ACSOL 2018 Conference Videos Now Available

Videos from ACSOL’s 2018 conference held on June 15 and June 16 in Los Angeles are now available for viewing. The videos include three plenary speakers as well as five workshops.

“We are pleased to share with the public most of the information shared during the 2018 conference,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci. “In order to help the maximum number of people, there is no cost to access the videos.”

Plans have begun for the next ACSOL conference to be held in June 2019 at the same location. Details regarding the 2019 conference will be provided on this website as they become available.

2018 Conference Videos 


ACSOL Conference Attracts More than 170 People from 14 States, Identifies Future Opportunities in 2019

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Just got done reading powerpoint handout on tiered registry. This might be beating a dead horse , but humor me.
I have reduced charge for CP possession. Does that put my in Tier 1? Or do they go by original charge of felony before reduction and put me in higher tier. At my age, Tier 2 would amount to a lifetime.

First off, thank you for posting these videos. I really enjoyed the speakers.
Second, it sounds like its a bummer that Kennedy left since he was slowly converting his stance.

If I read the powerpoint correctly on tiered registry., a CP offense is a “3” wethet felony or misdomeanor? If reduced by court, dies it stay felony for tier purposes?
One page underlines FELONY CP, whike another page says CP offenses are a “3”. Again, confusing.

Interesting presentation by Ira Ellman. Professor Ellman notes that about eight percent of California’s sex offenders are “high” risk. If there are about 105,000 sex offenders in California: Eight percent is still about 12,000 sex offenders (which is larger than the SO population in most states). If 25% of “high risk sex offenders” reoffend, about 9,000 are *incorrectly* flagged by the Static-99R. So, the “static” is less accurate than accurate because 25% is, quite literally, less than 50% chance.

Further, the re-offense figures do not take severity of offense into consideration — as all crimes (as well as people) are lumped together. Even a six-point gap — from scores “6” to “12” — are lumped together! Finally, the Static-99R figures are estimates from when a person is released from incarceration or sentenced to probation. The Static-99R’s flaw is literally in its name (“static”). THE STATIC-99R IS *NOT* *NOT* *NOT* DYNAMIC.

If applied on an individualized basis, many could be shocked to discover that the Static-99R’s ten “risk factors” may have absolutely nothing to do with the underlying cause to why a person offended in the first place. Human free will is completely ignored, replaced with Minority Report “science,” and watered down to a dumbed-down number.

Professor Ellman notes that non-contact people have low offense rates, which seems like common sense, but then Prof. Ellman hyped the same Static 99R that actually scores non-contact offenses higher. Where is the logic?? Also, Ellman talks about “mister risk assessment” Karl Hanson authoring every “good” risk assessment study. At the 24 minute mark, someone may have picked up the crazy conflict of interest and let go a burst of laughter. But seeing as how many are actually FOR the Static 99R’s utterly insane use… it shouldn’t be surprising if the laughter was actually in agreement. Either way, it doesn’t seem like truth has much weight these days. Personally, I hope Janice and Chance are able to see through Karl Hanson and his Static 99R b.s. before it destroys some our lives in 2021. Until then, I suppose the most we can do is pray.

Catherine Carpenter, as always, was great! It’s too bad that the battery in her mic went dead. Note to videographer: Always have a dual-audio system going because you can count on a battery dying. Use a standalone audio recorder on the podium and worry about sync later.