Watch Recording of Safe and Just Michigan to learn the evidence-based case for ending sex offender registries

[ – 5/28/30 event]

5/28/20 UPDATE: Here is the link to watch the recording


Thursday, May 28  •  12:00 Noon  •  via Zoom •  Free  •  Sign up:

Sex offense registries were supposed to keep communities safer. Under them, people convicted of sex offenses are required to register where they work, live, volunteer and go to school. Certain restrictions are placed on where they can live and earn a living. These laws have created an underclass of people who struggle not only to find a good job, but to even find an available place to live. Meanwhile, studies show the promised safety benefits of these laws have failed to materialize.

Join Safe & Just Michigan Policy Analyst Josh Hoe and special guests — ACLU of Michigan Senior Staff Attorney Miriam Aukerman; Columbia University School of Social Work Senior Research Scientist Vincent Schiraldi; and Judith Levine, feminist author, journalist, co-founder of the National Writers Union and author of “The Feminist and the Sex Offender: Confronting Sexual Harm, Ending State Violence” — at noon on Thursday, May 28. We’ll talk about recent court rulings regarding the unconstitutionality of Michigan’s sex offender registration act, the evidence showing registries fail to protect communities, and the movement to end the registries.

Joining the discussion is free. All you need to do to take part is sign up>>>>

Safe & Just Michigan event page:

Safe & Just Michigan works to advance policies that end Michigan’s over-use of incarceration and promote community safety and healing. We envision a Michigan in which all are safe in their communities and everyone is responsible for creating accountability, safety and justice.

Click here to register for the Zoom event


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All I can say is “Praise God!!!!!!!!!!”

I am a pre 2006 registrant in michigan 38 year old whom fell victim to the sex offender registration act where new rules where applied after the fact. The registry has had a massive effect on my life. I have been in the same relationship for over 15 years. Also I had to forfeit my hyta.I have had six weeks involved in getting my ID prepared so I could go register anyways because of the fear of punishment. It just happened to be the year my ID expired and I moved days before covid took over. Rental life does not exist in sex offender life. I have an enormous story that could be told. I just want to help in any safe way I can. I’m just leery of what I say without representation.

Mike what the heck you doing on here and yes I hope they gave you probation. Sure Janice has my whole story ordeal and it was a two night romp so to speak. That second night they click into me rapping to someone that texted me that they were of age. It was the tag name of 16 to alert the person the night before that caught my attention and I texted them that they shouldn’t be on here but sometimes you get a person that wants to manipulate in this game. After they text me the second night and cut me off in the middle of a chat they do another whammy on me and ask me to come down again.

They will try everything in the book to get you down to their lair and yes they want to snag as that is their plan and mission to prevent sex trafficking or trafficker’s picking up little teenagers. Now all adults I know that want to divulge in this type of stuff and that’s their business will go to an adult side. Adults have more since than kids and if the adult wants to talk dirty or a bit spicy that’s your call. Very seldom if any will the women make the first to attempt or anything like that. Most in those rooms are just lonely and actually want someone to chat with.

The bible says try the spirit or test but their is a difference, they knew their intent all along. Its a bait trap Mike and yes Mike I have two more years of my 10 yr. probation to go but am looking for a pardon since they acknowledged and stamped one of my letters. I’m in VA and the virus is settling down a bit here so it might be a little waiting more but thinking of others is good as we are all in this fleshy heresy type game. Even the devil disguises himself as an angle of light.

Best thing to do is just love the one your with. An internet hook ups can be dangerous as I’m sure everyone knows about that and yes its cost me I would say $5,000 dollars already and I’m single and some of you all have already got wife’s and kids and all that. So what keeps me going – A journey for Jesus refresher course. and at times people have to take a refresher course in life. Course I don’t know about Government today.

Decades of legislation and PowerPoint presentations and nothing to show for it. The registry didn’t prevent crimes from happening, and it instead enabled the creation of a vindictive platform that politicians and officials can always turn to when they need funding and support.

Every alternative talks about how “risk assessments” are allegedly superior. I hope this will not be one of those. Things like the Static 99R and other state specific assessments are *not* superior; they are arguably much much worse.

does any know the link for travel matrix pertaining state to state? *thank you*

I was convicted in 2001, of a sex related offence. Never had a record before then other than traffic tickets. I haven’t had a charge after that. Nineteen years I have complied with this registration issue. I have never liked it but I have done what is required. I believe that the this is wrong. The punishment should not only be for the crime, but for the person committing the crime. It shouldn’t be a one size fit all system. This is the only crime that can get a conviction on sheer emotion. very little evidence is needed. After I got arrested I spoke to my lawyer 4 times the entire time the case was going on. His first comments to me were not to ask my side of the issue or my thoughts on what needs to be done
. He came in and immediately said he had spoken to the prosecutor and we have to make a deal. If not they would make sure I do 15yrs. In prison
For some reason that seems like the prosecutor and my public defender had already settled the case to there satisfaction. For many reasons that sounds wrong . They both got what they wanted. The prosecutor got their conviction. and my attorney was able to say they kept me out of prison. A win for both of them, but the beginning of a long and painful journey for me . The judge at the sentencing didn’t make it any better. All he could say to me is , ignorance of the law is not a reason for violating the law. I was convicted. I was punished and republished every 6 months , when I’m forced to recertify and then give the honor of paying $50 once a year for the privilege. After 19yrs crime free I would just like a chance to start over, before I’m dead or to old to live a life without shame.

Check out the recording of this event: