CA Supreme Court Denies Review of Challenge to In-Person Registration

The California Supreme Court issued an order today denying ACSOL’s challenge to in-person registration requirements by local law enforcement agencies during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Court’s decision to deny review is based upon the fact that the Governor issued an Executive Order earlier this month that encourages, but does not require, local law enforcement agencies to remotely register individuals. In its short decision, the Court cited only part of the Executive Order which suspends the taking of fingerprints and photographs as well as the requirement to sign and initial the registration forms.

“We are gravely disappointed that the California Supreme Court has denied review of an issue that could result in the spread of COVID-19 to registrants, their families, law enforcement officials and the public,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci. “Due to the Court’s decision to deny review, additional cases will need to be filed throughout the state.”

As of today, a total of seven cases have been filed challenging in-person registration. Of that total, five cases have been filed in Superior Courts and one has been filed in federal district court. In addition to lawsuits, ACSOL has sent letters to the City of Oakland and the City of San Francisco as well as San Bernardino and Riverside Counties requesting that they stop in-person registration and threatening lawsuits if they do not.

Read the decision:


Related links:

Another pandemic-docket denial, this one concerning in-person sex offender registrations [ 5/23/20]


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I would have closed with the supreme court by saying ..
See You in Court again !!!
Big Smile and wave !! 🙋‍♂️😁

Not surprised. Aren’t these the same robe-wearing commies who said it’s okay for the government to change the terms of a plea bargain after the fact? They are fools!!!

Seems like everyone wants to challenge someone over something, whether its politics, the registry game, to wear a mask or not to wear a mask. One wonders who know’s better than who today Sure one can use logic but who sits down to reason. Sure everyone wants to be accountible for themselves but one wonders about who is accountable during this this pandermic episode. One might even challenge being independant or dependant. Isn’t that what America wanted to be independent.

Seems for the sex offender their independance is lost in this internet whorish wargame. So who is losing if they don’t have a faith based society or do authorities use conspircy methods to trap one up today. These things have been going on for a decade or more

Are authorities are going to be accountable just as much as calling out the other person. Are politicians accountable for this finger type of justice or who’s picture is on the dollar bill today or who’s handwiiting on the Declearation of Independance or was John Handcock bold enough to overshadow his contemporaries. Seems everyone has to be dependant on someone or where is true truth and justice in this American platform today. One tends to believe that many or Presidents or government want to be their on God in control today in this century or age of progress with their pride.

Inviting fraud – in this mail in voting in CA. Now that is a switch. So what is enticement by fraud by internet means. Inviting someone to get naked to prevent, arouse, or provoke. Talk about undue intent by fraudlent means in many of these devilish ways with this form of collusion.

One wonder if anyone can mail in one’s fingerprints today for accountablity today. Talk about remote control registering during this pandemic. Guess what ever works in government today. Guess everything has an expiration date clause in it. The good book doesn’t have clauses like that. Frankly I never voted for President but it is what it is until it is what it isn’t.

Trumping one up in this sexual internet ordeal is bad enough. And they say to keep sex trafficing down when they are the one’s doing the trafficing and baiting. Talk about pulling the wool over someone in this remote double standard way.