[Updated 7/9/19] Facebook updates standards to allow death threats against alleged sexual offenders

[Updated by ACSOL 7/9/19] Earlier today it was reported by the Washington Examiner newspaper that Facebook had revised its posting policies to allow individuals to post threats of harm to anyone who the media had identified as committing a sex offense.  In record time, Facebook has reversed those policies and now states that it will not allow such threats to be posted. Below is link to the newest revised policies. Facebook did not explain why it made this remarkably quick change, but regardless we can be grateful that the change…

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CA: Program lets victims confront offenders

[avpress.com – 7/9/19] SACRAMENTO— California officials are experimenting with a new diversion program for criminals that includes allowing victims to directly confront their offenders. The budget that took effect July 1 includes $5 million to fund the program for five years in a county with a history of high crime, although it has been tried elsewhere and is more frequently used with juvenile offenders. The California program is for offenders of any age. It will pair victims and offenders before they are convicted, and offenders who complete the program can…

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