UK: Online naming and shaming ‘threatening offender rehabilitation’

[ – 8/4/20]

Some sex offenders undergoing rehabilitation have lost their jobs, and risk losing their accommodation, after a list of their names and past crimes was posted online, putting pressure on the Police and Probation Services.

According to Detective Superintendent Stewart Gull, the recent spate of ‘naming and shaming’ local offenders online after their sentences have been carried out is posing serious problems for their ability to reintegrate into the community.

He told Express he is aware of more than 10 individuals – and, in some cases, their families – who have been adversely impacted by the tactic, whether emotionally or in terms of affecting their employment and housing prospects.

Mr Gull chairs the Jersey Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (JMAPPA), which were brought in 2011 to oversee “the management of the island’s most serious violent and sexual offenders”.

The purpose of the JMAPPA is to protect the public by coordinating the management of individuals assessed as posing a risk of serious harm to others.

“If you remove the ability to work either through employment or self-employment, there is a risk they will lose their accommodation, which may include family member units,” Mr Gull explained.

“One individual lost their job and another one risks losing their main form of income, and another one individual is at risk of losing their employment.”

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This is the result of posting this information online. I stumbled upon this very disturbing post on Facebook of a man and his woman video taping him severely beating this man. The couple seems to have no concern about the violent assault, so much so they posted it online. I imagine the man who was beaten is too terrified to report the assault. It is illegal for people like this to use information from th registry for anything other than public knowledge. I post this in hopes somebody might be able to identify this couple that used personal information and violently beat this man.

Where is the rehabilitation in the US registry?

There isn’t one. How are we re-integrated into society, when society is painting each one is a monster that doesn’t deserve any civil rights?

I’ve been denied employment because of the registry. I’ve been denied access to employment because of the registry. It’s depressing to think the registry is in many occupations that will limit registrants towards underemployment.

That’s how “rehabilitation” works out when it happens on the state’s terms through a criminal (in)justice system that’s become overrun with bad laws. It ends up delivering retributive punishment instead of helping people. In many cases the administrators of the system are too preoccupied with keeping up with the legislative and political tides to care about the collateral damage. At least here we’re seeing someone who can smell what’s cooking. Elsewhere there are those who’d rather just watch the house burn and collect their pay check.

Even non registrants are being attacked by mistaken identity and nobody questions the registry. Now everyone that doesn’t wear a mask or a line is to long at a drive thru can be attacked or killed. Maybe government shouldn’t of allowed public information on their supposed monsters and people getting killed; while having their head up their behinds. Government solutions fail again as society continues to deteriorate, but this what society has learned. Congrats to the blame and shame morons across the globe!!

What?? LE that actually gives a sh*t!? Amazing! Bully for you, Brits!! Maybe our American LE can learn something from you! 👍

I get death death glares while mowing the grass or just walking to the mailbox all the time. Random horn honks are also a constant (day and night). It’s as though people want to let you know that THEY KNOW. Needless to say, having your address listed on the Internet does wonders for enhancing your curb appeal. /s

Everytime I read about this I keep thinking about that scene from Shawshank Redemption with Morgan Freeman’s monologue about rehabilitation:

People can give you all the death stares they want; honking their horns; gossiping while crying wolf; point their finger at you or any other type of harassment. Always remember they make themselves look like an asshat; so let them while you continue to be you. Stick and stones may break my bones; but words will never hurt me. You come back for more, you are the true asshat and that you can quote me!!

Janice this article interests me. Remember when we all use to play truth or dare. Myself I don’t really get interested in facebook. I never really got involved in it. Much of it is a bunch of crap. While I couldn’t care less what goes on in the UK this is actually a true story in my ordeal and is documented and yes I went to court over this shaming if you’d like to call this shaming. I am sure thats why they had a closed hearing on this ordeal or situation I was in.

Back in the campaign of 2016 for president they had an ad about telephone campaign survay marketing. I had the idea of doing telephone calls. I thought their was no harm in it besides I could of used the little cash from telephone campaigning. Anyway the campaign mgr. for Trump in my area told all the telephone survey people they needed to go on facebook and sign-up. I didn’t actually signed up but let it slip to my PO that they wanted me to go on facebook to sign up to do the survey campaign. Its funny how some take things out of line and think the worst.

Once I said facebook I was headed to court, sign up or no sign up. Well I went to court over the matter and it was a closed hearing. It was even mentioned that day why it was a closed hearing. Guess they didn’t want an offender campaigning for a president. You know they say honesty is the best policy but who is honest today in government. Now Janice you can use your decression to post this if it helps others understand the shaming of authorities even when inducing these sex registry set-ups which are more of a con than truth.

While I can’t say anything about the president I’m sure many people have their opinion. And from the good book we are suppose to love the enemies and love thy neighbor. Much of this registry ordeal is bully shamming if you would like to call it that.