CURE California Zoom Meeting August 8 at 11 AM Pacific


Dear ACSOL friends, please consider joining the weekly California CURE Zoom meeting  this Saturday:

Saturday, August 8
11:00 AM to noon Pacific

See below for how to connect,


Gale Sanders, the leader of the California chapter of CURE, had a temporary health problem kept her from being with us last Saturday. I look forward to introducing Gale this Saturday.

The three issues shared and discussed were the following:

  • Orla pointed out the need for compassionate releases especially in regard to women incarcerated;
  • Arax said that reforms are needed for the Coalinga Civil Commitment Facility and questioned how to have her son receive the $1,200 stimulus payment; and
  • Terry spoke about SB 1064 by Sen. Nancy Skinner. This bill would eliminate the use of uncorroborated allegations from a confidential informant as evidence in a parole hearing.

We will try to have reports on these topics this Saturday.

I hope to see you at our next meeting!

Charles Sullivan
President, International CURE
Washington, DC



Zoom Meeting link:

Or call 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 895 3754 8040
Passcode: 770242


Citizens United for Rehabilitation of Errants (CURE) is a grassroots organization that was founded in Texas in 1972. It became a national organization in 1985.

We believe that prisons should be used only for those who absolutely must be incarcerated and that those who are incarcerated should have all of the resources they need to turn their lives around. We also believe that human rights documents provide a sound basis for ensuring that criminal justice systems meet these goals.

CURE is a membership organization. We work hard to provide our members with the information and tools necessary to help them understand the criminal justice system and to advocate for changes.

Thanks to John Gannon and our friends at the Global Justice Resource Center who have generously provided us with initial funding and organizational support for CA-CURE.


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Please attend! And if you have any knowledge, experience or info. about Coalinga State Hospital, you can share with the rest of us. Thanks Janice for posting this…