MI: Lawmakers ordered to revise the Sex Offender Registry Act

A U.S. district court judge is giving Michigan lawmakers 90 days to change the state’s sex offender registry law, almost three years after it was first ruled unconstitutional by federal appeals court.

U.S. District Judge Robert H. Cleland issued an order that the law must be changed on Thursday.

The ruling stems from an August 2016 decision by the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati which found that Michigan’s Sex Offender Registry Act was unconstitutional. Full Article


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6 days until the deadline. The legislature isn’t back in session until the 20th. This might get interesting

I am confused by all of this. I was, by the judge in Wisconsin, specifically told that I would NOT be on the SOR, that, “the community does NOT need to be protected from you.” Yet, due to an “administrative rule”, when they transferred my probation to Michigan, I was told AFTER THE FACT that moving to MI to complete probation places me automatically on the SOR. Then, when I wanted to return to WI to be closer to my kids and grandkids, I was told that I would have to be a lifetime registrant in Wisconsin because I was on the SOR in Michigan. I don’t know what to do at this point. I’m NOT assigned to it in Wisconsin, but will be on it if I return. I’m on it in Michigan because of this “administrative rule”. How does any of this affect me?

Any information would be appreciated.

I need ONE SOURCE for updates. What is that source as we go forward?

With one day left and no real news on a plan. I am supposed to register this month and have been waiting on the news. I feel they will just be in contempt till they figure it out. Which leads to us still being publicly showcased. After tomorrow if Sora is still active do we go forward with personal lawsuits? I have been looking at lawyers who do constitutional right lawsuits just in case

With today being the deadline to fix Michigan sora I am quite pissed that changes have not been made. The legislature has had 90 days to do something and no action has been taken. They should have at the very least enacted something to remove everyone from the registry that has been affected by ex post facto. Seems to me that when they want to pass an unconstitutional law it happens in a matter of days but when it comes time to right a wrong they drag their feet and we all continue to suffer. It’s time for Judge Cleland to put the hammer down and do something about it himself.

I agree this is a joke, they have applied these laws retroactive to thousands of people including myself , I think they should be sued and forced to pay everyone they applied these laws to with out a court order from a judge or a jury .I hope the judge closes down this unconstitutional list. It has caused so much more harm then good.

Today is the day, and I don’t see any news on it anywhere. Checked the Michigan legislature website, and there is nothing on the agenda. Does this make SORA null and void since they didn’t act?

If the legislature doesn’t take a judge’s ruling seriously then why should we? Judge Cleland, enforce your ruling or risk being a joke!

Doesn’t appear anything happened today other than a phone conference. Pace Monitor doc dated 8/20 was to setup the conference at 10:30am today. What was stated at said conference is what I’d like to know! Maybe others with more insight can offer more information?

This was what is posted on PACER after the meeting today, not exactly sure what it means although it could be that the judge is moving on with the case since they are talking about scheduling.

Minute Entry for proceedings before District Judge Robert H. Cleland: Telephonic Status Conference held on 8/21/2019. Disposition: Parties provided update to the court as required by the court’s May 23, 2019 order (ECF No. 55.) The court anticipates that counsel will now jointly submit additional guidance for the court’s consideration in approving a continued scheduling order. (LWag) (Entered: 08/21/2019)

Haven’t heard a peep about anything today.

As of my posting this at 5:38pm, there has been no ruling from Judge Cleland . I’ll expect to hear some news about it by Friday, if not sooner. Hopefully the news that ends up being presented is good, and I hear on Friday that SORA is unconstitutional in Michigan and will be removed. Right now though it’s anyones ballgame.

Hi I’m new on this site by that I mean, i am new to posting. Ok so in ww2 people were being thrown in camps and were alienated. So people fought for them and freed them after they have been throw hell. I think this is the new America. People judge on something that happened years ago what the flying @#$& do I tell my kids when they play sports and they want me to go. What the %&&^ do I do. Huh give me the awnser Michigan govt cuz this is crazy. Any of us don’t do what a judge says we a crucified and shown to the public. I have trouble since this has happened to me. It had lead to me wanting to just give up. I turned to drinking since I was told I had to register for life my wife has helped me some. I can’t sleep most nights and the cops show up to do a address check and it scars the kids. If I have to register then thieves should and also people that beat kids, wives, ect. Drug dealers, drunks, druggies, people that have a bad driving record it goes on and on. I know this stuff takes time I understand that, but it was ruled 2 years ago. I don’t think we should wait this long. I wish I could talk to someone that runs this I got questions

I wish Bobby was the ACLU’s liaison between registered citizens and themselves.

Tim’s answer of being very busy to answer questions seems kinda like he’s to busy for that volunteer job.

Bobby usually is the one we here from regarding information in Michigan. I never hear from Tim unless I’m missing it. Lol

wow love hows theres no news about anything. I understand nothing was supposed to actually happen yesterday. It would of been nice to know what the plan is. Some details would be enough to hold me over until they push the new law through the system. Like 15 years max for repeat offenders, all juviniles that werent tried as adults get taken right off. 10 years for everyone else, only have to go to the police station once a year. thats a big one. No more residency restriction unless otherwise directed by your porale or probation. Thats the news i really want to hear. Theres so many of us wanting to start to build our life again with our loved ones and michigan seems to just not care about so many people.

Can the Judge say that the SORA is unconstitutional in Michigan. Could it be possible that Michigan would be the 1st state to drop Megan’s law ?

I am curious if any of the Michiganders here are questioning their elected officials who are supposed to have done something here and why they have not or why nothing was posted. Instead of just going through the ACLU as your pipeline of content, how about going through your local elected officials who are responsible for the changes as directed by the court? How about asking the Judge’s court clerk or admin what they intend to do if they legislature does not (as it appears) to do anything? The elected officials offices should still be staffed even if on summer break or one could maybe even find them at their non-elected jobs since many have other jobs they do in the off-session season. You don’t have to ID yourself as a registry member, but a concerned citizen who has family on it…

Please disregard the article about a 90 day extension. That links to the press release from May and the 90 day hold that just ended August 21; it’s not a new 90 days.

Looking into personal lawsuits now. The website is still active and they are now in violation of a court order

I doubt this new legislation will change anything for those that only have the base line living restriction. Though, that would be a welcome change. We will see I guess. I’m crossing my fingers!

im just not understanding how there is no update about anything. 44k people and thier families are left in the dark about stuff that impacts their life. No time frame about anything. No updates on the progress or what we could be at least looking at. The whole registry is changing. no more tiers. No more residnetry restrictions. No more life and no more going to the police 4 times a year. I guess im not understanding why michigan is having such an issue with following a constitional law and just changing. I also dont understand how people can look at the registry and not see that its punishment. I mean that would mean the registry as a whole is unconstitutional though lol.

They need to S.T.O.P the negotiation with the ones who were put on the list with out a judge or court orders. Enough is enough . I received a 1 to 3 year max in 1992 over some B.S. laws that were wrote by politicians that took away many many many American citizens rights to be innocent un tell proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt . There was Nothing no proof what so ever except , her lies , nothing not even a date to support her lies . Nothing !!! There wasn’t even a list at the time , No judge ever sentenced me to anything more then 1 year to 3 years max, Here I am 28 years later still being punished by a politician , I received a life sentence by mail ???? For real I did , You need less proof then you need in a court of law for stealing a candy bar then to get convicted of a sex crime in Michigan , That’s what America is built on now a days, 1 million men and women not include their families who have to be forced to live under the same B.s even if they have nothing to do with the B.s … The me too movement, victims rights advocates and dirty politicians.Have hung many of us out to dry, These laws have been so unjust . I can not even believe that the ones who were forced on these lists years after a B.s conviction have spent their whole lifes suffering and no one is doing a damn thing to change it. I donnt want to hear about negotiations , This is unconditional to the fullest its like living in the twilight zone shit , All because 90% of us are poor or from a lower class population . Its so sad how our state and government treats its citizens . I do pray for change but this is getting very hard to be patient its been 28 years of hell that I myself have not or was not sentenced too . Where is the due prosses ? The list is very punitive and everyone knows it , but for the last 25 years they have tried to say it wasn’t that’s how they got away with applying it to people like myself expost facto ???? This is sad . I belive they can do anything they wish to us as the people and the constitution means NOTHING ! I know they want to negotiate but come on this is gone on long enough . You donnt use real people who are living this hell as negotiation tools like its a bid for a job or something.People are going to start loosing it if they keep up this B.s.

With over 44k people affected by this unconstitutional law and punishment why aren’t we protesting and rallying like the LGBTQ or BLM??? With the pressure now on the Lansing like never before, I personally feel it could add value to the current situation… I’m sure for some who maintained a low profile, despite the fact; would be hesitant knowing that it could draw media coverage, locally, regionally and hell maybe nationally. But even 1% of the registry showing up would be almost 500 people. When you get to the point of being this tired, like I’m sure many of you are… It’s not a bad idea…

Hello Everyone.

I know a lot of people have been wondering what happened on the 21st. concerning Does 2, well I haven’t heard from the ACLU yet, but I did get a email from MCFJ (Michigan Citizens for Justice) So for those of you that do not get their emails, this was sent out through their site. I know some people got it, and some one posted it already, but just in case you missed it here it is again the latest update on Does 2.

Yesterday was the 90 day deadline that Judge Cleland gave the Michigan legislature and the litigants to negotiate a settlement on SORA reform. The parties held a status meeting before Judge Cleland yesterday. Progress is being made. The parties will now continue briefing the Does II case while negotiations for reform legislation continue. That is, they will be working on the law case at the same time as trying to find a legislative solution. The parties hope to have a bill to introduce when lawmakers come back from summer break next week.
