Kat’s Blog: Things That Make You Go, Hmmm

Not wanting to fill jails during the coronavirus, LA police have decreased the amount of arrests they make from 300 per day to 60. A sort of “catch and release program”, if you will.

If they can do that now, doesn’t that mean they’re usually arresting and putting far too many people in jail?  Hmmm.

Prisons and jails have begun releasing low-risk inmates early, (with the exception of those with a sex offense), putting them on community supervision, parole and GPS ankle monitoring in an attempt to free up space in facilities in the event there is need for quarantine areas.

Doesn’t that just prove the point that those inmates were safe enough to have been let out all along and that we, as a society, keep many low-level inmates in jails and prisons far too long? Hmmm.

Our grocery store shelves are devoid of toilet paper.  The “hoard mentality” at work.

Prisoners can’t stockpile toilet paper, in fact, having more than two roles results in an infraction. Hmmm.

Those of us on the outside are strongly advised to maintain 6 feet “social-distancing”.

Prisons and jails are over-crowded, the air is stale, toilets are communal and inmates are sleeping on unsanitary blankets and mattresses on cement floors. How does that advice help them? Hmmm.

On the outside, hand sanitizer is everywhere (including hoarded in closets.)

Inmates on the other hand, have no access to “alcohol-based” hand sanitizer or bleach, they must take care of their personal hygiene and cells the best they can with mild, non-antimicrobial, all-purpose cleaner. Having an excess of “cleaning rags” by inmates is considered contraband. Hmmm

Those of us who aren’t incarcerated can continue to maintain phone/computer contact with our loved ones during this pandemic.

Some prisons have discontinued visits and virus-lockdowns have put an end to phone calls. One facility was encouraging inmates to put a sock over the phone receiver to avoid spreading germs. Were they supposed to use the sock that they were wearing on their foot? (Having extra socks is an infraction in some facilities.)  Hmmm?

This comment was made by Kenton Commonwealth’s Attorney Rob Sanders in Kentucky “With few exceptions, anybody non-violent, who didn’t offend against a child, stands a very good chance of being released from jail.  We all know that the coronavirus getting into one of these jails would be a very bad thing for everybody.”

Is he suggesting it wouldn’t be bad for those in the jail, that are non-violent but charged with a sex offense?  Hmmm.

This comment made by Madison Circuit Judge Jean Chenault Logue, Kentucky “I’ve asked the commonwealth’s attorney and chief public defender to review the jail list and find candidates for release.  Not everyone will qualify. Some inmates are charged with violent crimes or sex crimes, or they have a history of bond violations that indicates they cause problems when released before trial.”

Seems no matter what the “sex crime”, the label gets you automatically categorized with those charged with violent crimes and those who cause problems. Hmmm.

Groups such as the ACLU and The Sentencing Project are asking officials to consider early release for elderly prisoners and those at risk, at least those who don’t pose a risk to the general public.

Many of those charged with sex offenses are at personal risk when in general population in jails and prisons. Many of them would not be a risk to the general public if they were released early. And yet, none of those charged with a sex offense will be released early despite the pandemic risk. Hmmm.

I like this comment the best.  It comes from Virginia Beach Sheriff Ken Stolle “Now is the time for us as a society to decide who we are mad at and who we are afraid of and only incarcerate those we’re afraid of.”

In the past few weeks, society has learned to wash their hands. Perhaps society can learn that not every registrant needs to be feared.


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One of the perks of arresting someone is that you get to go back into the station, socialize with staff, spend a lot of time filling a report, the more time you spend in the station the less time you are actually out there handling the dangerous things. I imagine if someone did an actuarial study they would find life expectancy greater for the cops who made more low level crime arrests.
Now, with the virus the less contact with the station, or public, the higher the benefit, i.e. fewer arrests.

The fear of sex crimes continues.

I have tested positive for Covid 19 and am in the recovery process. I desperatly need to stock up on groceries but am staying home not to spread this to my fellow citizens. These are the same citizens that have made me pariah for my entire adult life and put me on a list and essentially ruined my life.

I am having torn feelings and fighting the urge to go get what I need… anyone else having these same “who cares about joe schmo?” during this pandemic or is is just me?

Now it is you who has power. In charge of the destiny of others. Some who hate you with out knowing you. Some who helped you feel as a pariah in this world. You have the power, the choice to be compassionate, or to exact some revenge. I already know your path. Keep safe. Protect those you care for.

Torn, find someone who can help you get groceries. And know that you were the bigger person for thinking about the welfare of others. Better health to you!

@ Torn… Hey just call a grocery store mgr. Tell him or her you have tested positive and if they could send some groceries to your home and place them on the porch. I’m sure in situations like this that would work with you on this.

Justice or Wrath of God?

Many on this list have been forced because of the injustice of the list, to “self isolate” because of in the inability to get a real job, or sick of the stalkers.

Now, the whole Bay Area California gets to self isolate, and lost their jobs. John Q Public, sure the heck do not like it one bit!

Isn’t it ironic, don’t you think?

Wow – at least three of us from Wisconsin on here. We should start a local chapter…

Y’know, Kat, your first two paragraphs instantly made me think of “super special sale” prices. Once I have paid $30 for a pair of athletic shoes, I am unwilling to later pay $100 for that same pair of shoes (because, in my mind, that $30 has become the real price and anything above that is just markup/additional profit margin.)
So, yeah, if they have reduced arrests by 80% for the “Corona holiday”, why can’t they reduce arrests by 80% the rest of the time?? 🤔

Hmm, well there you go Kat. I believe we all have to say hmm at certain junctions of life. Hmm, Should we think as a conspircy theory – This virus can hurt in many ways or makng one sick and even kill . Hmm, Sure no man is an island and if one could live alone why did the creation of woman come about, or why did we have the supprise 911 attact that everyone theroies about that its from this or that country or any other current event in history that puts a halt to anything. But in the end true justice prevails.

We all know how this virus has effected some on a terrible scale. Even with one’s registry to get some answers to registry in person, update fingerprints, etc. Hmm what about how it effets a person’s life or for that matter his or her stock portfolio. Are we all in for a stock market crash. Hmmm registries should be the least of worries or what was John Marshall all about and I did go to Marshall U. If one can’t get out they can’t get out, or who’s quarantine’s brain matter today.

Hmm safety is good if one is prepared ahead of time or did it rain for 40 days and 40 nights. hmm If one listens with one’s ears or hearing one could determine how to get out of the rain. hmm it does it really take an Einstein to understand why unbrella’s are made or does even government know how to get out of the rain today.

Sure we all scramble for answers but I don’t want to be like one of my sisters and have an answer for eveything to justify herself and when questioned again she clams up like a fish.
One would even wonder hmm who today is using right understanding brain matter today but when government is faced with something like a coronaivirus or convid -19 as they have labbled it. They seem to have the answer to the victory of the safety of all American people or who is scrambling today. Hmm so where is truth today.

Sure the virus is killing many but even wars do that. Hmm is this virus telling people something today and with a lesson attached. Problems, Problems, Problems, damn the problems.

Wow. At first I thought this story was about a registrant, there were so many similarities, until I read the entire story