NY: Medicaid bought sex offenders’ erectile dysfunction drugs

[whec.com – 6/5/19]

Registered sex offenders in New York received $63,000 worth of erectile dysfunction drugs and other sexual treatments courtesy of the state’s publicly funded Medicaid program, according to an audit released Wednesday.

Federal rules bar Medicaid coverage of sexual treatments for all recipients, not just sex offenders. Yet state Medicaid officials approved $930,000 in improper payments for the drugs between 2012 and 2018, according to the audit released by state Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli and first reported by The Associated Press.

According to the audit, 47 of those Medicaid recipients were also state sex offenders, who are prohibited from getting Medicaid-covered sexual treatments under a state law.

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A prime example of a databases ability to ” sort” files thereby identifying precisely the amount of $ flow. Firms have capitalized exponentially by these same action which promotes efficiency and efficacy. This quasi surgical razor can also be used to identify political competition and head them off via nefarious means. Clearly the INTENT of this article is to cut off the wasted use ( presumably) of tax $. Bizzarro world finding out sex offense justifies ostricizing from Medicaid covered sex treatment. EITHER states want to treat sexual dysfunction or not.

“State health officials dismissed much of the criticism, noting that under Medicaid rules, erectile dysfunction drugs can be prescribed to treat other conditions, such as prostate problems.

The auditors “either ignored the law or the facts, which undermines any value that can be associated with its findings,” the department said in a formal, written response to the audit.”

Nothing will prevent a re-offense more than a healthy intimate relationship with another person. Loneliness, isolation, and rejection are probably at the root of many sex offenses, it was in mine. The first thing people assume with this article is that the person is out doing something inappropriate. Also, those drugs do not make you aroused, they only allow the person to perform once aroused. So legalizing marijuana which is an aphrodisiac could be more of a risk then these drugs. Also, many of those past sex offenders were probably on Medicaid because they can’t get employment due to the punitive nature of the registry.

Would rather see these auditors go over the books of local PDs to see how they’re spending SORNA (and state counterpart) funds.

Ruining a person’s future based on their past !! Unconditional
Getting into every facet of their lives based on possible future behaviors !!! Unconditional
So, these men have sex convictions, but they are not allowed to have same human physical conditions ?
Now it’s acceptable and good to allow every person in the world to disrupt, interfere, block, hinder, control every detail.. including private lives of these men just because ….of Fear and so called high potential for future crimes !!!
Why does this sound So Wrong !!
Because it is !!!
Is someone going to stop this madness !!!
How can a defense be given when all we hear are negatives !
Let’s put Positive information out for people !!
Thanks !!

Typical click bait for the outrage mob. Not only do we have to tolerate life by living with the hate, we’re used for shock value, propaganda stories such as this.

I want to know why these two data criteria were even studied together. Prior conviction should have no tie to Personal health information. Why would this even be looked at? This was a gross overreaching of the auditors.