General Comments July 2018

Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of July 2018. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil.

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Man arrested in Indiana for a 40 yr old child molested and murdered. Evrrybody better be prepared for another set of laws, because this is all it takes to get law makers going again.

Given the growth of our country and the number of cases being filed, this (article below) is probably long overdue to keep up with the current pace. I don’t know if 27 is the right number but I surely know that 9 is too small all things considered. When 8, 000 are filed and 80 only accepted, there’s something to be said for it. However, the opposing argument is how much frivolousness is going to be decided upon the doesn’t need to be decided upon.

The Supreme Court Doesn’t Need 9 Justices. It Needs 27

Just sayin’.

§ 13663.
Ineligibility of dangerous sex offenders for admission to public housing
In general

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an owner of federally assisted housing shall prohibit admission to such housing for any household that includes any individual who is subject to a lifetime registration requirement under a State sex offender registration program.

Facial recognition at airports has been discussed here recently. I found this article below from a society perspective that should inform people…and probably scare them at the same time.

How Facial Recognition Could Tear Us Apart

Will the new tech create a safer society — or a dystopian panopticon?


Skelos GUILTY!!!

Have fun you lying cheating hypocrite stole 10 years of my life. They do horrible things to you in Protective Custody where you’ll be going.

Facial recognition is used in the several countries already, especially in the Philippines. I know an immigration official ‘friend’ who told me that once a passenger arrives or departs the airports immigration counter, your face is automatically scanned as you walk by. This camera is linked up with INTERPOL’s I-24/7 system and searches for sex offenders. Your green notice or “C” notice is loaded into the system and can be seen by any country that has access; it also active upto 5 years.

“ASSESSING THE REAL RISK OF SEXUALLY VIOLENT PREDATORS: DOCTOR PADILLA’S DANGEROUS DATA” Tamara Rice Lave, Professor of Law, University of Miami and Franklin E. Zimring, William G. Simon Professor of Law, University California of Berkeley School of Law. American Criminal Law Review, Vol. 55, June 25, 2018

ABSTRACT [download for complete paper, below]
“This Article uses internal memoranda and emails to describe the efforts of the
California Department of Mental Health to suppress a serious and well-designed
study that showed just 6.5% of untreated sexually violent predators were arrested
for a new sex crime within 4.8 years of release from a locked mental facility. The
Article begins by historically situating sexually violent predator laws and then
explains the constitutionally critical role that prospective sexual dangerousness
plays in justifying these laws. The Article next explains how the U.S. Supreme
Court and the highest state courts have allowed these laws to exist without requiring
any proof of actual danger. It then describes the California study and reconciles
its findings with those of a well-known Washington study by explaining the
preventive effects of increasing age. Finally, the Article explains how these results
undermine the justification for indeterminate lifetime commitment of sex offenders.”
A quote:

“The ironic result of allowing state governments to make up their own theories of prospective sexual danger and never to test their hunches goes beyond the wasteful and unjust incarceration of elderly men with histories of sex offenses. Detailed and careful empirical study could provide much better evidence of the age and other characteristics of persons who have significant offending risks. For that reason, we urge the Bureau of Justice Statistics to resurrect and continue the Padilla study with what would now be a significant follow-up period. Until such research is conducted, we will never know whether the true legacy of Kansas v. Hendricks includes not just unjust confinement but also an allocation of limited resources with no focus on populations of maximum danger. Justice and community safety demand the truth.”

Here is a link to the entire paper:

“Convicted Sex Offenders: Serving Full Sentences Rather Than Getting Out Early on Parole” By choice, apparently. Parole must really be hell in Arkansas. I’m assuming that it also has something to do with anticipated homelessness. “We have more people going flat now in prison than coming out so they’re not on paper,” said Detective Paul Newell.

Detective Newell says many sex offenders are eligible for parole after serving 1/6 of their time in jail, but now many of them are choosing to serve their full sentence.

“So they don’t have to deal with probation parole. When someone is on probation and parole they have a warrant search waiver so we can go into their house and search and do what we have to do than if there out on probation and parole they don’t have that search waiver on file,” Det. Newell said.

Cany anyone explain this?

CHAPTER 5.5. Sex Offenders [290 – 294] ( Chapter 5.5 heading added by Stats. 2006, Ch. 337, Sec. 10. )

Except as otherwise provided by law, the statements, photographs, and fingerprints required by the Act shall not be open to inspection by the public or by any person other than a regularly employed peace officer or other law enforcement officer.

(Added by Stats. 2007, Ch. 579, Sec. 29. Effective October 13, 2007.)

For example, is the use provided by law? If so, which section grants city-data use?

If anyone replied to my comment and I didn’t reply, it is only because after a thread is active for a while I can’t follow who is talking to who.

Where I went to prison in NJ it was next to impossible for sex offenders to get parole. Of the 21 months I was imprisoned, I saw 1 get paroled and that wasn’t me. Maybe because at the that time in NJ, sex offenders, even if maxed out, were placed on CSL, which has a statute that requires supervision “as if on parole”. Even today, “they” keep telling me I’m on parole, I respond, nope, I’m, on CSL.

Can anyone answer this..

Are you truly ever off the national registry?
Can you honestly travel without the stress of worrying if you are going to be pulled out of line or refused entry.
Can the dreaded green notice be sent out even after you have jumped through every hoop, crawled through the rotting garbage of the judicial system, and climbed out of the hole that is the registry life.

Man who can’t walk 8 feet man not approved to move nursing facilities.

Here’s my comments to the city of Green Bay, Wisconsin:

55 nursing homes in Green Bay wouldn’t accept him because he is a sex offender. You’re worried that he won’t get out of his room or the facility, he can’t even walk more than 8 feet. You do not even know what threat this guy poses.
This guy shouldn’t even be on any watch list as he’s not ambulatory. Your responsibility is to protect the community? He can’t walk! If the children visiting wander into his alarmed room, where was their adult supervision? OMG, you all are so engrossed with the myths and hysteria that laws and media has created, that you ignore the well being of this man.
The prosecutor says “It could happen”… anything can from ANYBODY. In fact, 95+% of new sex crimes are NOT by registered sex offenders. So what if “..he isn’t mentally… [or physically] incompetent? You don’t even know what he did, for crying out loud. That prosecutor is disillusioned.
Has he recommitted in his present facility?
He was ultimately not approved to move nursing facilities (4? board members and 3 participants) decided this fate. Again, I state, 95+% of new sex crimes are NOT by registered sex offenders, especially this guy who can’t even walk 8 feet.
What costs do you spend in “protecting” children when many other crimes do more harm to children?

Hello NY won’t let go!
Yes your situation is terrible. NY prosecutors do not like being challenged and if you are Level 2 it is for life.
Yes, you would need money, be in a program for rehab and show some other benefits but in the last 5 years the NYS politicians are gaining votes as you know by making our lives unbearable.

I have seen one man reduced but he worked with the probation department and slimy so called mandated sex offender treatment ‘therapists’ plus a lawyer to pull it off. The probation department used him to give lectures and talks so some deal was done.

Be consoled that the man who did this to us is now going to jail, like Wiener etc

My wife is attempting to inlist for active duty in the army and we are trying to figure out the best places for her to pick for after basic to be posted both national and international. Anyone with military regulation experience would be greatly appreciated.

The Appellee Brief from Millard’s legal team finally got posted: I have yet to read it (59 pages), having just downloaded it.

It was originally due 7/16, but they were granted a delay until 7/18. They must have submitted it after hours, since it’s shown as posted early morning on 7/19.

Here’s a message to hold churches accountable to what they preach. I gave it as my new “Message in the Park”…I’m starting a channel called Message in the park…

Xavier von Erck, the kingpin of Perverted Justice, justified the FBI distributing child porn to catch those who were members of Playpen, the child porn site.

I’ve seen comments wondering if von Erck used child porn as bait himself to nab “predators.”

The big Playpen case is still winding its way through the judicial system, and it appear the kingpin was wrong.

6 months for abuser caught in FBI’s Playpen snare
16 Jun 2017

Can anyone tell me the name and city of the man that said sex offenders have an 80% recidivism? (the one from the glossy mag – not scotus) I’m curious to read the article but cant make any headway with search engines. Thanks in advance.

Isnt he one of the many that helped vote for the ACT 10 in PA, after the Muniz Ruling!

Or is he one of the many that think we all need to civil committed!

Bet he isnt barking up that tree anymore, 66 year old man, COUNCIL MAN, LEAD COUNCIL MAN, welcome to the Sex Offender Registry, enjoy SORNA!

If you haven’t already done so, there is a great opinion editorial in the May issue of ” The Hill” written by Jesse Kelly. He is a Republican from Az. supported by John McCain.
Nice to see a conservative voice stating a progressive idea. It shows that are people running for office that care more about addressing injustices within the system rather than promoting a particular political ideology.

Heads up to Riverside County Sex Offenders.

William Bailey is posting screen shots of all Riverside County sex offenders on Facebook this morning. I think he started with Elsinore and is moving on to Murrieta et al.

I think he lives in Riverside.

This is just for informational purposes so we can all watch out for the usual vigilante backlash that follows these types of posts. We know that the law or law enforcement will not help us, so we have to protect ourselves.


“Aging sex offenders on McNeil Island needed 557 medical trips last year” They’re forever castaways still paying for that “three-hour cruise.”

Watched a PBS news report on healthcare. The report showed how the government as well as private companies are able to access tons of historical info on people (residency area codes, marital status, shopping patterns, etc) and determine their health costs risks.
What a novel thought! It seems like people want to apply this thought process towards government intervention only if it impacts them directly.
In a way, I wish there would be a huge surge in sex offense reports. Not to hurt any victim, but to prove that current regs are a waste and so media would shine a light on our plight as INDIVIDUALS!

I had to put this out there for the masses to read considering we discuss civil rights here:

Guy Gets Tossed In Jail For Contempt Charges Because Cops Say They Need To Unlock His Phones To Get Evidence Of Drug Possession