General Comments September 2020

Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of September 2020. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.

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Dont know how many are aware of this but i was super suprised and shocked when i found out even though i should not of been.

we all seen press conference where the US holds and say they denounce human rights violation that was drafted in i think 1966 but finally signed by many countries in 1976 BUT THE UNITED STATES NEVER AGREED TO IT! and yet the US Gov. holds press conferences to call out and report other countries for something that the US is not even part of! What a smoke and Mirror BS

This year people on the registry should pass the one million mark. That is quite a political force if channeled. If all of us know about 5 or 10 people that know we are honest people, good workers, dependable friends, trust worthy family members then that brings our support to over five or ten million people. Plus nation wide there are numerous groups like ACSOL and Once Fallen working on our behalf. As I have seen in my life every discriminated group speak out and finally gain respect and equality, I have to conclude that people on the registry are about the only group remaining that is fair game for discrimination and abuse. I have to believe that if we continue on and continue to gain more support it is only a matter of time until the pendulum swings the other way, and it already is. ACSOL has had one victory after another, as well, numerous victories have been gained around the nation. We have the advantage because it is simply morally wrong to categorize everyone in a group the same, and punish them all for life for something that happened in the past. Most of us paid an enormous debt and just want to live a normal life. That isn’t too much to ask. Keep pushing ahead in any way you can.

Hi everyone,
2 questions:

Great news to hear that Bill 145 was passed and now the governor will decide to pass it or to veto it, right?

I know that the bill states that if the minor was no more than 10 yrs older than the person he/she was involved with, the judge has the discretion to then decide wether the individual registers or not. In my case at the time of my offense I was 26 and the minor(she) was (15yrs-old), she was also a mother of a 5 month-old when I met her (it was a consensual relationship). Can this in anyway play a role for when I go and appeal the court in my district? I believe I’m tier 2 (20yrs registration).

I posted this on another forum but thought I should update it here since it happened to me this month. I did my annual and I asked the officer about the process for Tiered Registry come Jan. He informed me that I would need to subpoena the local court and the city police station to begin the process. He said without a subpoena they cant provide anything for the courts to make a final determination on my case. He said the fee is around $35 and I can do it myself to save money. I live in LA County (Pomona will be the court I subpoena) and the process can take up to 60 days depending on what the courts have going on. I’m not sure if anyone else has been told any information. The officer said he’s told several registrants with various convictions the same process is for all.

I recommend anyone traveling to Europe watch the “common sense laws” series of videos on youtube. Really helpful and told from a man that is an RSO, but of course only in the good old U.S. of A.

== CA tiered news & inquiry ==

I asked my local registering officer PD about receiving my tiered status at the station and the worker said that it’ll be the DOJ that will be mailing it out to everyone. Welp, this is news to me because I thought we had to pickup our tiered info at our local PD.

Any new info on this from others or ACSOL? Thx in advance!

A friend of mine was strolling through Instagram and came across a post by Kat Timpf, “ We send people to prison for a drug offense. They get out and get caught up with drugs again sending them to prison longer the second time. When the first time didn’t work because rehabilitation isn’t part of the system.” It’s something along those lines yet it’s true regardless of the crime. Rehabilitation isn’t the focus; it is greed that fuels the system causing more harm.

This is getting out of hand. I’ve been married for almost 17 years. 11 years married since I committed my offense. My wife has stood by me and both my kids are teenagers. People in my town on Facebook are posting the list daily under the hashtag SaveOurChildren and my wife has started freaking out saying either I need to move or they need to. When does this end? I’ve lived in my neighborhood for over 8 years with no issues. I have friends, I have a good job, my kids play sports, and I’m not doing anything wrong but yet now I feel like I’m being terrorized by this BS. Living in Michigan I felt like there was some light at the end of the tunnel with the court rulings earlier this year, but now I don’t know.

@Will Allen

Luckily neither I nor my family is being harassed, but I don’t want my kids eventually being bothered at school or being shunned by friends. It’s one thing for me to have to deal with this crap, but I won’t stand for my children having to deal with something I’ve done and they had nothing to do with. I find the best way to fight back is to not live scared and not to care about what people think or say. I did my time, I’m being a productive member of society and have refused to allow the registry to hold me back.

Being labeled a sexofender is hard on a persons whole family and the sad truth is most families don’t make it thrue this nightmare.
Once a person is forced to register not all but the majority of them lose their jobs then their homes and then there family’s .
Majority of time in this situation the wife and kids are forced to move back home with her parents where you can’t be unless you regester her parents address as a place that you frequently dwell or be arested for noncompliance for visiting your kids at that residence every day.
Being married to a sexofender is a very stressful situation and in some cases impossible.
Every person labeled a sexofender in reality truely has nothing else to live for but to stand up and fight back stand with ACSOL and don’t be afraid to speak out and educate your community’s

Good luck

“As her post shows, Senator Grove voted against legislation that will reduce penalties for sex offenders who have committed certain acts and the post is not contributing to or sharing any information from QAnon,” Hector Barajas, a spokesman for the California Senate Republican Caucus, said in a statement.”

So they’re admitting it’s punishment. I say the scumbags can’t have it both ways.

@Janice – My husband will likely be on tier 2 (644 288(a)) has had it “expunged” and currently working on COR. Would it be possible or a good idea to file a writ once tiered registry goes into effect with the argument that crime was attempted but not committed as opposed to crimes committed that are included in tier 1?

With the 6th recent rejection of judge Matsch ‘s opinion regarding cruel and unusual nature of SOR maintenance. I found the Surveillance saints plea in this piece predictable.

The issue, it seems, is in the eye of the beholder. Naturally attack begets attack.

If this doesn’t scare you I don’t know what will. This Florida sheriff needs to be sued and thrown in prison for this abuse of power.

How do out of staters with California crimes apply for removal. On all attorney sites , I see that a 243.4a sexual battery wobbler felony is a tier 3. How could we be excluded from Megan’s law Website but be placed in tier 3. Can someone shed some light on this situation. Can someone answer this question. Been registering for 23 years

Question of the day,

I have been trying to pay forward some of my experiences and support to a new member of “The Club”. He is eligible for reduction. He has three choices:
1. File standard paperwork thru the Probation dept. and it could take up to a yr to get decision. No letters of recommendation or any other paperwork allowed.
2. File as a pro se ( think I got it right ) and stand before the judge and plead his case with supporting paperwork. The docket these days iss up in the air.
3. Hire a lawyer to represent him and submit same supporting paperwork.

He is an intelligent guy with good speaking skills, so I suggested he try the “Pro Se” route.

Any suggestions, comments, experiences?

@Tired Old Man. These general comments are interesting and yes you do have something of value for all that are involved in this ordeal in one way or another. The pharse.. Human Rights Violation, and also as one person said on here abuse of power. One wonders if authority uses or abuses?

Its like Flo use to say to mel in a quaint way ” Kiss my Grits” . One would have to censor that one as it could be taken the wrong way. Authority’s giving others the opportunity in all this online headache. Doesn’t sound like true Justice for me or anyother person. One wonders if authority’s have common sense today or is everyone wearing a mask today to cover up something.
Sure we would all like to get over all this confusion due to this registry crap that effects and stigmatizes those caught up in this devilish scheme. One could understand if they were protectring but a sale’s pitch is still a sales pitch. Standing up for True Justice is where the action is in legal matters.

Grandstanding LEOs. 🙄 FWIW: From the Huffington Post: “No, The Government Did Not Break Up A Child Sex Trafficking Ring In Georgia”

In this time of Covid, I see a theme across the country with regards to school season, business openings, and public gathering that closely if not exactly mirrors our plight, and that is the “One size fits all” mentality.
Many school districts, large and small, are being lumped into one big approach to re opening by politicians bent on portraying the pandemic as not dangerous, when science has shown that larger gathering are in fact quite the opposite. We suffer this as well, being lumped together with violent offenders because all of us are “ dangerous to society”. I watch these news stories and can’t help but wonder why the public can’t see the correlation between what they are experiencing and what we experience EVERY DAY! I guess it comes down to society not caring about others, but only what affects them personally.

This morning, NPR Radio broadcast a segment on individuals not registering on the sex offender registry. The segment was entirely anecdotal and took the typical path of melodramatically focusing on a few victims. The segment did not address the question of whether the Registries actual protect anyone or prevent any crimes, but instead gave the intended impression that offenses occur BECAUSE someone isn’t registered. The truth is that the offenders they focused on probably would have committed additional crimes regardless of whether they had registered or not.

From time to time here in this forum, we discuss electronic 4th Amendment issues to help protect those who are impacted by the registry or associated items. Here is another one where big brother is using e-data inappropriately and being told no by the courts. I’d say log out of everything on your smart phone so you cannot be caught up in this; however, I know they can triangulate with towers and GPS, if that is still on at the time (which you should have off unless needed and only when needed).

Creepy ‘Geofence’ Finds Anyone Who Went Near a Crime Scene

This is a YouTube video of recent protests at a house that a registrant lives called Slab City, CA. The entire Slab City area is government land that anyone is allowed to live for free because it is so hot, that the property has no real value. No utilities are provided, so everyone lives off grid. This is a place to go for those that have no where else to go. Registrant’s have often live and register there. The Police did show up at the protest and advised them how to keep protesting without breaking the law. What is interesting is that Chris Hansen sent one of the protest organizers a video of support to keep registrants out of their neighborhood.

Video of the protest:
Video from Chris Hansen:

I just sent this message to the management of NPR:
Dear NPR Editors:
I am frustrated, angry and disappointed that Morning Edition chose to run a segment about sex offender registries that was clearly one-sided and based on the anecdotal stories of a few cherry-picked victims. The U.S. now has nearly a million individuals listed on sex offense registries. California alone has more than 100,000. AND approximately 20% of those are minors!! Sex offender registries do nothing to prevent sex offenses. Instead, they impose continuing – often lifelong – punishment for people who have already paid their debts to society. The Registries impact the abilities if individuals (AND THEIR FAMILIES) to find housing, employment, education and travel as well as reintegrate back into their communities.
Why doesn’t NPR take a bold step and present the actual facts about sex offender registries?? Instead of presenting stories intended to spark outrage without providing honest facts. (For example, 95+% of child-victim sexual offenses are committed by individuals known to the child – individuals who are typically family members, friends, teachers, coaches, clergy, etc – and who ARE NOT listed on any sex offense registry. Registries do nothing to prevent those offenses.)
PLEASE do your DUTY to present fair and honest reporting! For Christ sake, you’re not a tabloid!!
An angry NPR donor,
XXXXX, California

Regarding the recent arrest of Brice Gage Watkins.

Does anyone believe he was doing this as a prank?
It’s hard to fathom that a 22 year old would actually want to have sex with a baby.

They also charged him with Child Porn. We all know that sending any type of sex video to anyone could be considerted Child Porn.

I’m talking about the recent arrest of Brice Gage Watkins.

Where are the spines of the employees of DOJ? What a disgrace this institution has become under AG Barr and President Trump.

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