AL: Child sex offender-chemical castration bill sponsor State Rep. Hurst: ‘It should be surgical castration’ — Some offenders ‘ought to die’

[ – 6/13/19]

Earlier this week, Gov. Kay Ivey signed HB 379 into law, which is a bill that will mandate so-called chemical castration for certain sex offenders as parole condition for early release.

The law received headlines all around the country, despite Alabama joining several states, which includes California, Louisiana and Florida, with chemical castration laws already on the books.

If the bill’s sponsor had his way, it would go much further. During an interview on Huntsville radio’s WVNN, State Rep. Steve Hurst (R-Munford) explained his push for the legislation but added that he would prefer surgical castration or even death for some offenders.

“I did say this, and I still say this, and I’ve told the media, and I’ll tell you – the way I look at it, it should be surgical castration,” Hurst said on “The Jeff Poor Show.” “But if somebody molests a small child, to be quite honest with you, they ought to die.”

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This guy running his mouth needs to keep his mouth in check, the ones who cry the loudest on this issue is the most guilty for being the very thing their screamin about it.

This is exactly why the solution can’t come from legislation. There are elected people like this everywhere and they have the absolute support of the voters. The solution to the registry lie must come from the Supreme Court. There are protections in place, via the Constitution, that very clearly tell us that what has happened with the registry is illegal. Just the other day, Clarence Thomas made comments about dumping precedent in cases that warrant it. Most people thought he was talking about Roe. Maybe he was. But this is an opportunity to find out. There are strict Constitutional scholars on SCOTUS now. It’s time to find out if they believe what they preach. Begging elected professional liars to make things better for us is a fool’s errand. By doing this, we got a “tiered registry” that is the biggest scam I have seen since the gas tax. We need to get the courts to tell the professional liars that what they are doing is illegal. Anything less is just a waste of energy and resources.

This has to unconstitutional in every way shape and form, time to file a Class Action Lawsuit against Alabama. Just glad I don’t leave there, plus wouldn’t this qualify as a violation of the 4th Amendment? Search and Seizure.

The ignorant mind set of this man is frightening. He obviously isn’t even familiar with the laws that he is elected to vote on. How many offenses fall under “molestation?” Maybe if his 19 year old son has a relationship with a 15 year old girlfriend he can volunteer to throw the switch. Also, it seems to me that most of the death penalty cases that have been overturned through DNA evidence come from this part of the country. The entire reason most people oppose the death penalty is because too many people are wrongfully convicted by overzealous, under informed, fanatics like him. Just think of the Tawana Brawley case. Thank goodness this ignorant fool wasn’t overseeing that or we would have a bunch of tortured and dead innocent teens. This guy is scary.

Government bodies are on a crusade victimization of sex offenders

Isn’t slavery still legal in Alabama? What a backwards state. if this goes into practice the lawsuits are going to be flying especially after people develop cancer from the drugs they are forcing them to take.

Alabama like many States will continue to be worse and worse because the People choose the Laws direction !!
I live in Bama and every where you find Corrupt hypocrites who are Cowards and the “I’ll do it my way” Back Country Law that is continually ABUSIVE towards it’s Citizens when it comes to Civil Rights and all forms of legal matters. ..THEY ARE AS SHIESTY AS THEY CAN BE !!
HOW LONG DO YOU THINK IT WOULD TAKE IF THE CORRUPT LAW, JUDGES and all Systems are blocking, Stopping and Forcing what They want ???
Why does every Organization and People wait until People are destroyed before the DO THE RIGHT THING !

The constitution in Art1 sec 9,10, essentially castrated congressional use of ex post language in law making. Congresses ALL 51, utilized ” Was in prison for a….crime enumerated ” in the OMNIBUS94. This fact prominently exposed a blatant and whole disrespect for constitutional convention undertaken specifically to keep the union one free of tyranny from a powerful few.
Neither political party GIVES A DAMN concerning constitutional reverence. That is why Trump became prez, and will get a second term. President Trump recently stated ” no man who voted for the 94 crime bill could ever be elected. ” He is right on that score.

SOR was always more about the machine than the men. But they made an ideal scapegoat.

I’ve seen both extremes in here of saying that change has to come through changing peoples minds like it did with blacks and gay and the other side saying that it has to come through SCOTUS like Brown v Board of Education.

Well, first, the negative attitude towards us, unlike blacks and gays, will never change or get better because we actually did something wrong. So getting people to sympathize won’t work much at all.

Second, SCOTUS didnt fix much with Brown V board of Education to end segregation. It still existed in most souther states even 10 YEARS after that decision. It wasnt until the US legislators made it against the law 10 years later and forced change. SCOTUS is essentially powerless to enforce anything but can give legislators an excuse to eventually do the right thing and justify to upset voters.

The real solution is a combination. It will take court cases pushing real facts and demonstrate how these laws hurt everyone. It will take politicians using these court cases to justify doing the right thing in spite of uneducated people still against it. Before any of that, we need to get some public opinion behind us because otherwise judges will ignore facts and use any excuse to just defer to precident.

Just because the Supreme Court and Rep Hurst have no balls doesn’t mean we should all lose ours.