KY: ‘It will also prevent this from happening again.’ Neighbors, including local prosecutor, sought park to displace sex offender

In a neighborhood of broad lawns and trees, residents wanted one of their neighbors to leave – and they seized on an unusual way to try and get the city’s help to force him out.

The drama involved a local prosecutor, a sex offender, and a tiny sliver of land along Dixie Highway with a handful of benches and a doggy bag dispenser.

In the spring, a registered sex offender moved in next door to Kyle Burns, who also happened to be an assistant Commonwealth attorney for Campbell County.

Burns had an idea: Get the Fort Mitchell Park Board to put a playground in that space. That playground would change everything for everyone; It would be publicly owned –  and would force the offender to move. Full Article

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Prime case should the person who is not wanted still lives there if the park goes in, is forced to move, and is not grandfathered. More people like this one should move into the area and the house if possible.

“If building a park there happens to keep registered sex offenders out … that could only increase the safety of the neighborhood and increase property values,” said Kenton County Commonwealth Attorney Rob Sanders.

So this is his hidden movatation to raise his property value. He is using his influence to profit himself.

How underhanded is this just to get rid of one person? Not because he was doing something bad or illegal in the neighborhood but his label and his past.

A past he did time for and owes no debt to society no more.

I’m sure Mr Burns feels good about himself thinking he did a great thing for his community by usurping the democratic process to oppress one individual’s right to make a home there.

And when the community got together for that meeting was the Registrant invited to voice his opinion?

This is democracy eroding…

I hope these morons can be sued. This is sickening!!!

O the Web! OF HATE That people weave to outcast someone. Like the old saying goes.. ( People don’t remember the good THINGS you do! (Just the Bad!! ) And once you do a bad thing you can’t be forgiven.or redeem your self. Back To society! Witch is bull shzt !!! That is how people learn and grow to better themselves. No one was born with a this is how life book 101 has to be followed. All people make mistakes and undersimate problems that could land them in jail.The list need too be stop!!! It is No good for our country!! Putting people in a homeless place and stopping people from working. Just put more pressure on the tax payers. The register list got to go.

This is yet one more thing that needs to be put into any petition or lawsuit for the supreme court to show how these laws are indeed punishment, regardless of the “intent”. Name any other class of citizens that can potentially be forced to move due to neighbors plotting by using parks, etc. as their weapon to force you out. The man who came up with the idea should be seen as nothing more than a troublemaker. Does he know if there’s a murderer in his neighborhood? A meth dealer/maker? A person convicted of beating their child half to death? No, lets just pick on the person with the sex crime, who is doing nothing but living his life. Those fools cant even point to improper behavior by the individual while living in the neighborhood to try to justify the abuse…………..

Im surprised no one has mentioned yet that the author of the article quoted Janice and ACSOL about this issue. I’m planning to write and thank the reporter for her professionalism.