Two California Cities Repeal Halloween Restrictions

The Cities of Lancaster and Temecula this week repealed restrictions which prohibited all registrants living in those cities from fully participating in Halloween celebrations. The repeals took place after letters were sent to a total of five cities warning that the restrictions were preempted by state law. The letters also warned cities that fail to repeal the Halloween restrictions could be sued in court..

“We congratulate Lancaster and Temecula for taking the necessary steps to repeal their unlawful ordinances,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci. “And we are preparing to challenge in court the remaining cities that still have Halloween ordinances.”

In both Lancaster and Temecula, registrants were required to turn off all outside lights and prohibited registrants from decorating their homes and answering the door to trick-or-treaters on Halloween. Lancaster was the first city to act when it took the first step toward repeal of its Halloween ordinance on September 11. Both cities took action during City Council meetings on September 25.

“Halloween restrictions for registrants is a solution without a problem,” stated ACSOL President Chance Oberstein. “According to academic studies on the subject, no child has ever been harmed by a registrant while trick or treating on Halloween.”


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What were the other 3 cities that were sent letters?

Amy suggestions for RC living in cities that said they would not enforce their residency restrictions, but never said anything about the Halloween restrictions?

If there is anything that shows the pure, through and through, stupidity of the “$EX offender” witch hunt, it is the Halloween “restrictions”. They are so stupid that they physically make me cringe. They are so stupid that they actually would make me feel bad for SOME of the people who talk about the “restrictions” as if they are something sensible, good, useful, or acceptable. But just to be clear – I don’t feel bad for any Registry Terrorist (RT).

I always wonder if the reporters who are forced to report the stupidity are just killed and demoralized by it. I would have a very hard time reporting things that made me really look and sound stupid. It would surely suck away some of my soul.

So I kind of hate to see the “restrictions” go because it is taking away part of the awesome proof of just how stupid, awful, immoral, anti-factual, and anti-American the RTs are. But people should never forget what a dangerous pile of human stupidity that they are.

Gosh, I really should’ve mentioned congratulations to ACSOL. You are completely awesome at kicking the asses of these criminal regimes and their scumbag supporters. They are awful anti-Americans that we unfortunately have to allow to live in America.

You are doing great, moral work that you obviously don’t have to do. All good Americans should thank you every day.

La Verne, Ca is another city that has Halloween ordinances. During my annual update, the Detective said they will not be enforcing the Halloween Ordinance. I asked why it hasn’t been repealed and he just nodded his head like he didn’t know why.

Still not a mention by lawmakers about Drunk Drivers killing kids or hurting each Halloween.

To my knowledge, and it was corroborated by an attorney, there has NEVER been a child sexually assaulted by an RSO while Trick-or-treating on Halloween.

We have Halloween restrictions in Missouri. They sound similar to what you have there. It is a state law and not a city restriction. Is there anyway to fight these types of laws?

It makes an interesting Google because there is still the fearmongering but some sites link to the real data and studies. The real risk is getting it by a car.

Rialto still has there ordinance Enforced , I had to sign for it the last time I registered. I told them that it was illegal if you were off probation or parole but they said it’s for everybody if you’re on Megan‘s law , I hope Janice send them a letter as well .

Thanks Janice and ACSOL for your hard work on behalf of registrants and their families.

“Restrictions pre-empted by state law”.
Can anyone explain in layman’s terms what that means exactly and if that’s “all” states or just certain ones.
Would like to fight the Halloween Restrictions in TN.

“Restrictions pre-empted by state law” means that state law take precedence over county or city ordinance, like federal law pre-empts state laws if they conflict. This should mean that cities cannot pass Halloween laws in conflict with the existing state law. State law in Calif. pre-empted the various residency restrictions passed by local authorities, and were therefore unconstitutional since the body of regulatory state law takes precedence. If you are thinking of challenging this, it would of course be best to consult a real lawyer.

Another win for ACSOL, God bless the great work you are doing. Keep removing the bricks from the wall, eventually it will collapse. Spotlight on the kangaroo sex courts this week, judge Kavanaugh got a taste of the sex offender hysteria. Bet it feels different across the bench judge?

Restriction regarding Halloween from the City of Rialto, CA –
“Sex offender” means any person convicted of an offense against a child for whom registration is required by Section 290 of the California Penal Code, regardless of whether that person is on parole or probation.
(Ord. No. 1535, § 2, 10-8-13)
9.52.030 – Halloween, restrictions on conduct.
Any sex offender shall be required to do the following between twelve a.m. and eleven fifty-nine p.m. on October 31st of each year:
A. Leave all exterior residential, decorative, and ornamental lights at the residence of such sex offender off during the evening hours starting at 5:00 p.m. until midnight;
B.Refrain from decorating the front yard and exterior of such residence with typical Halloween decorations;
C.Refrain from opening the door of such residence to children requesting treats, in the typical manner of trick or treating, or otherwise contacting such children on the premises of such residence.
(Ord. No. 1535, § 2, 10-8-13)
9.52.040 – Penalty.
Any person violating the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

I know this is early, however I am curious if there are still NO restrictions in the city of Lancaster. I was able to decorate last year and my son loved it. I am hopeful that this year i will be able to do the same. I want to remain compliant so I was hoping to get an update. I appreciate any help..I did attempt to find some information on the city of Lancasters’ website but was a little confused by it. Thank you.