Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of June 2018. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil.
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Hello, I was wondering if anyone heard anything on Michigan’s registry, and why they haven’t fixed it yet. The last time I heard anything was last week from Tim at the ACLU. I do know he is getting tired of hear from me but oh well. He claims they are still working on it, and there are several litagations going on and they are still working on the lawsuit, that was suppose to be filed months ago. This is rediculous, it’s almost a year since the Snyder ruling and nothing is being done. It’s a court order by the 6th circuit backed by SCOTUS. Michigan lost they are out of options, and and the ruling has not been modified, so that means the ruling stands for EVERYONE not just the original six. So I don’t understand what s taking so long, they didn’t take their time passing all these Nasser bills, yet they drag their feet when it comes to fixing the registry. Then they keep saying be patient we are continuesly working on making the nessasary changes to the Michigan Registry.BE PATIENT, easy for them to day they haven’t been unconstitutionally put on a registry that didn’t even rxist in 1992. So has anyone heard any news updates at all, thanks and sorry for the rant.
Anyone know if there’s a California voter guide regarding candidates’ stances on things like registration and criminal justice reform? Does ACSOL endorse any candidates?
Well this should set our cause back a decade or two…do a search for “Nathan Larson Virginia”. It may be helpful if our advocacy groups (ACSOL, FAC, NARSOL, etc.) could fashion a statement against this dude.
Are there any registrant support groups in Ga.? Please let me know. Thanks.
Texas taking civil commitment to a new level…..literally taking them off of the streets.
A prison by another name
For anyone else who needs to see the David Feige documentary again. Good stuff here.
Just back from my youngest hs graduation. Not a single hitch and nothing but hugs from my child’s friends parents who either know or don’t know or dont care about my situation. FU to California politicians who try and pass laws to hinder families from being together. Throughout all
my kids eduacation and school activities I pledged to myself I would not be denied attending anything I wanted too. All theee of mine are in college I like to think the family unit helped them get there.
For following the law, Judge Persky (Brock Turner’s judge in his sex assault case) faces a huge day on Tuesday, June 5 with the recall election. Huge impacts on this outcome. If you are interested, here is an interesting article on the effort behind it since the sentence was handed down.
Brock Turner’s twisted legacy—and a Stanford professor’s relentless pursuit of justice.
I am in california and a 290 that is NOT on parole/probation.
A friend of mine is about to get off parole, Can he live at the same residence as me ONCE he is OFF ?
I remember a LAW? but I think it was for TWO 290’s that are on supervison…
does anyone know or know the 290 law that talks about this ? I tried to find it and couldnt.
Thanks in advance for anyones help 🙂
FloriDUH gets rightfully hammered pretty hard here in this forum WRT RCs, but here is where they hit the common Floridian damn hard also WRT to their lawmaking craziness. It really does show the system is set up for people’s failure unfortunately and a bad cycle in life until resolved.
Romano: If a law makes sense, then it’s not meant for Florida
Now this is a pretty extraordinary story: “Victims’ advocate wants psychologists charged if sex offenders repeat” This is in Massachusetts. “A leading victims advocate wants state-appointed psychologists who declare sex offenders can be released from prison held accountable if the predators strike again.
Jennifer Lane, president of Community Voices, said charges should be brought against the examiners in some cases.
“I’m so sick and tired of this,” Lane told the Herald. “There are more people defending sex offenders than the victims.”
Pedophiles and rapists don’t age out of their horrific habits, she said. “It’s a mental issue.”
Thankfully, she’s not likely to have this bitter wish granted. Notice how she claims that “pedophiles and rapists don’t age out?” The hysterics have been making this baseless point for some time, now. They know they’re vulnerable. Let’s keep it up.
The MLB draft will be conducted tomorrow night, Monday, June 4th at 6 pm Eastern time.
Will the no longer registered OSU pitcher get drafted this year after being passed up in last year’s draft? This year, he’s OSU’s ace pitcher with the team’s lowest ERA and most innings pitched. He has the most strikeouts on the team with 142 Ks. The second highest strikeout production was 54 Ks. Also, he’s a left handed pitcher.
He’s no longer a registrant, but because his past is known, he’s been ostracized. I just looked at the MLB 200 draft prospect list and he’s not on there. That’s what prompted me to look up about him. Here’s an article about it:
It’s a shame that we aren’t allowed to move forward. I pray and hope a team does give him a chance.
Shi&*% Steve, my hats off to you. We have had our differences but man that is a real American and I love it. I will do the same thing if need arises. Of course we are not going to have to worry about it after I am done….Got to keep that winning attitude you know. Wait until you guys see my request for admissions. The AG is not going to like it I can tell you that. I am sure she does not even think I know how discovery works. I think I have it down after I found a few good articles and a lot of research and brain crunching. LOL
“Do public sex offender registries work? ‘Surprise’ findings in Australian study”
The short answer from the “Australian Institute of Criminology” is: NO! One thing that they made particular note of was the significant deleterious effect public registries had on U.S. property values as well as the high rates of threats and harassment of Registrants (44 percent) as a result of public registries. So, other countries are learning lessons from the U.S. experiment with registries which the U.S. itself refuses to acknowledge or to learn from. “Additionally, 16 percent of family members or people living in the same home as a known sex offender were targeted for abuse or had their property damaged.”
Judge Persky’s recall vote will certainly be the one topic most people and news media will watch tomorrow.
Vandalism, threats, broken friendships: The heated campaign to recall judge in Brock Turner case
To those from Texas: I lived there for a few months about 5 years ago and haven’t been back since. However, I just discovered that TX has my info on their DPS website, so they’re apparently like Florida in that they keep you on their registry even after you move. This profile never appeared under a search of my name before, not even the last time I googled myself about a week ago. WTF is going on? Is there any way to get off their website? I definitely wasn’t expecting this.
I am writing for a friend to ask if anyone in the San Diego, CA area has had this experience, or something similar. My friend was transferred from a federal prison to a San Diego Halfway House on a Monday– four days later he was taken back into custody and is currently incarcerated at the federal jail downtown San Diego. He has not committed any violation. It seems that the halfway house cannot provide “therapy” for him at their location. Please comment if this has happened to you or anyone you know.
I wonder how others are going in the job market. It’s hard to know how much silence is attributable to Google searches, but I’m not having much luck. What do others do?
Here’s another “sex offender” criminalized for doing what other people can freely do. In Florida, naturally. One commenter noted: “Surprisingly it’s not reported that he went there only to watch his three daughters perform, after their mother refuses to have them see him, although he has a visitation agreement/order signed by a judge.”
“Sex offender accused of attending dance recital”
A man who spent more than three years in prison on a rape conviction has been freed after a family member found deleted Facebook messages that proved his innocence.
For those of you who want to know who is challenging Chris Smith in New Jersey for the Representative seat he has, here you go:
I’m sure any and all help he can get to defeat Chris would be helpful.
Looks like the California voters have recalled Judge Persky according to this article from earlier today. Obviously not all the votes are in but….
“The Prison-Like Public Hospital Systems Disproportionately Packed With Gay Men”
“Some critics argue that outdated assessments and scientifically inaccurate testing could be to blame. The civilly committed, as well as mental health professionals, believe the specialists and the tests they use can be “profoundly homophobic,” in the words of forensic psychologist and evaluator Karen Franklin… Her belief — which five other evaluators we spoke to shared — is that there is widespread “implicit bias” and “subjectivity built into every single step of the process.”
In 1998, the American Psychiatric Association came out firmly against civil commitment laws, finding them to be a “serious assault on the integrity of psychiatry.”
Bias seems to be baked into the risk assessment phase. The Static-99R test, a 10-question checklist created in 1999 and revised (thus the “R”) in 2012, is a widely used evaluation tool. Essentially consisting of calculations around the mathematical probabilities of recidivism, it is based on data about people convicted of sexual offenses: age, nature of conviction, marital status, and whether they reoffended or not. But professional associations, academics, and practitioners have grave reservations regarding its accuracy and effectiveness.
For instance, admitting to having a male victim nets the respondents more points, which reportedly increase their risk of reoffending. Another question asks: “Ever lived with a lover for at least two years?” An inmate is considered less risky if they have had a two-year live-in relationship prior to imprisonment. Living with a same-sex lover used to be and sometimes still is risky for many in the U.S.”
“States of Incarceration: The Global Context 2018”
Great statistics on incarceration and makes note of those who are civilly committed “sex offenders.”
“Oklahoma now has the highest incarceration rate in the U.S., unseating Louisiana from its long-held position as “the world’s prison capital.” By comparison, states like New York and Massachusetts appear progressive, but even these states lock people up at higher rates than nearly every other country on earth. Compared to the rest of the world, every U.S. state relies too heavily on prisons and jails to respond to crime.
Well, it’s just a matter of short time before the cases of Kolsuz, of Alasaad, and now Vergara – all having to do with border searches of smartphones & electronics – reach SCOTUS. This is another looming battle for Registrants: