Emotional Support Group Meetings 2019

Emotional Support Group meetings will be held for those convicted of a sex offense and their loved ones. This meeting, which is based upon the format of 12 Step meetings, provides registrants and their loved ones with an opportunity to discuss personal challenges and share their experiences, strengths and hopes, with each other.

Attendance is limited to individuals required to register, family members, and friends.

Media, law enforcement, parole, etc. are not allowed to attend meetings.

There is no cost to attend. No reservations are required.

Below are your choices of meetings:


LOS ANGELES Emotional Support Group Meeting:

Meetings are held the fourth Saturday of each month at 10 a.m.. In the remainder of 2019 it will be August 24, September 28, October 26, November 23, December 28.

ACLU Building
1313 W. 8th Street
Los Angeles

Free parking is available under the building and there is no charge to attend the meeting.

Meetings start promptly, and anyone who arrives after that time may not be able to participate due to the parking logistics of that location.


SACRAMENTO Emotional Support Group Meeting:

When: Most Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:00 pm

The meetings are CANCELED on 10/31/19, 11/28/19, 12/26/19

Before you attend, please email us at SOSgroup4U@gmail.com to find if we are meeting that week.

Christ Community Church
Evers Room #13
5025 Manzanita Ave.
Carmichael, CA (an eastern suburb of greater Sacramento)

For more information, please email us at SOSgroup4U@gmail.com


PHONE Emotional Support Group conference call:

This Emotional Support Group meeting is a monthly conference call on the phone. It is perfect for those who can’t get to the face-to-face meetings.

If you want to attend this conference call, Alex, the group leader wants to talk with you first to ensure we don’t get inappropriate callers.

Email your name, phone, and the best times to call you. Send it to emotionalsupportgroup@all4consolaws.org

Once he approves you he will email you each month the date and time of the next phone meeting and how to call in.


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I am very interested in creating a similar emotional support group in Florida. Would you consider sharing the format you use? Thank you.


What are the “steps” for? How is it that the “12 Steps” model maps on to emotional support? I am only familiar with those steps being used to confront dependencies or addictions. In this case, what is the addiction if, indeed there is any? It would seem to me that the single greatest commonality among registrants is stress and depression. Why not offer instruction and support for mindfulness and meditation, demonstrated to be effective, as a means to alleviate stress and depression?

Thanks! I had actually wondered how 12-Steps would map-on to an emotional support group and if there were any chips given out and, if so, for what? Also, wondered about that whole mass apologizing thing. And then the funny underwear. Oh, wait, that’s Mormonism. Fortunately, I’ve never been addicted to anything except, as it turns out, to freedom (and I’m Jonesin’ bad!) so most of my AA references are from people who dropped out because I’ve never actually met anyone who didn’t. So your description of 12-Step’s limited role in this group comes as some relief to me (I’m being serious, here) because, quite frankly, the more I learn about 12-Steps, the less enthusiastic I am about it. Hey, if you’re one of the 20% for whom it works, then great but that’s what I hear is their success rate and there are better programs now, from what I understand. Yeah, I know that they now say that you don’t have to believe in God but, hey, what do they have to replace their “higher power?” 12-Steps is just shot-through with “higher-power” from what I can see. It’s like if you go to a picnic and they know you’re a vegetarian and so they grill a bell pepper and put it between a hamburger bun for you which then becomes an uncomfortable topic of conversation with the other guests as you pretend to enjoy eating it.

But really, what do we all have to be sad about? It’s a shitty, degraded existence that gets worse over time. What’s not to like? I’m available as a dismotivational speaker, by the way.

Seriously, though I hope that your support group proves to be a success. Just one word: humor. There’s a reason why the Jews are so damned funny: adversity. Serious, fucking adversity.

I am going to try to attend the meeting with my wife. She is disabled so we have only been able to make one other meeting. I would appreciate if anyone has any rental advice. Due to her health we are losing our house and finding a arental in the area seems impossible.


When is the next phone support meeting?

I greatly enjoy listening to these meetings. I just wanted to let the technical staff know that the most recent recording from September 21st has a horrible “echo” in it. Hopefully that problem can be fixed for future recordings.
Thank you all for everything you do!