FL: Homeless Sex Offenders Must Move Again

Ever since the Julia Tuttle Causeway became an encampment for sex offenders more than a decade ago, officials have been trying to shoo the group away from the rest of civilization. Thanks to stringent requirements mandating that child predators live 2,500 feet from schools, parks, and daycare centers, the offenders have struggled to find legal housing, leaving many effectively homeless. For years, the roving offenders have been shuffled from one place to another, angering unlucky neighbors and nearby business owners. Full Article

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But of course, no federal or state judge finds anything wrong with any of this.

It somehow doesnt count as unconstitional banishment?

What are the statistics on how many registered citizens left the county due to this over the last decade?

Perhaps Mr book would help fund a place to put them if it had barbed wire and armed guards to essentially put these free people that did their time back in a prison.

“”If somebody wants to build something away from the general population, we would certainly encourage that,” Book says.”

Which is hardly the stated intent of Residency Restrictions / Jessica’s Law, which is to protect children of registrant abuse in places where children congregate, like schools, parks and day cares (which happens, like, never) by registrants residing less than a 10 minute stroll from aforementioned child centric places (which happens, really really, never).

His honesty that this is about banishment is actually quite refreshing.

btw – is the convicted criminal’s current criminal drunk driving case still active?

Meanwhile, Ron Book has earned his second DUI this one involving an accident that was his fault because he was intoxicated over the legal limit. Last year 10,874 people died in drunk driving accidents. over 1000 children were killed by drunk drivers. Did you hear that senator Lauren Book? 1000 children were murdered by people driving while they are intoxicated!!! Yet all those drunk drivers will get a second chance, a third chance like your father, a fourth and fifth chance. They will get their licenses back. They will all be on the road again. They are not on a registry. They could be living next to you. They could be living within 2000 feet of a liquor store, or a school cross walk, or a microbrewery. And Lauren–you do nothing. If you really cared about children you would be pushing for laws to protect all these children killed by drunk drivers. Why aren’t you??? Many people on the registry never even touched anyone. Their lives were forever destroyed for being on the computer. You make them live under bridges, without bathrooms, unemployable, destitute, but you have no problem with people getting multiple DUI’s. If you cared, you would be pushing for legislation.

This is a reason why I will not visit Florida or endorse it to anyone.

Blast her FB page, which is loaded with boasts of her saint-like altruistic community contributions, yet devoid of efforts to curb drunk driving.


Mr. Ron Book, & Mr. Jon Walsh are parents of victimized children. While each has experienced a different collateral outcome, each also feels a tremendous amount of psychological pain from their own choices. Facts are important.
A. Ron B. hired on the nanny to rear his child, as HE was to busy doing something else.
B. Jon W. after having been informed by his boy of his need to pee or poop, sent his son off to a public bathroom BY HIMSELF in a busy Mall, as HE was to busy doing something else.

The perpetrators, one female(molester), one male( killer) were enabled by errant personal choices. Guilt can be overwhelming especially parental guilt. Each parent feels helpless in the matter. Doing something, even if it’s the wrong thing, feels cathartic but each also pays a price for retribution as it will only extend those feelings into a career in victim’s stance. A very dangerous psychological space indeed.