What do these people have in common? [Florida Action Committee]

[floridaactioncommittee.org – 2/14/19]

What do the following people have in common?

An Air Force Colonel
A prison guard
A Christian school teacher

They are all in positions where they are responsible for protecting people? Yes, but not what I was looking for. They all require specialized training and background clearances? True, but again, not what I had in mind. They are all people we should trust and respect? Ok, not the answer I had in mind. Guess again…

They are all sex offenders? Bingo! You guessed it!

I scan the headlines daily to share relevant news with our members. Within the past 24 hours, I’ve read stories about a former Air Force colonel ordered to pay $150,000 for raping a 15-year-old girl 30 times, the State of New York being ordered to pay $500,000 to a woman who was raped by a Department of Corrections officer at Rikers Island prison, and a former teacher at a Christian academy in Springfield, Oregon who will serve time in state prison for having sex with a student.

And that’s just in 24 hours. These stories come out every day! I generally don’t re-post them because we’re not about judging or shaming, but occasionally I feel like shouting from the rooftops, DON’T PEOPLE REALIZE THAT IT’S NOT SEX OFFENDERS COMMITTING THESE CRIMES!?!?!?!

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I posted this comment at the article:

Good, concise read. I could point out all of the good things about it but I have limited time and don’t want to waste yours. So forgive me for just pointing out an issue. You said those people are “sex offenders” and then shortly after said “IT’S NOT SEX OFFENDERS COMMITTING THESE CRIMES”. Probably not really intentional but you called people who are listed on the $EX Offender Registries “SEX OFFENDERS”. I think you should have said something like “IT’S NOT PEOPLE WHO ARE LISTED ON THE $EX OFFENDER REGISTRIES WHO ARE COMMITTING THESE CRIMES”.

Also, I know when the uninformed rubes who support the Registries read things like that they think, “That’s right, because the Registries work.” So that must ALWAYS be addressed. Perhaps follow that statement above with, “Understand that is not because Registries ‘work’, because Registries do nothing beneficial. Facts have clearly shown that Registries do not improve recidivism and they are much worse than just merely worthless.”

The $EX Offender Registries serve no legitimate public safety or law enforcement purpose. They exist for gossip, harassment, and to give shallow-thinking people their jollies and get them off.

Registries don’t work. If they did, all crimes would be registerable and there would be almost no second offenders.

This piece made me once again think about the “frightening and high” recidivism rates claimed. If they were anywhere near claimed (“upwards of 80%”), wouldn’t almost all those on the registries be in prison, and not living in society? That sort of recidivism would result in a drastic reduction in Price Club membership…yet it paradoxically is climbing exponentially.

(“…. IT’S NOT SEX OFFENDERS COMMITTING THESE CRIMES!?!?!?!” Well, to be accurate, they ARE sex offender by their very commission of these crimes. What they ARE NOT is recidivating, previously-convicted, registered sex offenders whose photos and details appear on a goverment “public safety” website.)

Yea the CDCR, CA Judges (losers) and CASOMB Scum don’t want to admit this or it may hurt their career Ohhh dont forget the LOW LIFE SCUM DA’s that are in collusion and TELL their so called victim’s to LIE !!!

Let me say one thing tho… Funny thing KARMA DOES have its way my so called “victim” that was at the time 18 when he testified at the prelim…. well now he is 26 and in the last year or so… had someone put a BIG dent in his car in Florida (he posted this on social media) and also recently contracted HIV… now generally I surely dont Wish HIV on someone (as im gay also),,, But at the same time… what comes around goes around and KARMA is a B!TCH !! Now just for the DA and JUDGE to get their KARMA I wished upon them ! hahahahah

Given the good USAF Col was retired, I wonder if he’ll get the UCMJ treatment now since SCOTUS said he could by declining Larrabee last week:

Supreme Court: Military retirees can be court-martialed for crimes committed after service


Until you’re off the ready reserve list, behave yourself. He could lose his retirement.