MI: Lawmakers ordered to revise the Sex Offender Registry Act

A U.S. district court judge is giving Michigan lawmakers 90 days to change the state’s sex offender registry law, almost three years after it was first ruled unconstitutional by federal appeals court.

U.S. District Judge Robert H. Cleland issued an order that the law must be changed on Thursday.

The ruling stems from an August 2016 decision by the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati which found that Michigan’s Sex Offender Registry Act was unconstitutional. Full Article


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Well there is a new Bill in the House introduced yesterday. HB 4940 introduced by Rep. Miller but only proposes to change a couple small details of the 1994 amendment. Certainly nothing major that we all have been waiting for.

Doesn’t surprise me , These politicians are above the law , They do as they please. Shoot they even get away with applying punitive punishment , Sometimes even years after a sentence, Falsely claiming it isn’t punitive for years they got away with that B.s , They have applied these barbaric registries ex post facto to thousands of citizens for years & years , It will Never change un tell we make them comply. They wont even listen to judges rulings anymore. Why???? Because these Judges are sell outs.

Early death, disease, cancer genocide, and the registry all are proof that “God” dose not help. Politics are to religious and greedy for them to ever get it done. come on Michigan grow up and fix this f***ing s_&t! I have no faith in anything being delt with right now. Why should we have to wait for a bunch of c#$ks*$kers to do this and I don’t mean acsol I mean the government. They are no different than the Germans in wwll

@Blake……NO, nobody cares…

Because….They can , they get away with applying these unconstitutional laws too citizens on false studies and justify applying these barbaric punishment retroactively too thousands of citizens by falsely justifying them by a politician saying they are not punitive. These sex laws in Michigan need very little to convict and punish a man for the rest of his life, not to mention the pain they inflict on almost 45,000 Michigan citizens. But you know whats funny, Michigans biggest problem to our citizens is the government allowing doctors to pound drugs down the peoples throats . Well politicians use these cooperate companies money to support their campaign’s . Its B.s ! Put it this way , when they can take a person in 1992 and convict them with ZERO evidence what so ever , give him 1 to 3 years then , years after a conviction , come and force them onto this registry for 25 years then send him a life sentence halfway threw the B.s they have already forced on him unconstitutionally .What focked up about it is my girl friend opend the mail box one day and a letter addressed to me , I open it and they give me a LIFE sentence ?????? WOW …. they are very dirty these politicians in Michigan, But let me tell you what really sucks , Even a judge cant stop them . They are so corrupt. All I can say is arrange a protest on the steps of the capital building in Lansing . As far as the Aclu goes they been saying the same sh%t for the last 25 years , they wouldn’t even tackle these sex laws in Michigan that from day one were unconstitutional , I called and even talked to them 25 years ago , They like to play ring around the rosie they could have stop this a long time ago , Michigan needs like no evidence to support these crazy B.s laws and if you appeal they use tactical manipulation by telling you they will give you 20 years if you loose your case , its B.s I was told if I appeal it would open my guide lines and they could send me back for 20 years its B.s they force people on these lists unjustly and unconstitutionally. They even made a recapture law in Michigan that will retroactively pull expost facto citizens into there web years and years after a conviction. How do they get away with applying punitive punishment’s retroactively via renegade politicians ????

P.s… lets not forget the school system in Michigan…… These politicians are Jack A$$ $ …. They do not care about the children of Michigan … I know , I drive by the public schools in Flint Mi. everyday …. Windows broke out, no air, grass 3 foot high , water all focked up. It so painfully reminds me how they got away with it all ..I was once one of these unfortunate kids. that’s how they got away with it all … poverty and geologically I was screwed from day one to this system. These politicians are dirty . But the people they let them get away with it like we all have, and the Aclu not fighting these laws that allow a state to convict someone with little to nothing , then continue to punish a citizen retroactively and ex post facto , No one should be on this unjust registry because everyone know how dirty politicians are. Hats off to both sides of the parties .

Can someone please explain why we have to abide by the law the is demed unconditional if you get arrested for so called “law” then you could sue. If I’m correct. Someone on here knows more about this then I do but I think there is a bunch of stuff you can sue maybe

Hello Everyone. For those of us living in Michigan, we are all passionate about sex offender reform, and justifiably so. I myself as well as you had many questions as to why only a few bills have been introduced to the house, and I called my congressman. He said that the entire law cannot be changed in one bill, as each part of the law has an amendment, each amendment has to be changed individually. The big chunks of the law that apply to us that have to do with the unconstitutional laws concerning the SORA, are being finalized and should be introduced in the next few weeks. Legislators are well aware of the deadline approaching them, and assure that the laws will be changed soon.

I know everyone is up in arms about this, myself included, but as we all know, the laws didn’t change overnight, and it will take time to revise. I followed this up with the ACLU, and they also confirmed what I was told. They have another Status Conference the week of the 20th, to give tangible updates to Judge Cleland. Also the brief of the unconstitutionality of the SORA “Ex Post Facto” is a different matter and will be presented shortly as well. The ACLU reaffirmed that everyone should stay compliant, and not to test Law Enforcement.

I know it’s not the best of news, but it is news indeed.

………… More swamp land for sale on the Las Vegas Strip !

It’s about the MONEY if the State’s don’t comply they lose a bunch of money.

States must comply with Title I Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA) provisions of the federal Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006, or face a 10 percent reduction to federal law enforcement assistance grants. The act mandates information that must be collected; defines tiers of sex offenders for the purpose of registration duration; requires periodic, including in-person, verification of registration information; requires internet-based information that contributes to a national registry; other related requirements.

Thank you for the good news appreciate it BigAnt.

Maybe its because I’m just dumb or don’t understand, but what do you mean by. Keep in mind, yes they have to change the law, but the law changes are separate from those impacted by the ExPost Facto Class Action Lawsuit. The briefing for that will be taking place shortly as well. So how does the changes and the expose facto be a separate issue have to do or effect people like me convicted in 1992 and was suppose do 25 years but was put on life registration. I’m pre-sorna, so I should be removed automatically, like many other people.

I might be wrong C, but I’m not sure that is a final copy of anything. To the best of my knowledge they are still in committee with the bill. If that is their final proposed bill Judge Cleland is going to have a melt down.

Anybody else have an opinion?

To me it doesn’t come as a surprise. Politicians are nitwits. They are the most immoral unethical pieces of human trash on earth. Aaron Miller pats himself on the back for being the representative of St Joseph county. It’s a backwards rural area. He isn’t allowed to do anything in Lansing so in order to appear busy and deserving of his job he focuses on easy to pass bills. It still will never mean a thing as Judge Cleland’s order should undermine it all. I’m trying to stay optimistic that this will improve our situation.

Just my 2 cents…

Well if it happens not to change or get any better, I told my wife I am selling everything, buying a sailboat, sailing it from Michigan too the Atlantic Ocean, once I hit international waters cutting off this lifetime GPS and letting it sink to the bottom of the Ocean. (technical probation violation, 10 month prison sentence Judge amends sentence 60 days into it adds lifetime GPS)
Good luck getting your $365.00 a year plus your $50.00 plus the $10 grand I owe for your rip off parole GPS that cost you 365 bucks a year? Really?
I will be siting on my boat drinking a nice ice cold beer far away from all this crap.

Imagine that, months, years later, they are ordered. What about all those that have been waiting for nothing but the same outcome. Prolonged as long as humanly possible by all sides.

Michigan …. Politicians Sucks ! The court system has sucked in 45,000 citizens, in most cases with little to no evidence what so ever & took their liberty and the right to live life free after a conviction , all via renegade politicians who get away with writing amendments to a supposedly nonpunitive registry, then found a way to retroactively apply it too thousands of its citizens unjustly and unconstitutionally, The courts need to stop allowing this to happened . These sex laws need to change , Its getting way out of hand , they are locking people up with little to no evidence and destroying their entire lives , Not to mention the damage its doing to the families of the people of the registries, these registries are unjust do NO good, protect NO one from nothing. Soon the people will have had enough and rise up and destroy those who support these registries .I myself am looking forward to the day this happens 🙂 I know myself its been 28 long years of expost facto punishment almost every year or two getting more and more punitive punishment added year after year , when I was sucked in in 1992 with NOTHING more then hear say for a case against me I was 20 I received 1 to 3 years , then in 1995 came a unjust registry that was applied retroactively after my sentence , Then more more more more more amendments and punishment for 28 long years . all applied after my conviction 28 years ago .A judge never sentenced me to a registry ,But a politician gave me a life sentence on a registry, via mail , JOKE ! Hope shit changes . I know Everyday is a struggle just not going off the deep end , knowing these jack asses took most of our lives away with little to nothing and could careless. Its B.S !

P.s … I feel for all the young people they keep trapping with these unjust laws, then labeling them for the rest of their lives as rapest then listing them on a public format for the entire world to scrutinize and shunned by the public daily and expect them to be equal as well as finding work knowing that no one will hire them because of the stigma that comes with being on these public hit list for all to see, with the internet most will be domed to a life of pain and suffering. Its just a bomb ready to go off , the public isn’t any safer from these barbaric registries.


I was just wondering if any one else received this email today or tonight like I did, it’s from the MCFJ (Michigan Citizens for Justice) As everyone probably knows, a panel of federal Circuit Court judges in Does v. Snyder I decided that Michigan’s sex offender registry is punishment and can’t be applied retroactively. As part of the same lawsuit, a federal District Judge said that several parts of Michigan’s SORA law, such as the 1,000 rule, are ambiguous, and therefore unconstitutional. This was several years ago and Michigan’s lawmakers have still not changed the law. There is currently a commission that is meeting, trying to come up with a new SORA law. The Governor, the Attorney General, the ACLU, and representatives from both chambers of the Legislature are part of this commission. The Attorney General supports significant changes, but the Governor seems to only want very minimal changes.

Would you please write Governor Gretchen Whitmer asking her to support legislative changes to Michigan’s sex offense registry? She may be reached at P. O. Box 30013, Lansing, MI  48909, phone number 517-335-7858, or online at https://somgovweb.state.mi.us/GovRelations/ShareOpinion.aspx

Here are some talking points you might want to use:

—public sex offense registries have been shown to not reduce sex offenses:
    The recidivism rate of people on the registry is not high, but in fact is among the lowest of any category of crime.
    A public registry can actually increases recidivism [J J Prescott, Do Sex Offender Registries Make Us Less Safe?],
    “Stranger danger” is a myth because 93% of sex offenses are committed by people known and trusted by the victim.
—Michigan is ranked the 4th highest state for the percentage of its population on a sex offense registry.
—We who are on the registry, our families, and society are hurt by the onerous regulations under which registrants are forced to live. Perhaps you can mention a personal consequence of being on the registry, such as not attending your children’s school activities or losing a job.
—Michigan’s sex offense registry is currently unconstitutional. Michigan needs to change its law now or a judge will force changes on the state soon.


Did anyone else receive the same email?

i am to a juvinile offender for doing something stupid when i was 15. I dont understand who feels its ok to impose a life sentence on a minor before they are even legal to have sex? I wasnt tried as an adult yet i got treated like an adult for something that doesnt justify what i have to deal with everyday of my life. its bullcrap and everyone around me that i talk agrees. i just dont understand.

Hello Everyone, I realize this maybe to soon to ask, but has anyone by chance heard anything about what happened on the September 21st meeting, concerning the changes to the registry. Does anyone know if any bill’s were enter deuced, or agreed upon or passed. I’ve tried looking but can’t fined any bill’s that were enter deuced, concerning the changes that must be made soon. Thanks in advance.

Ya what is going on I would like to know also I hate how we are left in the dark

Yes, I would like to know as-well. Seems like nobody has any info. Left in the dark again!

Just wondering has anyone tried to login to the registry today? I’ve been trying most of the day and keep getting a message under maintenance, either it’s actually under maintenance, or wishful thinking they are making changes to the registry, or Cleland shut it down till the changes are made lol.

Also has anyone heard anything on the meeting they were suppose to have every 30 days, or anything on the bill’s that were up for consideration this week. Thanks in advance.

@ bobby …yes its down . Hope its burning to the ground as we speak . 🙂