General Comments June 2020

Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of June 2020. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.

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If sexofenders tried to have a peaceful protest they would be met with out rage and anger by anti protesters not only would they be assaulted by police forces they would be assaulted by anti protesters/American citizens/soccer moms pretty much anybody with children

I found out last night through a mutual defendant that the same lawyer we both hired has a biased against us as a group. He advertises himself as a lawyer that understands the law as sex offenses go and his experience as a former police officer makes him qualified to help.
What I learned is that he in fact works with the D.A. on some level to slow down the process so as to allow them time to put together a stronger case. He does this by scheduling court dates farther out then needed. He also made my case seem worse to me than It was , as I found out later (too late in fact). He then advises his client to take whatever is offered to clear the case off their agenda. There were other less obvious things he did as well.
He did this with both of us, and the other person said they have spoken to others this man has represented that report similar experiences.
Is this common practice in the world of sex offenses? I know even a defense lawyer can have prejudices, but to covertly work with opposing counsel? Does this guy see an easy buck to be made and not care about his obligation to defend his clients?
In my initial interview with my probation officer, I was told that I seem to have gotten a higher penalty than she had seen in similar or even worse cases. Not bad, just higher. She chalked it up to the D.A. running for mayor. Now I am beginning to see how the whole system is stacked to reward each other at our expense.

I am supprised at all of you and I’m also supprised at this whole sex offender ordeal. A.D.A.T. wants to make a difference and yes making a difference is good if done in the right way. I’m sure we all want to make a difference. Sure we can all forget about this registry and let spilt milk go or we can stand up, speak out as Galan did, and yes we can all waste our energy on non violence but who is the “Force of one” in this movie drama or is this a mind over matter game of protect and serve. Who induces something to prevent?

Jesus made a differnce and yes the writtings of those apostles made a difference but what about today. Do we all still have game play or were is moral justice or is everyone perfect and just. Why do you think the bible says dare go to court in front of the unjust? One wonder who tie’s the presidents or any authorities shoes today or who gives a come on hit me with your best shot.

Everyone talks about sex. I’m sure their are other types of incriminating envolvments one can get wrapped up in or who’s hiding their stash in the cookie jar today. One even wonders who’s coming out gay today. Is this sex offender game by interrnet moral or irrmoral? Who is plagerizing type of ordeal on another or who is going between divine law and man made law. Accountablity waits for no man. Is their no healing process today in these ordeals.

So my wife just told me that there’s more places calling for the defunding of police than Minneapolis. What if something like that happens, or some sort of chaos where there’s lawlessness? What’s going to happen to people like us who are on the: “These people need to die first” list? We’ll be a footnote in history, but no one will lament us. We’re the worst, the first to be dehumanized down to worth putting on public lists for life. I’m one of those that Texas lied to and put on paper that I would not have to register after my 10 years of probation ended…. They lied… They lied and won’t make it right even now, even when they’re taken to court and shown that they put it in writing, that was part of my plea deal, and they reneged. They can get away with it because they’re the government and the government can do things that others would go to jail for.

A.D.A.T ~ It does not matter if people have it worse or better. Our problems may seem less than others, but they are still our problems nonetheless, so don’t ever think your problems are not important. I never liked it when people say, it could be worse. We suffer the same, no matter how often someone tells us it could be worse. Problems are individual, and we all deal with them in our own way. Come here often and share your feelings, and ignore any comments that don’t apply to you. Just do what’s best for you and only listen to those who will enhance your well being. Most of us are in this together, but we still have to do our own fight.

So if the police are “defunded” or have their money reduced, will they still be able to operate the registry? In Chicago, at just the one place where I register there are I estimate 10 full-time officers. I would guess that’s about $1 million a year in salary and expenses. Now, after months’ of the office being closed because of the pandemic and no proliferation of sex crimes, maybe they will realize how that money was being wasted. Of course, someone (maybe they’ll be transferred from sex offender duty) will have to man the new registry of police who have done bad things and been fired. It will be instructive to see how that works out. Will these bad apples have their info on line for their neighbors and potential employers to see? Will they have restrictions on where they can live? Where they can “be present?”

Was just reading a bit about what the criminal regime of Michigan has been up to lately regarding their Registry harassment. “People” who support Registries shouldn’t exist. Or they should all be sent to some backwards cesspool on this earth where their kind would fit in better.

If I had the power to be invisible, I would end the Registries within a couple of years. All by myself. Would it be fun? Or too much work. I don’t know, but it is fun to think about it.

The millions of people harassed by the Registries in America are effectively invisible. They are a huge, widely distributed, effectively invisible army. Registries are naturally worthless. The army should ensure that continues but also should make sure that they are a lot worse than just worthless. The army should ensure that Registries only exist at the highest possible cost, with great harm to everyone.

Even if the police departments are defunded they’ll never cut the sex offender budget if anything it’ll be increased in the name of Public Safety.
I was very surprised one of most important people leading the fight was having second thoughts about representing the civil rights of sexoffenders interesting.
I also feel with the passing of California’s SB384 a lot of these topics discussed are totally irrelevant I also feel that some of these topics are put into place purposely to put fear and hopelessness in the mind of registrants and before Scott Wiener got the tier law past you were hopeless.
Now as we are edging closer to 2021 I’m pretty sure alot of people are starting to get letters Flyers and brochures in the mail from lawyers claiming they can help you be relieved of your duty to register it’s all BS.
Truth is lawyers don’t care about sex offenders the only time they do is when they see a chance to make a quick fast Buck they know most sex offenders are depressed lonely afraid and most of all desperate it’s like taking candy from a baby easy money

Was Doe v. Rausch out of the E.D. TN ever posted or mentioned here? It was decided on May 14, 2020. I don’t come on all that often anymore so I may have missed it. At any rate, the District Court found TN’s SORA to be Ex Post Facto as-applied to Doe. It’s an okay read. I think Doe could’ve won on a couple more counts had he had better data. As usual, the State appears to have ZERO data showing SORA to be of any benefit while unnecessarily harming a citizen.

Hate to butt in on this Doe vs. Rausch or this person or that person but one wonders about immunity in today in government. Even in many of these sex ordeals via computer. I mean true justice is justice. I can remember my old PO saying to me when we first met years ago. He said, back in the biblical days I would have been stoned. Maybe we all should of been stoned. Guess giving a sexting is a bit much. One wonders who really calls the kettle black.

Qualified Immunity Status. One wonders what that is in or means in this this registry game. Is that like you scratch my back and I’ll toss you in prison for attempt at molestation of talking to a teenager? and than I have a right to sue you, or is that the reality today. Is that the standard norm for the United states. I’m sure this all comes out in black and white even with those get a get out of jail free cards when they find porn on one’s computer. Who is in bondage for the rest of their life. Who is the Egyptian slave trader today. Remember God is a God of Justice but civil laws are a bit much in many ways.

This George Floyd ordeal has raised up a lot of questions so who’s accountable in destroying ones life or livelihood. Should we all take an example from Paul’s life in the bible or why is it their or if anyone ever pondered on that on here. or should one should an example from Hitler. I’m sure their are to many boys and men in prison but police allowed that porno and I’m sure it started way back when.

Talk about giving someone a marijuania rush.. Take an example of finding a bag of weed or pills besides one computer or in their car when authorities come to check on it. Would that be a separate offense or would they try to include it in this sex ordeal. Sure if I would of had anything on my computer I would of been in jail. For how long well that’s up to that wonderful D. A. or what they recommend on the books and it seems the books change yearly.

Much of this registry is a joke in many respects So they don’t find any thing on the computer but they do find drugs. interesting. Not to mention a vulgar texting that they have in their possession and they were the one’s that mentioned talking dirty to them.. So were does the two wrongs don’t make a right come in? I’m sure their would be a lot of interesting answers and view’s on this one. One even wonders who’s trampling on the laws of divine. Their is a meaning to everything. Even human life.

We’ve discussed this here in the forum before…

Amazon announces one-year ban on police use of facial recognition tech (

“Amazon says that groups like the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children will continue to have access to the technology.” Always exceptions to the plan…what is the exception for this group?

Now, how about that Ring system…

“Confessions of a former Bastard Cop”. In case you ever wondered.

I have been wondering if a concept I have would actually work.

How about we, as a group of hated, despicable people, start supporting various organizations that hate us.
For example, go to the Trump nomination convention and wear “ Sex offenders for Trump” or picket businesses and instead of denouncing them, show support for them with signs like” sex offenders like shopping here”, or go to the police station and say” sex offenders thank police for their support”. Even better, show public support for things like PTA mtgs and really bad city or state officials by sending out mailers thanking that official for their support.
I wonder what kind of backlash on those entities our support would have.We could be the 1st group shut down for putting out a positive message.
Just a thought…………

A.D.A.T. Now in a way you have something but in another way its stink’n thinking. And yes I’m sure we have all done our ways of stink’n think’in in the past. Sure we could stand up as the Black lives matter and voice out but how many would take a shot at the sex offender. Its best to be safe than sorry in many respects. Remember its for public safety. I’m sure Janice and Chance and the team are presented with obstacles on many facets of this registry issue, just as much as other groups. And yes I’m sure the goal is to abolish much of this registry in many of these internet type endeavors and these other encounters.

Making awareness of Black Lives Matter is good but how many practice what they preach today? Abortions Rights matter and other ordeals matter. Should one come down on the LGBT’s or mothers against drink driving or were is basic principals today. Believe it or not some ignore the bible and principals and all have sinned 100%

Someone put out a word on here about a hypocrite. Matt chapter 23 tells you all you need to know, and use a bit from Matt. Chapter 5. Yes much of all this registry needs to be abolished. This internet enducement is going against the grain in many ways. Even a person today can bring up charges against law enforcement if you have a cause. Sure we are all looking for change in many ways. One even wonders about these home compliance checks if their like brain checks. Now Janice and Chance are good counsellors and the team are also, so many times we should always seek counsel. Here is a proverb from my friend in the Carolina’s I met on here by accident several yrs. ago.

Now this proverb might be deep to some but if you want to listen to it go for it as it has meaning.

Be careful what you post on website’s especially chat rooms i was watching this documentary “on Amazon called UNTOUCHABLE” about sexofender law’s and how there destroying community’s all over the USA.
In the documentary LE and politicians admitted the sexofender registry was just punishment
and one of the main things that piss them off was the fact that sexofenders were organizing and that they have been monitoring theses website and people who are organizing on there and they could even track there emails phone calls and texts messages…..

Talk about Gay Rights ruling and to keep Evangelicals. Does that really mix when Trump is apposed to Demoncracts and see’s Republicans are Top Dog. Talk about double standards for show. Even Governments pushing others like this protest ordeal that is very upsetting. Sex offender people get a clue who is pushing… Oh thats right its all for public safety. And yes when someone ask you to do something than it just seem’s right. Not in the views of God and who’s accountable or who has the greater sin. Two wrongs don’t make a right again.

Lets see government took pray out of school, its legal for two men to get married, be bi-sexual, get a sex change operation. One wonders is that what the bible and evengelicals say today. So were is human rights laws today. Or were is human government today on touchy issues. One wonders if we should have any president with purple and green hair today or maybe a nose ring or one that carries a taser instead of a staff. Obama wasn’t too bad and well Nixon resigned when the heat was on. Believed Kenedy got shot and their wasn’t anything wrong with Carter.

Talk about basic principals of Christiany and how churches of each demonation carry the biblical instructions and guide book for success. One would say doesn’t even matter about the sex offender and this internet inducement as long as the police get their man one way or another. If that sounds like America than your right and yes the virus should be a warning to everyone on the face of the planet.

Even Donald Trump can’t stop a lot of this confusion with his clorax solutions or his rantings about Democrates. Sure a house divided cannot stand. So were does that leave God and Jesus Christ and grace and truth? Oh thats right churches cannot stand up to Government or they will lose their tax exampt status. So who is standing? I believe the power of God and his principals speak for themself.

So, with this new supreme court ruling does the static 99 now legally discriminate against gay people?

Thank you bill, I loved that clip and yes One had to be in the mood to take George Carlin. Course I loved him on Johnny Carson. I’m sure everyone loved him in that era. His thoughts and views were always gave a sort of positive ring during crisises to relieve tensions.
Nothing wrong with a bit of drugs but its the abuse of everything that can get over abused such as being over abusive on rights, the commandments, the admedants and other bill’s of rights.

And yes he used his talents in a positive way. And he stood up for rights and view’s with a lot of his comic monologue’s. He was a favorite of many in that era. Although I’m sure he had a few bars of soap to many but he still gave many blessings to many in troubled times.

@ Bill. I’m sort of glad you brought that up in so many ways. While I we are told not to judge I certainly couldn’t judge every little thing one does or doesn’t in life even if its whether or not to wear a mask or forgetting it once or twice or someone’s potty mouth in verbal direct in-person encounters.

I’m sure its hard enough for people to protest in public for rights and truth without getting kicked around a bit from establisment. Guess we all forget that word establishment. Actually the word establisment is in the bible.One wonders who extablish’es a choke hold on another in these develoments. Should the sex offender say I can’t breathe. His routines were good at the time but here’s one that everyone should understand. And Will Allen bro take note and especially about choices.

I’m glad to see the registry stopped this guy. He seems to have a broad array of “interests” when it comes to breaking laws. Of course they had to toss in “convicted sex offender.” Like that changes anything.

Janice. ballet proposing and people wanting to know who’s arresting who today or who proposes who to traffic today ? Why not strive stop and put an end to it all in this sexual demonation game or who denotes once and for all. We all can do it. Seems this internet sex sting ordeal is keyed to getting Trafficers off the internet or those that dothese encounters. Who present these encounters or one way mirrors? and yes what is trafficing. I really don’t think thats Gods plan in presenting confusion. Remember God is greater than man or why is this pandermic here.

I honestly doubt anyone can really explain that even those rock scientist. Do these sex sting operations via internet tend to get one person from one place to another or is it simplying a modern term for human slavery via internet means. Is much of this in a consistent way, the christian way, or the game plan way. While trafficing presents its views in many ways lets go a bit futher on trafficing and the trafficer in these vain marsh traps. I hope everyone can read up on human trafficing and what Obama said and the implications it has.

But what about biblical trafficing. Is it rapeing the land or rapeing by instilling injustic or some vain abuse or tricky coercion. So who is exploiting who with false words? Sexually intimidating or inducing one into this cup of tea. Sure physical type situations are a whole different ball game than via the internet or where does inducement of searing ones’ conscience come into play. While trafficing and trafficers isn’t a pretty picture, and can come in various forms by those, it can be a leading and misleading by the inducement of the internet or the cunning tricky of those that call themselves Christian or was George Carlin a Christian or who understands languages today or who’s got the worst filthy mouth in America.

Is discrimination filth intervention or filthy rags effort by authorities? Sure who can justify another or who interceeds for one all today. Whether Carlin was atheist who knows, or what’s the worst case scenario confession that is not for me or you to judge, but one wonders about cheap government tactics that are unsound today. Are we not suppose to pray for government.
This article should explain a lot and even many on here don’t seem to fit the profile of sex offender but still law enforcement have to.. how you say it … safe face, or do two wrongs don’t make a right in many respects See human nature always wants to be right in their vain conceit.

So California I’m sure you and other large states can make a whole lot of difference as well as New York, Florida and even Washington State and many more states. Together we can make a difference. I’ve heard that pharse somewhere, I think its the United way. One wonders who is bowing down to who today. Even the book of Daniel can give you a hint on that one.

The next time you go register, look the cop in the eye and say: “at least I’m not a murderer.”

Let them know you are quite aware of what is going on so they understand how it feels to be demonized, vilified and looked down upon.

Trying to do research on moving from California to Tennessee and what registration requirements there would be?
I had a 311.11(a) felony expunged via 1203.4 (no reduction available).

According to Tennessee’s website it says:
My conviction has been expunged in another jurisdiction.
ANSWER: Notify your registering agency or TBI. However, if you remain on another state’s Registry, you will still be required to register in Tennessee.

According to comments I read by Janice, it says California takes you of the registry when you move. The million dollar question will I have to continue to registry in Tennessee once its expunged? The tricky part is the “if you remain on another state’s registry.” Is that including the requirement to register if one would were to return, does it mean public registry, etc?

I read the statue in Tennessee and nothing is really talked about.

Any guidance or references to look would be appreciated.

just got jury duty and hate the system. anyone else get jury duty before how did you get out of it? as a sex offender they really cant expect me to go along with their plans to punish someone when they have me on life punishment just about lol….