The California legislature is considering changes to the Tiered Registry Law that, if passed, would delay when eligible individuals could petition for removal from the registry. That is, individuals would be required to wait until “on or after their next birthday after July 1, 2021, following the expiration of the person’s mandated minimum registration period.”
For example, if an eligible individual’s birthday is July 4, 2021, and he is on Tier 2, he can petition for removal on July 1, 2021. However, if an eligible individual’s birthday is June 30, he must wait to petition for removal until July 1, 2022.
The changes are included in Assembly Bill 88, Section 11, which has been passed by the full Assembly and now awaits a final vote in the Assembly. The bill is supported by both Republicans and Democrats. The bill also requires registering law enforcement agencies to notify the Department of Justice when it receives a petition.
“The stated reason for the delay in eligible individuals to submit their petitions is based upon an anticipated administrative burden,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci. “In the absence of this change, courts and district courts expect to receive thousands of petitions in July 2021.”
The last day on which the Assembly can vote on this bill is August 31.
Does ALL4C agree with this?
Boo! The headline had me excited that this would be a positive change. Though I’m not surprised for the reason of this change. I was wondering how they’d handle suddenly tens of thousands of people being eligible. Is this something ACSOL wants to stop?
Here we go! Is it me, or if they are granted this “delay”, will this only be the first of many such delays that they will come up with going forward????
Discussing changes to tyranny with proposals for changes in tieranny?
Same same.
Maybe it will be made even more “punitive“ just before it goes into effect.
Since they want to make changes how about make changes to the SARATSO STATIC99 that they’re using? How many people will be excluded from being able to petition or end up on the Megan’s Law site because of that so called scientific test?????
so the saga continues SMH
Looks like we woke the sleeping giant they’re scrambling at this point they don’t know what to do.
This is the perfect time and opportunity to prove that the registry is just punishment thanks to covid-19 they don’t have a leg to stand on.
The more we organized at this point the more we weaken the registry.
Let’s be realistic there’s no way California could’ve process that many cases next year but don’t let this stop you from petitioning the court on July 1st 2021 continue to apply pressure on the court system make them address you as an person as an individual as
an humanbeinan and when July 1st 2022 comes we’ll be waiting and we’ll hit them hard again..
For example, if an eligible individual’s birthday is July 4, 2021, and he is on Tier 2, he can petition for removal on July 1, 2021. However, if an eligible individual’s birthday is June 30, he must wait to petition for removal until July 1, 2022.
I was a bit confused on this, but I think I understand it now.
== Starting date for de-registrations: July 1, 2021.
If your birthday is after July 1, 2021, then you can apply. But if your birthday is before July 1, 2021, then you have to wait a whole year to apply because your birthday is before the implementation date.
Is that correct?
Now, here’s what I don’t like about it: The law passes on Jan 1, 2020. That means you cannot use the CoR any longer to get off the registry and you have to wait until July 1, 2020 to apply. Then you have to wait an additional 3 months.
The state is essentially preventing people from earning their liberty at an appropriate time. If the law starts on Jan 1, 2020, then everyone should be able to apply on July 1, 2020. It isn’t the registrant’s fault that the state cannot handle the influx of registrants wanting to de-register as the state had no problem putting so many on the registry without better way to de-register. The 1203.4 was removed, thus pushing from your probationary period to a minimum of 10 years. Now, the state wants to increase the punishment term an extra year because they can’t handle the influx? Seems like any registrant born between Jan 1 to Jan 30 should sue the state for the delay as it’s inequality of deregistering.
Maybe a better way would be an automatic petition to deregister for the first year without the necessity of a trial to determine one’s worthiness. Time alone should do it. Remember, 1203.4 used to de-register registrants, who one successfully completed probation.
I’d sue the state for delaying justice. It’s bad enough the state delayed the application for 6 months plus 3 months of waiting for a decision, which is a total of 9 months of delayed justice. That’s a loss of potential jobs and the ability to travel freely.
It’s shame that the registry allows for a second bite of extending the registration period, which now can identified as punishment because it goes beyond the stated tier. That’s double jeopardy because the state is revisiting the original case to tack on more time of custodial supervision.
Um…..when did the Tiered bill pass??? 2017 right? So….4 years isn’t enough time for drag ass courts to be prepared for what’s to come? Been on this demented ride for 20yrs…..I’d like the fuck off please. We should be formulating a plan to sue every State that upholds a Registry.
The ever shifting goalpost shifts again. Surprise.
So they are adding an extra year on the registry to anyone who would have been eligible to petition for removal as of July 1, 2021. Because of the influx of petitions. I’m not sure who is dumber, me for falling for the possibility of deregistering, or the legislatures for not being able to think this through initially. Why would my birthdate have any bearing upon my length of time on the registry? The foot on my neck just got heavier.
Maybe I’m too cynical, but it strikes me as a means to maintain the status quo. I fond it very hard to believe that the California legislature is losing sleep over how to shrink their registry down. Pretty fair amount of SORNA dollars lost if that happens.
Aww California’s court system would be overwhelmed with petitions because of the legislators. Here’s an idea: be careful of who you sleep with and you wouldn’t have a mess on your hands along with a dirty bed!!
Here’s an idea
Have automatic removal
Get rid of the useless registry
Get out of people’s lives including their bedroom
Stop passing useless laws
Give us liberty and freedom stop being tyrants
I sometimes wonder if there shouldn’t be a requirement for some kind of intelligence testing to run for public office.
Why do I feel like I’m watching a repeat episode of Looney Tunes? Legislators are concerned courts will have an administrative burden with numerous petitions. Um legislators registration is always an administrative burden for registrants and their families even without COVID. California legislators need a copy of the constitution and the definition of insanity!! Let’s be real California doesn’t want to lose their funding if the registry shrinks. Stop putting lipstick on a pig and calling it reform.
I can’t see this one being voted down. Like all other bills related to registrants, this one will pass as well. For those of us with birthdays pre July, it’s just another letdown. (Mine’s in June) I don’t know how they can keep getting away with this stuff. As a registrant who’s been on the hitlist for 23 years already, I was looking forward to finally being free next year. I should’ve known better…
New Person, you hit it on the nail! The courts have had years to plan for this! If your birthday is before July 1st, you must wait one additional year to file! I filed (I don’t want exact dates posted) a COR some months back and it will take 5 months to get a court date? I go to court weeks before Jan 1st!
If they want to help why not let those of us who can get off the Registry apply during the month of their birth that would not benefit those in December but at least there is more fairness then those in the first 6 months having to wait 18 months
This is terrible! They state had years to plan this. This basically require many to wait 1-1.5 more years!
My birthday is in March….I’m still going to apply in July. I’m not waiting.
I’m going to go out on a limb here and say the “administrative burden” is not even close to the burden registered citizens bear each and every single day they’re on the government’s list.
2 points for California.
1. Covid restrictions like mask wearing, social distancing, and restaurant/bar closing will remain permanent and never end.
2. The registry will always remain permanent and never end.
Sorry, but that’s our new normal.
Wasn’t removal automatic at first? How long after that was it changed to filing a petition? One solution now would be a compromise. Level ones should be automatic and maybe delay the rest as proposed since if the courts say they won’t be able to handle the influx, the legislature won’t force it on the courts like that. There is bipartisan agreement on that. Making the level ones automatic could be enough for the delay to be unnecessary.
Are you f*cking kidding me? So i would be forced to wait yet another year? ANOTHER YEAR! I can’t just move on with my life.
I am not going to be playing nice anymore. I am considering all out war against our politicians promoting this crap. Time to go after the very people pushing this bs. I have ways to legally destroy their lives and believe me, they don’t want what I am about to do to them.