Kat’s blog: The Definition of Words Matters

Watch the current goings on in Washington. Politicians have become fluent at arguing over the definition of words. During the Clinton administration it was the word “is” that Pres. Clinton needed defined. Now, with Attorney General Barr the word “summary” is an issue. I don’t know about the folks in Washington but where I come from all you have to do is look up the definition of a word in the dictionary. It’s not rocket science. Definitions of words are pretty clear cut aren’t they? While those in Washington may…

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NY: Animal-abuser registry plan advances in Oneida County

[romesentinel.com – 5/3/19] A plan to start a registry of convicted animal abusers in Oneida County advanced through a legislative committee this week but not without questions. The Board of Legislators’ Health and Human Services Committee passed the proposal on to the full board Wednesday. The measure would establish an website similar to that of sex offenders, with offender’s names, residence, birth dates, photo and a description of the offense and the sentence. Animal shelters and pet sellers would be able to check it to help reduce the chances of…

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