nude selfie stating that they produced and distributed CP. Wait a few years until that teen is 30 and suddenly the codes next to their name makes them seem like the most vile person on the planet and ripe for purging rather than the BS they were caught up in due to technicality of the law not having a minimum age.

It really does seem like the majority of the crimes related to the registry are against RC’s and not by them.

This is 100% proof to any politician that public registries should be ABOLISHED. “If we can save one life…”, being their favorite phrase, can be applied to the registry. “If we can save one life from being killed” then the public registry should be abolished. End of story.

It was nice to see the media has not forgotten about the murder in Lake County. This County rarely gets attention from the out-of-town media.

It all about priorities that define a people. Until Parkland, people in the US did not give a damn if a life was gunned down. In fact it was a semi-religious experience when a mass death occured, where people of both parties got together and prayed in a moment of silence and lit candles. Canada used to be different. Maybe there is a vestige that all human life is sacred. Now are they more like us, concerned about how much more punishment they can heap on those convicted of sex crimes? Death is not as important. That’s really sick.

The sex offender registry sure has terrorize the lives of those who’ve paid their debts to society, and are being exploited, and media has made a lie into the truth to make it believable.

Last week a man was killed in the street in Birmingham, al where I live and all the news paper would talk about was who this registered person was and the horrible things he did ! Does any reporter have accountability for job related facts, why are they allowed to focus on the murdered mans history and not on what happened to him ? We need some serious across the board overhaul in this country….I.e. law reforms to counter bad laws and protective custody and services for ex offenders! We need new policies with the equal employment opportunity commission! We need citizens for police accountability, specifically for registered citizens ! And much more !

It’s interesting to note that the most dangerous criminals are these vigilante offenders and not registrants because they are driven by hatred, insanity and they will search out anyone that’s on the registry to attack and make it all seem justifiable. These vigilantes are a future risk to commit harm once they have information about a registrant, which is why public registry notifications have proven to be a very bad idea, not to mention vigilantes have a high recidivism rate of committing crimes, correct me if I’m wrong.