Read the Joint Statement from Elected Prosecutors on Covid-19 and Addressing The Rights and Needs of Those In Custody

[ – 3/2020]

COVID-19 has the world on high alert. In recognition that the coronavirus is spreading quickly among high concentrations of people in close proximity, schools are being shut down, conferences rescheduled, international travel is being restricted, and cruise ships –the early incubators of the virus–are being quarantined. Those measures are all sensible, but they also drive home how little attention is being paid to the millions of people in the most overcrowded conditions that are ripe for the spread of this contagious and deadly virus: the people behind bars in America’s jails, prisons, and immigration detention centers.

There are 2.3 million adults and children locked up in the United States in various systems of confinement, including state and federal prisons, local jails, youth correctional facilities, and immigration detention centers. Far more cycle in and out of jail on a daily basis; there are 10.6 million jail admissions every year.

Our country’s jail and prison populations have exploded over the last few decades, a result of people being prosecuted more often for less serious behavior; an increase in the severity of sentences imposed; and our cash-based pretrial detention system, which keeps hundreds of thousands of people in jail prior to any determination of guilt and merely because they can’t afford to pay bail. Recently, immigration detention has reached record proportions, despite apprehensions at the border being far below historic highs. The result of these practices is overcrowded jail, prison and immigration detention facilities that force people together in close quarters without access to proper hygiene or medical care, sometimes living barracks-style in gyms or other open spaces, breathing the same recycled air for up to 23 hours per day. These conditions are fertile ground for the spread of a virus like COVID-19.

Read the full document


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Sigh, I thought the US imprisoned us “for the safety of even one child”. Many convicted of sex crimes had no victim yet were/are imprisoned. Some had a victim who wasn’t specifically involved in the crime. Some had victims who consented in order to live.

Now, the “for the safety of even one child” goes out the window as covid 19 evolves.

What happened moron politicians? Or will no sex criminals be released? “…ensure that all members of their community are protected and no one is forgotten.” You forgot about the injustices placed on us and our families for decades. You forgot our rights to be safe and prosper.

Change is coming. Albeit slowly, but it is coming.

I’m glad to see prosecutors coming to an agreement that things have to become humane in the states. Punishment (registry included) falls apart in moments a national and international crisis. What matters is we are all here together on this floating rock in space and we are all we have.

I find it truly encouraging to read that a group of prosecutors recognizes what we all know to be true about the ills of this county’s use of incarceration in all its forms.

All I am saying is theirs a reason for all season and yes the Good Lord is still in control. He sends rain and what He needs for true understanding. So wake up courts of justice and the truth will set you free.

look at the bright side… if all prisoners get it the STAFF 99% will get it to ! the more of the BAD Eliminated staff like rogue CO’s and TYRANT Sheriff scum the better !!

Bob, when my dad was living he was a tax accountant for a small utility company after after the war. He hated to go to court over this and that, pipline issues, tax law’s in the 50’s & 60’s, etc. He was even a wittness in a murder trail during the 30’s in the Mamie Thurman case when he lived in a boarding house in Holden at the time. It was big news back than in Appalachian History.

Yes even tax law’s change from year to year. Seems these sex laws are no different in much of these ordeals. These sex offender laws can change if someone doesn’t say enough is enough. While we are suppose to pray for goverment leaders one has to wonder who is leading who astray in many ways and means.