Janice’s Journal: Today is A Day to Remember

Today is Memorial Day. A day to remember those who paid the “ultimate price” as members of the U.S. Armed Forces. As a U. S. Navy veteran, I salute those who died in combat.

As a leader of this movement, however, I cry for those who died not in combat, but at the hands of vigilantes. For the fights they fought were both unfair and unnecessary.

The fights were unfair because, unlike soldiers, the registrants who were killed were not armed. That is because as registrants, they could not possess a weapon.

The fights were also unfair because the registrants did not initiate them. Instead, the registrants were attacked even though they did not speak in anger or even make a rude gesture toward their attacker.

The fights were unnecessary because registrants are already being punished. Every hour of the day. Every day of the week. And despite the erroneous U.S. Supreme Court decision issued in 2003.

On Memorial Day 2019, I choose to remember registrants who have died at the hand of vigilantes. I share with you the names and a brief description of the individuals of whom I am aware so that you can join me in remembering them. I hope that you will add the names of others who have died at the hand of vigilantes in the comment section following this article so that we can remember them as well.

Michael Dodele – Released from prison and a mental institution after more than 30 years. Stabbed to death by a father who thought that Michael looked at his young son “the wrong way”. Michael had been convicted of sexually assaulting an adult woman.

Donald Crisp – Shot while standing in the driveway of his home. Police have yet to identify the person who killed Donald.

Bobby Ray Rainwater – Stabbed to death while walking quietly in the mobile home park where he lived. Killed by an angry man who didn’t want registrants living in the same mobile home park with him and his family.

Joseph Gray – Shot to death in his home while watching TV with his wife. Killed by an intruder who identified Joseph on the state’s Megan’s Law website.

William Elliott – Shot to death when he answered the door of his mobile home. Killed by an unknown intruder for an unknown reason.

Charles Parker – Shot and stabbed by a couple who asked for help after pretending they needed help for their car. The couple also shot and stabbed Charles’ wife Gretchen.

Garry Lee Blanton – Shot to death by a man hunting for registrants. Garry, a high school senior, had been convicted of having sex with his underage girlfriend, a high school freshman.

Jerry Wayne Ray – Shot to death by the same man who shot and killed Garry Lee Blanton.

— by Janice Belluci

Read all Janice’s Journals

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Good article, I mourn the death of the US Constitution.

May they all RIP

Jerry Caudill: Died at the hands of a arsonist in Kentucky. The arsonist said he wanted to burn down Caudill’s home “to make life hard due to Caudill hurting others.”

My eyes are welling.
J, I fully intend, with your permission, use parts of this blog in my opening here in Rock County during FTR. Summon date June 4. The case begins but the jury of 12 is still a long way off, but useful are these names. No reason in the world why their names can’t be entered in the record via the non evidentiary opening argument. After all SCOTUS blatantly ignored an ex post statute based on ” the people’s intent” in preamble. Home to roost that chicken is. Truth is they already knew vigilantism would likely occur thus the disclaimer. And all for unfettered information flow and database use.

I encourage others to post memoriums of others who’ve been attacked.

Very touching. Seeing the names of the actual human beings who lost their lives behind this really hits home and makes it very real.

“The fights were unfair because, unlike soldiers, the registrants who were killed were not armed. That is because as registrants, they could not possess a weapon.”

This is not always the case, there are those of us that were convicted of misdemeanors that did not lose our right to to self defense. Although I believe that anyone that is not in jail / prison should be able to have access to any weapon needed for self defense.

Also murdered:
Hank Eisses and Victor Vasquez in Bellingham, Washington. Also, Gretchen Parker, the wife of Charles Parker in South Carolina. She was not a registrant.

This is very powerful. Thank you for this post and compiling this list that really drives the point home. Most of all, thank you for the battles you have already fought (and continue to fight) for registrants and their family members. You truly are a hero.

A heart-wrenching but well put piece of writing Janice.
We can never forget those who have lost their lives because of the registry and must continue to fight to prevent any more senseless deaths.

While every one of those names represent a tragedy, looking to this extreme leave unsaid the “small” day to day tragedies… Those who live in terror of losing the job they got (and are grateful for) because a background check wasn’t done, after not getting so many because illegal checks were done… Finding a place to live and it’s just a place to live; it can’t really be a home… Until someone decides to change the rules.

But it’s up to us to stand alone and fight that, right? The big fights mean a whole lot more. Right?

And those, little fights, gone unattended embolden and empower those big tragedies.

Janice, I am retired Navy and know the pain of losing a fellow shipmate and friend. Thank you for your service and support in this unjust war.

Wonderful tribute. Would we know if any of these citizens were also service men in our US military?

Having served myself, it does leave a sour taste in my mouth considering I could have died for a government that supports laws that basically mirror in many ways how the Jews were treated by the Nazis. To even think it’s ok to harass and demean one who is not in a prison or on probation or parole is nothing but harassment of the highest order.


I, too, am a Navy veteran. I did not realize you’re former Navy, as well, and thank you for your service and your continued dedication to serving your country through this organization.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you

A worthy post.

Robert Munger age 70. Murdered by multiple inmates at Airway Heights Corrections Center in Spokane County, Washington.

Add Jean Lascelle. Shot in the head on Feb 13, 2021 at a homeless shelter in Manchester, Mass