Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of September 2018. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil.
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AR: Arkansas man gets 90 years for failing to appear, register as a sex offender
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FL: UPDATED 3/5/25 Putnam County Sheriff’s Office: ‘Cesspool of sex offenders’ cleared out of local trailer park
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Registrants, Families, Supporters Demonstrate Unity in Washington, D.C.
Registrants, members of their families and supporters demonstrated unity in Washington, D.C. this week in a...
I believe that every registered person in the US should take the time to memorize the following, and write it neatly on the SO registration form every time they register:
“By compelling me to provide my personal information to you, under threat of criminal prosecution, with no choice to opt out and remain silent, you are violating my rights under the US constitution and international law. I am signing this document under duress.”
Does anyone know of an address/crashpad for rent in the Sacramento area on the cheap? I’ve decided to do research for my own projects and do volunteer work for this effort if Janice has anything I can do. I’ll be at the Berkeley meeting on the 15th. If it matters, my RC address is not public (zip only).
Sad Mi, police came on TV telling everyone to check the list and have the kids take different routes to school, seem to me it would be scaring the kids for no reason, also the courts have said , a lot should be on any list. Sad? What do you think?
Just trying to keep the fear mongering going because without it, they have nothing else…
Five Eyes, at it again.
Any new information on AB579 Nevada?
Anyone have experience with trip insurance if we are turned back from a trip.
I had 2 claims last year – Hurricane & sickness… they seem to pay very stingy.
I can’t believe they would cover.
I have a question. I would like to try for a COR again. I might live in OC. What if I stay at a friends house periodically? By law, I must register that address. What if I register both addresses and file in LA?
It seems as though public policy is doing these horrible things to us because they feel that the legal system is not harsh enough. They also deal in emotion while the judiciary deals in facts ( mostly ).
One of the senators on the committee for the chief justice said those exact words in describing her job. She dealt with facts, not public opinion. Why then can’t they do the same when it comes to so many of us.
I was ROR’d almost immediately after my arrest. I rec’d informal probation on a felony ( reduced to misdo ), paid $1000 in fines, and was released early in 2.5 yrs. I literally have a lower offense than a DWI. Yet I must crawl through crap just to be turned down for jobs, let everyone and their brother know everyplace I go, and be banned from 1/ 2 the known world. In what bizarro universe does any of this make even the smallest bit of sense.
I have been listening to the supreme court nomination hearing and have come to the conclusion that the court system is for sale to the highest bidder, and our group just doesn’t have the funds to overturn any decision. Because facts, studies, and social leanings can’t get past money.
One of the things I miss the most in my life since my conviction? There are many, many things. But what is on my mind lately is the loss of worry-less sleep.
I have not had such a sleep since I was arrested in November 2001. Most nights I wake up every night at around 3 a.m. worrying about some damn thing or another, most of which have to do with my SO status.
Today reminds me of the 1920’s and 30’s and the eugenics movement. The movement really got going after a tough 1921 Immigration law. Eugenics was taught in American schools and spread throughout the world. There was a supreme court case that approved sterilization (Buck v Bell) and the Nazis were inspired by and expanded on the American eugenics movement and even used it as a defense at the Nuremberg trials (see the doc, Paragraph 175 The attack was on a broader range of people and slowed way down after Skinner v Oklahoma (the government attempted to sterilize a thief.)
The fight today is for more than our own individual rights. It is against history repeating itself.
Eugenics and the Nazis — the California connection
Skinner v. Oklahoma
Buck v Bell
You see the similarities? It is necessary to be vigilant especially when the gov’ment gets arrogant.
Exactly one year today since I filed my complaint and am still waiting for a decision on the partial motion to dismiss…Do not know if this is normal but it seems as though the judge must be seriously considering the issues I brought….
Found this article, wanted to share.
Twentieth Century Fox pulls scene from ‘The Predator’ after director casts his friend, a registered sex offender – Los Angeles Times
Janice, are you able or willing to reach out to McLetchie Shell, the Vegas-based civil rights attorneys appealing (next week, apparently) the Nevada SC decision to implement the AWA (AB 579)? I’m really hoping they are fully aware of all the recent court decisions around the country in our favor which could be used to bolster their argument. This is kind of a shot in the dark and I understand you are busy, but I believe we could benefit greatly from your expertise over here.
Hoping for some input/non-legal advice regarding a 17b motion for reduction. Has anybody here filed one and been denied? I was granted mine about a year and a half ago but I know of another person (CP possession) that was recently denied. Sounds like probation recommended that the judge deny the petition and the judge did. Judge said to try again in a year. Anybody here have a similar experience and did you have to wait the full year? Perhaps a heartfelt letter to probation (although after the fact) pointing out what a reduction would mean (job opportunities, being removed ML site, etc) could make a difference on the 2nd attempt? Don’t understand why probation would throw him under the bus when he had done his time, paid his fines, completed counseling, no violations, etc. It really upset me.
H.R.6691 – Community Safety and Security Act of 2018, 115th Congress (2017-2018) to “To amend title 18, United States Code, to clarify the definition of “crime of violence”, and for other purposes.”
Three guesses… ““(a) The term ‘crime of violence’ means an offense— ““(i) is murder, voluntary manslaughter, assault, sexual abuse or aggravated sexual abuse, abusive sexual contact, child abuse, kidnapping, robbery, carjacking, firearms use, burglary, arson, extortion, communication of threats, coercion, fleeing, interference with flight crew members and attendants, domestic violence, hostage taking, stalking, human trafficking, piracy, or a terrorism offense as described in chapter 113B (other than in section 2332d);…”
I went in today to do my annual registration (for the 23rd time). The form, which used to be both sides of one sheet of paper is now 5 pages, both sides of two sheets plus one more one-sided sheet. It now takes 3 pages to list all the restrictions I am subject to, and I must initial each one. I admit to mostly skimming over these items in the past, but two of them caught my eye this time:
16._____ Campus registration must be in person unless I am enrolled in an online course which does not require my presence at an institution of higher learning in California. I must register for online courses by mailing the Department of Justice Online Course Registration Form to the campus police department, or if no campus police department exists, to the law enforcement agency having jurisdiction over that campus, within five (5) working days of commencement of my term of enrollment. When I cease being enrolled at that institution, I must notify the registering agency for the campus within five (5) working days. (PC, §§ 290.009, 290.01) The DOJ Online Course Registration Form is available at
Okay, so I am confused. Is this for online classes only at California schools or anywhere in the country? I was considering taking an online course from a midwestern college. To do that, I must send them a DOJ form? What kind of possible danger can I be to a college thousands of miles away by taking an online class with them through the internet??
17._____ I understand that if I wish to come into any school building or upon any school ground (grades K-12), I must have a lawful purpose and written permission from the school’s chief administrative officer indicating the date(s) and time(s) for which permission has been granted. (PC, § 626.81)
So, a few weeks ago before school started, when I helped my wife carry boxes of stuff into her classroom, I was what? Committing a felony?
Is this piling on of new stuff, or have I just missed these in years past?
Stressing that I could easily be commiting crimes without even knowing it…..
The one thing about judge Kennedy leaving is now when one of our cases come before SCOTUS, which it eventually will, now the court has to refute Kennedy’s “frightening and high” comment. I think as a rule Judges are more reluctant to criticize one of their own after retirement and it is going to make Kennedy look the fool for being duped. Whoever brings that argument better have finesse and make sure they stress the point it was the gov officials fault by pointing out the Solicitor General is the one that presented the 80% crap. And just like I’ve pointed out in my case, anyone would have considered 80% recidivism as frightening and high and the registry justifiable if it were true. I cannot think of any other case quite like this where the court was presented with this kind of sittuation, especially not one that is as far reaching and as consequential. I really think the court’s going to be pissed.
What is the advantage of getting a 1203.4 ? Will my name come off Megan? Can I not have to register? Can I then be allowed to own a firearm? Will I have to worry about the Tiered System at all?
Check this out guys, I was reading about Korematsu vs United States ( he was a Japanese American who was confined in one of the Interment camps during WWII )and came upon something called a writ of Coram Nobis. What it is ( and I’m quoting Wikipedia here} “ a legal order allowing a court to correct it’s original judgment upon discovery of a fundamental error that did not appear in the records of the original judgment’s proceedings and would have prevented the judgment from being pronounced “.
Couldn’t we use this to correct the SCOTUS fundamental blunder in Smith vs. Doe ,in particular former Justice Kennedy’s statement about Sex Offenders having an 80% recidivism rate being frightening and high?
There are numerous studies that have been done by qualified experts, that have proven this to be totally wrong!
“Candidate rails against sex offenders at school polling places” In watching the video, this guy appears to not even be convincing himself. A very bad acting performance from a bad actor.
As much as I hate it, I think my wife and kids will enjoy an Alaskan cruise. Do we have list of cruise lines that service the Pacific Northwest and don’t screen for registrants? Likewise, does anyone know if the railway excursion operators screen passengers? Last November I planned to enjoy a train ride in AZ and, in the process of buying tickets online, discovered they run background checks on passengers. A$$holes.
Last year I took my father in law fishing and bought my fishing license on the boat. They had possession of my DL for a little while and when a deck hand gave it back he was very cold toward me, as was the rest of the crew for the rest of the day. (Guess who got a bad Yelp review.) Ever since then, I’ve checked into hotels, campgrounds, amuzement parks, etc. with a bit more apprehension than I used to.
Anyway, if anyone has info on friendly cruise lines I am most grateful.
An out of state anti-gay hate group that’s been stalking me for years took a screenshot of my profile on the Megan’s Law website and posted it to his Twitter profile with hateful language encouraging others to harass me. Twitter refuses to remove it. I’ve reported it to police and the Megan’s Law agency and I filed for a Protection from Harassment Order. I will update if the court or law enforcement takes any action specific to him posting my entire Megan’s Law profile to Twitter (although the individual has been doing much more than just that).
While we are a few years away, I wonder how this tiered registry will work when it comes to expungement and reductions. While I seen it talked about a lot, there really hasn’t been solid proof or wording on how it will be used in regards to tiers. The other thing is since it will be in tiers, do you still have register in a different state (if you are granted relief by California?). While it may seem 100% that you wouldn’t have to, I can see it getting really messy.
We are still breathing and proud of all of you for not giving up when I can easily assume that many of us thought about quitting but yet we keep coming back to this site to get as much info as possible.