IN: Sex offender’s rights not violated by registration extension

An Allen County sex offender’s constitutional rights were not violated when the period of time he was required to register as a sex offender was extended under a law amended after he was convicted of the sex crime, the Indiana Court of Appeals ruled Wednesday. Full Article

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Come on dude! You kept violating the law. None of us like it, want it, and most don’t need it. But it is the law. If you want to change it, start by following it so the public can’t say, “See, they’re criminals”.

Sounds like they’re adding extra punishment and as much as they can.

I can’t feel sympathy for this person. He committed his new violations after the law took effect. If he’s going to keep breaking the law after becoming a registrant, then he is likely to be some danger to society. He’s still going to get off the registry much sooner than any of us in CA. I’m afraid to even risk a minor traffic violation, let alone a DUI and 3 failures to register like this person.

Yeah, he’s not getting any breaks and doesn’t deserve them. I’m also thinking he is well aware and is just taking a shot on a huge “maybe?”. If a person screws up and stops, then they should get a break someplace but to just keep living that type of life: then it’s on them.

Expanding the idea of this new law, a legislature could make a law mandating that any sentence for an offense resulting in incarceration will automatically have an additional 5 or 10 years added on to the sentence if the lawbreaker has a sexual offense conviction in his past, no matter how long ago that sexual offense occurred, and regardless of what the new offense might be …. breaking and entering, shoplifting writing a bad check.
This pile-on-and-beat-up-the-offender sh#t just keeps getting more and more outrageous! 😡

I’m not aware of the laws in this mans state, but many of us in Ca are still registering 20 years later for misdemeanors or expunged offenses! 10 years? The guy doesn’t seem like he likes following the rules! Idiot! I can only hope that the new law in Ca will soon follow. Let’s hope the guidelines for granting our new and upcoming law will be straightforward. Let’s remain positive! They can’t register everyone forever!

Yes! very good PSA.
Registered persons have other viable options before taking up arms.
1) Protests in our state capitol or DC.
2) Demanding trial in FTR cases.

Yeah it is pretty sad that the legislators can pass laws that attempt to give them absolute immunity and people do not realize that they can sue these individuals in their personal capacities if they willfully violate a persons constitutional liberties such as what is occurring in Colorado and all the state SC’s that have ruled the registry unconstitutional but the legislatures in those states are failing to remove names. When I win my case they better immediately remove me from the registry or they will be sued here in CA, each and everyone of the public safety committee members and whomever else I decide to sue that is conspiring to deprive me of my constitutional liberties. They will wake up when they have to pay millions out of their own personal bank accounts or are prosecuted for deprivation of rights under color of law. I really am interested in how a private citizen brings a prosecution on my own without any DA or attorney general getting involved. I know there must be a way and not just prosecutors who have to bring charges. Anyways here is my link to my CA case that has been moving thru the federal court since Sep. 5, 2017 which the partial motion to dismiss is taking well over three months to get a ruling on. The real meat of my case is in the Objections to the MFR as well as the judicial notice request. I have methodologically attacked every factor of Smith v Doe and every 9th circuit cases.
The tides are turning as seen by multiple court rulings in the last year alone and my case will be the nail in the coffin putting the recidivism issues as well as the efficacy issues to final rest with my judicial notice. No clue why no attorneys, or anyone for that matter, has requested judicial notice of gov reports fully debunking the recidivism rates and efficacy issues. Well I have….

Someone needs to make a law that takes the right to amenity away from these bastards, I would love to see them try this with convicted murderers or king pin drug dealers and see what happens to them, just sayin.

I have never really paid much attention or noticed all the Injustice going on around me. I grew up a white kid in a white community in Indiana, completely oblivious to the racism that so blatantly plagues our country. After doing 10 years in prison from age 19 2 page 29 my experience in college my experience being exposed to other cultures and races the ability to watch anything you want to watch and look up anything you want to lookup I completely realize how oblivious I was. Now coupled with the fact that I am prejudiced minority I can completely relate. Perhaps not completely that was probably a poor choice of words but I can somewhat relate in a lot of ways it’s worse for African Americans or was but in a lot of ways it’s worse for us because we cannot say you know it’s not my fault I was born like this I’m just like you people see us as someone who made a decision to break the wall in a very ignominious way, so compassion and remorse grass is sparse. Came out of prison bright-eyed bushy-tailed ready to Take On the World with four college degrees my mind sharper than it has ever been and confidence through the roof considering I went to prison without it even a GED. After being out of prison for 5 years I feel like a rooster who was once proud and beautiful but has been systematically plucked one by one until all of my feathers are gone and I’m naked vulnerable and my self-esteem is non-existent. Finding this organization brought me to tears just knowing that there are things like this happening even though not here in backwards Indiana is truly inspirational