Media focus should be on Really Dangerous People

[  5/8/18]

It seems like Sex cases always go viral. But an extremely high number of children die even more horrible deaths from other non-sex related criminal acts and you never even see a blip on the radar screen, and then something like what happened to Sierra Newbold happens and the radar screens light up like the 4th of July.

A friend of mine, let’s call him John for his own safety, related a story to me. He said that he had a vivid memory of an example of just this set of circumstances that happened to him and his family back in 2004, it was about six months before he was charged with his offense, he and his family were living in a rural area at the time.

His sister witnessed a horrible drunken driving accident that cost her some good friends and killed an entire family. They were all on their way home from the kids soccer game, the mom and dad and three kids were all in their mini-van out on the rural gravel roads leading to home. His sister wasn’t much further behind them because she was going over to visit, she was the soccer coach for their team. The family was going thru an intersection where they had the right of way, the corn was grown up way high so they never saw the big old 2 ton work truck coming that ran the stop sign and broadsided their mini-van. The driver of the truck was a three time DUI offender this was his fourth, he was knocked unconscious and in a coma for awhile but survived.

John’s sister got to the scene shortly after the accident, she had seen it happen from a half a mile or so back and called 911. The mom and one of the kids had been killed instantly. The dad was still barely alive but died before the ambulance arrived. The van was so mangled there was no way to get any of them out. So all she could do was hold the dads hand while he was alive thru the broken out drivers side window and watched helplessly as the other two kids gurgled blood as they were breathing their last breaths. John was sitting there choking back tears just remembering all his sister told him about it and the little article he read about it in the paper. He said that he couldn’t imagine what it was like for her to witness that and for their other extended familys’ and friends to go thru, and this incident wasn’t even mentioned on the TV, just in a local newspaper.

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It’s the American media’s perverse obsession with reporting everything about “sex” and “children”. If I had to guess, I imagine some of these people in the media are real ‘closet pedophiles’. There has to be some reason they get pleasure from writing so much about sex offenders, children etc. in a way that incites fear in people. Profit cannot be the only motive here. There are other topics to create fear from. They are knowingly and increasingly choosing to write about these ‘dangerous sex offenders’ instead of reporting matters that truly affect most citizens. Its disgusting really.

Like Joseph Goebbels once said that if you tell a big lie and keep repeating it enough times, people will start to believe it and the lie becomes the truth.

That was a good article and makes some very good points .

If a person is no longer required to be on the registry and wants to travel internationally, does that person still have to comply with the IML of giving a 21 day advance notification and also getting this crazy passport?