Ireland: Proposal to restrict sex offenders from travelling abroad

[ 5/2/18] Independent TD Maureen O’Sullivan has proposed legislation to restrict sex offenders from travelling abroad. Launching the Sex Offender’s Amendment Bill during Private Member’s time in the Dáil, she said the aim was to protect children who are easy prey in countries where the authorities cannot or will not protect them. Conservative estimates put the number of children trafficked at four and a half million, she told the Dáil this evening. She also said the increase in global travel had created more opportunities for abuse. Deputy O’Sullivan also raised…

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IL: ‘I’m Scared, Very Scared’: Mass Murderer Moves Into Home Near La Grange Elementary School

[UPDATED LINKS 5/2/18] [ 4/30/18] Parents tell NBC 5 they’re shocked a mass murderer recently released from prison moved in right across the street from a suburban elementary school. _______, 77, just got out of prison after serving time for killing five people in a Yorkville restaurant in 1972. Neighbors say he’s living in a La Grange home with a family who took him in as part of an outreach program with their Hinsdale church. The home is across the street from Seventh Avenue School. … “How could a sex…

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CA: Can You Fire Someone For Being A Sex Offender?

[ 4/30/18] It happens more often than you think. An employee in good standing is “outed” as being listed on a sex offender registry. His/her coworkers are up in arms. Now what? Can he/she be fired? Given California’s relatively new “ban the box” law, employers are limited in how they can use criminal history in employment decisions. For current employees, once a conviction is uncovered, you can’t automatically fire someone for it. Rather, employers must make an individualized assessment to determine if the conviction has a direct and adverse relationship…

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Cutting federal prison terms would endanger communities and reward criminals

[ 4/27/18] Bills labeled “criminal justice reform” have circulated in Congress for the past three years, but while they are well-meaning, they would do far more harm than good. This includes a measure sponsored by Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, titled the Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act. The Grassley legislation would make our communities less safe by returning still more convicted criminals from federal prisons to the streets sooner. In addition, the Grassley bill would tie up hundreds of federal prosecutors, who would be forced to deal with sentencing reduction motions…

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Breaking down the Michigan bills+ Breaking down the Michigan bills intended to stop the next Larry Nassar

[ 4/24/18] It’s been three months since Larry Nassar was sent to spend the rest of his life in prison for criminal sexual conduct, after more than 200 women and girls said he sexually abused them. Now, representatives in Michigan’s state House are considering bills they hope will prevent other predators from following in his footsteps. There are more than 30 bills total, which range from more rigorous medical practice requirements to extending the statute of limitations on criminal sexual conduct prosecutions and lawsuits. Most have bipartisan sponsorship. Read more…

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NY: A Jury Rejected the Charges, but He Still Has to Register As a Sex Offender for Life

[ 4/30/18] New York’s highest court says accusations can be considered for registration purposes even when the defendant was acquitted. In New York a defendant can be forced to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life based on accusations a jury rejected. So the state’s highest court ruled last week in a case that illustrates how fear and loathing of sex offenders lead to results that would be recognized as unjust and illogical in any other context. __________’s 13-year-old niece, identified in court documents as A.B.,…

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