Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of October 2020. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
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Given the recent news about Disney’s layoffs and general problems with their parks’ profitability, I decided this was a good time to remind them of policies aimed at keeping people away, so I sent this to their online message form the other day:
The pandemic has given everyone time for reflection and has demanded unprecedented changes in our lifestyles for the common good over the past six months. While these changes have been difficult, we deal with it because we know it’s a temporary adjustment that helps save lives.
The changes that have been thrust upon us can help us understand how others may feel when we place restrictions on them. To this point, I just want to comment on an unwritten policy by Disney to deny access to certain individuals based on a past criminal conviction of a sexual nature. This policy, while created with good intentions, is based on faulty assumptions about people with these convictions. Much research has shown that being on the registry has little bearing on one’s future risk of criminal behavior. I can cite specific data if Disney is truly open to understanding the issue properly.
It is these kind of blanket restrictions that make it impossible for families like ours to ever visit your parks. My wife has been heartbroken about the restrictions because she has always wanted to go to Disney, but can’t because of our situation. Though our family has long since moved on in the nearly 15 years since my offense, Disney’s policies show that they do not care about personal growth or the possibility of restoration. Rather than asking people to make a temporary adjustment for a period of time, Disney enforces a lifetime ban. In no aspect of our own lives would we tolerate such policies, but we are happy to place these kinds of restrictions on others.
Thank you for listening to my comments. I represent a million or more households who face these same lifetime restrictions. That’s a lot of lost revenue for Disney, and as for me, I’m content to spend my recreational dollars elsewhere at resorts that don’t perpetuate this kind of discrimination.
I am so confused now!
I live in Penn and I am Pre-Sorna (conviction Dec 2006).
I have been reading some things that are now troubling me about the Feds and SORNA. Here for example:
I thought the Penn Supreme Court several years ago deemed SORNA unconstitutional both on the state and fed levels.
I am due to come off my 10 year reg requirements in Oct of this year (2020). Am I now interpretting this crap to mean that I may end up back on the registry again even after I come off it in Oct of this year?
My neighbors suck because they know about my background. I was planning on selling my house early next year so I can move to another neighborhood to start over again with new neighbors since I won’t be on the “hit list” anymore.
I am not spending a crazy amount of money to sell my house that is paid in full to move to another house and have a mortgage just to find out soon after I move into my new house I will be right back on the hit list again.
These laws are so dammmm complicated to understand and keep up with. I am terrified to even travel outside of Penn in fear of being arrested. I am 64 yo and medically phsically disabled. I don’t have much money but want to move out of my neighborhood but not going to spend all that money to do so just to end up back in the “same boat” again.
I just don’t know what to do!!
10/15 years for tier1 sexoffenders 20/25 years for tier2 and life for tier3
i hate to admit it but that’s actually kinda fare giveun the fact that before theses levels California sexofender registration was for life there was no hope there was no light at the end of tunnel at least now people kinda have a little hope of one day being free and able to live or die in peace.
I hope sexofenders living in California haven’t forgotten about the sexofender wich hunt that went down in 2008 and lasted till 2016/2017 every LE organization swept through there local jurisdictions arresting sexofenders for laterally nothing they knew 5 out of 10 sexofenders had no where they could permanently stay especially affter Jessicas Law registry restrictions were placed on almost every city in California it was a eazy hunt and every sexofender LE cought the media was right there wateing to publicly string them up .
Now days in 2020 /2021 iv notice lately that if your no longer on probation or parole and your charge is more then 5 years old most cops could careless most of them treat you like a humanbein who made a mistake in his/her pass and not like a monster I guess harassing sexofenders is getting old and boring.
I bet back in the day cops were happy to be on the sexofender taskforce now days I bet it’s the lamest and boringest taskforce in the whole police department.
So if SORNA wants to come up with there own sexofender tier laws who cares they cant hold us all forever the fact that there even offering a tier law off ramp affter swearing sexofender registration was for life in the name of public Safety shows the government is afraid 3 words
Good luck
Aftter your 10 year mark is up and they dont take you off the sexofender hit list Sale your house move to Oregon and and live out the rest of ur life in peace your 64 dont waste any more years of you life on the registry
Three cheer’s for Janice and many in all this rumble of the plight of the sex offender, Yes it is time to say in many ways “Let my people go” in this offender plight by these devious servants that strive to prevent in devious ways with this scheme by this internet.
Seems everyone on here has a theory but where is logic or who put a candle under a bed. So what is prevention in this assult of the conscious by this registry scheme. Does one always use hindsight or foresight? or should we say who is getting over in this registry ordeal on another.
The many views on here are great. From many of the women to some of the men on here but I believe Janice has the right view on all this and yet we all need a little help. Should we all say in the old saying… if its not broken don’t fix it or an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure or is the construction of much of this registry all wrong.
Yes Janice’s Journal article of “Let my people go” rings volume in this registry scheme ordeal in many ways or who is to blind to see. Who could of prevented this virus that has came upon many. Who is saying we need a mask to prevent. Who blacks out the sun and causes it to rain or who prevents forest fires.
So is government trying one’s spirit today with each of these offender ordeals in this type of prevention of man over beast or creature in this culture club and I wasn’t a fan of this karma chameleon or is where is the rainman today. Knowledge is the key in this mental appitude test of this registry that is effecting all. As many of you all have said on here does it prevent anything? Does it stress many out today, imprison one and upset the balance of nature or did government predict this contrid-19 or who is putting things in perspective today?
Janice, can you give your recommendations on how to vote on CA Proposition 25. It sounds pretty confusing! Thank you so much
@North Eastern Penn. I’m right with you on confusion and all this view of this registry in its dispicible way in this pretend type situation or taking pokes or prods of this registry ordeal in this one size fits all. This article I pulled up with should give everyone some guidelines of whats going on today. Yes this article are speaches of three Predients and Trump is one of them.
Yes morals are good and so is understanding. God is not the author of confusion or do people shoot first and ask questions later? I’m sure the younger people on here will enjoy this as much as those that are over 50 today and I’m also sure it has a lot of meaning to Government today. So if one wants to take some time to hear these Presidents than that would be to your advantage on this ordeal we all face today.
@AERO1,. I disagree with your assertion about under 12 for a couple reasons. 1. I think everyone has the potential to be successfully treated to never offend again so while I think what they did is absolutely awful, such a blanket statement is also wrong. I’m not saying that everyone can be treated successfully but many can. 2. If the offender is also a juvenile just a few years older do you still stand by your statement? 3. It’s not under 12 but under 13 for tier 3. 4. The SMART guidelines for SORNA attempt to make offenses against people under 16 a tier 3 offense despite what the us code actually says.
Last night I was talking to a former coworker and she told me about her granddaughter being asked, if you are a Republican I don’t want anything to do with you. I’m not surprised but 11 year olds shouldn’t be political and adults shouldn’t discuss adult issues with them. I swear some kids are more mature than adults. Society full of hate, fueled by hate and continue to hate!! Where’s the registry for hate? Now those stats would be frightening and high.
I’m sure many on here listened to Reagan during his pray breakfeast speech and yes Reagan made more sense out of this logic of religion and morals in this whole ordeal of morals and government understanding. The understanding of this registry is a bit of a computer type loser to all. One doesn’t even have a right to vote today that is under the registry.
While I never signed up to vote there are many on here that are more into government voting and policy’s and trying to even understand this whole registry that shouldn’t even have developed in this internet way of man getting over on another person. Sure their is enought troubles in the real world. Even politics is a dirty game of who wants to be pontous in being fair or who is whitewashing who in this type of protection. One can understand this pandemic somewhat more and believe me the pandemic holds no bias. The creator know’s more than the creature and this virus ordeal is telling America if America will only listens.
Sure one can over think all this registry, the punishments, prison, these leg montorings, probation and parole types of ordeals but its like someone trying to imprison one all in this justice ordeal. And to beat it all we all should become as a little child or should all adults say its all about who wants to be the best in this color of red white and blue justice that has taken a 180 degree turn to overshadow in this type of defenseless underhanded game of cat and mouse in this offender trap by computers today.
Best if luck to you! I to was looking to move out of PA when I am done next year. In researching, I found most states will require me to register there for LIFE even though I would be of the PA registry. Guess I’ll stay put as well. Fortunately, I have not been bothered in the area I live. So again, best of luck to you!
From computer thinking To Dr.Goldfoot and the love bomb dolls to David’s rants of all his qurk’s and witch hunts which many have said or the answers or to ones babblings is better than another , or maybe to Will Alans take on a stand your ground position, so who crys’ rape by a computer. Haven’t many been raped in so many ways via this computer inducement with its intent or you thought you were coming down here to meet up with a teenage girl. Even a grown women can yell rape and guess who they will believe first. In a way who’s protecting who or preventing who in this assuming aspect that they won’t catch this virus. Also remember it came from a bat as one person assumed about this virus or is this registry some venus fly trap to prevent.
Actually you all figured it all out or someone figured it out in this thought control or this intent type chat monologue but who had the graven images on their computer that were sexual in nature or who’s playimg with love bombs or child dolls in this type of unjust registry. Now who’s branded with this plague. One can understand a force of nature better than this computer jazz.
Should one blame it on oneself, government pinching a persons hormones a bit too much or inducing the attraction of some picture of a random teenager. Remember government is still pretending in this authority inducement to the receiver in this childs play by this computer, or is it ones ego to overcome another with a chuckie doll.
Isn’t this virus telling someone something today? How about this presidency campaign. All one has to do is open their eyes and take a stand. Is much of this sex registry still a mystery of inducements or would one actually put a teenage girl in danger. I’m sure perry mason could solve this puzzle big time and yes this would make a good Alfred Hichcock suspense thriller or a who done it.
Finally got my passport revocation letter today. I have a few questions for those who have been through this.
I have an appointment at the local post office to submit an application for my new passport.
1) On the form for the new passport they ask about the status of my previous passport. No check box for the actual situation. What did you do with this? Check lost? Fill in something else?
2) Did you send your revoked passport back to them according to the letter? Did you submit it with your application?
3) Did you include a copy of the revocation letter with your application?
4) Anything else I need to know to make this work so I can get a new passport?
Thanks for your help. Not asking for opinions on what happened, just how to move forward and get a new passport as soon as possible. I already have a work visa overseas and they know about my history. Not worried about the marking in the new passport, just in actually getting it.
@Worried in Wisconsin
When I had to surrender my recently issued passport without the identifier and apply for one, I called the number that was on the letter from the State Department as I wanted some clarification like the questions you are asking. The woman I talked to couldn’t answer them so she took my contact information and said someone from the facility that processed and printed my revoked passport would contact me.
A gentleman from the facility called me and I asked him my questions.
1) I asked him which form to use, he stated use Form DS-11
2) Yes I sent back my revoked passport. They returned it to me with 2 holes punched through the cover and first page. No I didn’t submit it with my new application, I sent it separately to the State Department.
3) I sent a letter with my application stating that I was required by law to have the identifier on my passport. I asked if I could put it in an envelope for privacy reasons and he said yes. I sealed the envelope and wrote “For State Department Only” on it. The postal worker took it and didn’t look inside….at least while I was there.
I received my new passport with the endorsement on page 51 (large book).
On a side note, I applied and was approved for TSA Pre screen…..I don’t like standing in long lines and I actually just wanted to see if I could get it.
@Facts should matter I liked that view course I wasn’t much interested in political views in or the show Queen for a day.high school or college was a bit much but I did take an interest in spanish and the conquests of the spanish and yes in many ways this registry is a quest or who is it safeguarding in many ways. So you have sex, politics, and religion all wrapped up into one with this registry drudgery plodding of another in this suffering type of ordeal.
When governments ask one to do something that is in direct disobediece to Gods word, we are to disobey the government in faithful confidence. One wonders who is killing or assinating who in this sort of Huey Long short story in many ways. of this competency test via this computer type derangement control. American people should stand and outlaw much of this type of registry ordeal. A simple fine would make more aware of their behavior than imprisonment, fingerprinting and classes, monitors and other devious methods.
Is mankind getting out of hand or who is protecting who in this mask type ordeal. Its funny to see many American’s wearing a mask when thats an option for each individual to decide or chose. Guess using one’s understanding comes in handy at times. Yes from all the comments on here much of this computer ordeal needs to go as its not biblical and only promotes hardships and sufferings in the long run. The bible gives people so many chances to straighten up but this registry is like a den of vipers invading one’s mind in this unethical and unparallel way.
I asked the detective before I went to court if he was Christian and he said yes so here are six bad habits Christians should drop or break…. Being Judgemental, Predicting the Future, Over complicating the love of Jesus, Posting garbage on Social Media, being Hypocritical, being closed-minded.
Its as if authorities don’t have the wisdom to understand their own behavior in this emotional and irrational type of encounter that seduces another in various ways. One may even say is this registry a political agenda in this worst degree type of format. All of this internet inducement is a coy by authorities and protects no one and prevents nothing. Are authorities going against the grain?
I just check for my Poll location for the up coming election and I see it has been moved to a school. Can anyone advise how I should handle this? Do I need to contact the school principle? And before anyone says I could always vote by mail, I do not trust the mail process established for the mail in votes.
A potential nugget from CCAP for the removal hearing if the DA challenges. True, this is punishment and sentencing but it has a history and could be a framework.
Case Name: People v. Crockett , District: 3 DCA , Case #: C074342
Opinion Date: 2/19/2015 , DAR #: 1944
Case Holding:
In deciding Three Strikes Reform Act (Prop. 36) resentencing petition, defendant’s history of recidivism is an insufficient basis to deny relief unless defendant’s priors give rise to a valid concern about public safety that is presently relevant to support a finding of unreasonable risk of danger. In 2009 Crockett was sentenced to a life three strikes term after suffering convictions for corporal injury to a spouse, false imprisonment, and assault by means of force likely to inflict great bodily injury. After Proposition 36 passed in 2012, he filed a petition seeking to reduce his sentence. The trial court found Crockett’s release posed an unreasonable risk of danger to public safety. Crockett appealed. Held: Affirmed. In a Proposition 36 resentencing hearing, the prosecution bears the burden of proving that a defendant eligible for resentencing presents an unreasonable risk of danger to public safety. A trial court’s ruling is reviewed for abuse of discretion. A history of prior convictions and violations of itself is insufficient to support a court’s unreasonable risk of danger finding, because the voters created a procedure whereby a defendant may seek mitigation of his punishment notwithstanding his criminal history. A defendant’s priors “that give rise to a valid concern about a danger to public safety,” combined “with evidence that this concern is presently relevant” provide a proper basis for the trial court to deny relief. There was no abuse of discretion here.
I am relaying an experience from another registrant. We speak often enough to feel comfortable with sharing. I asked him if I could in fact share his recent experience and he said ‘yes’, so here it goes.
The man was referred to a reduction lawyer by his therapist and was told that this Attorney is great at getting reductions and has only had 1 client that he couldn’t get a reduction for out of the hundreds he has represented.
So my friend calls him , gives the obligatory deposit, along with his Rap sheet, and waits.
He gets an email with the Attorney’s case assessment and fees. At this point everything goes into the crapper.
The email consisted of basically a form letter with my friend’s name injected into “ your name here” spots.
The attorney stated how hard it would be to get a reduction when a judge has adjudicated the offense as a felony. Excuse me, but isn’t that what we are here for? BTW, his case is defined as a wobbler, so there’s that as well.
Then he says it makes it harder when my friend has had a probation violation. WAIT A F***ing MINUTE! He had a 3 yr probation period and not one missed Probation appointment ( I accompanied him to 3 of them) , not one missed registration appointment, and not even one minor infraction. It would have shown up on the RAP sheet. What the hell is this guy talking about.
On top of that , the lawyer is charging him literally double for a reduction over what his advertised fee is for a reduction AND expungement. ( my friend is not eligible for an expungement).
I told him to drop this guy as fast as he could and research another attorney. Meanwhile his therapist is angry because ,” she referred him and it makes her look bad”. Well 🖕🏽You lady! Sounds to me like a complete scam. Wouldn’t be surprised if she was getting a “referral gift” for sending clients his way.
He has since contacted his original representation and they have agreed to charge him much less ( even cheaper than the other’s advertised fee) as a returning client. He said that they agreed that something wasn’t right, but wouldn’t go so far as to say what.
Anyway, that is the latest horror story involving our respected law profession. I am reminded of the joke,” What do you call 500 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean……..A GOOD START!”
The Hit Lists make a lot of people more dangerous with every passing second of every day. That is the trade-off so some people can lie that children are being protected and they can get paid. They are immoral.
Operation Boo! now thats a night the lights went out in Georgia sterotype comparison. So what do many people do on Halloween. I even sent some pictures to Janice a week or so ago of me doing a D.A.R.E. program to kids about staying off of drugs. Seems much of this sex registry issue is one big blob of Boo in many ways.
Today I had to call (monthly check in) to be in conpliance. Actually it wasn’t my day to call in as I got a bit confused from last month when I didn’t know if the officer said the 6th or the 9th. Left a message he calls back and says its the 13th. Confusing, well this whole registry is confusing and I will agree with everyone on here that its time to nip a lot of this registry in the back as it is a vain type of justice of leading the wittness when they (law enforcement) are doing this con game and they are using their sword unjustly. Using the coy of if it protects one child. So what is this pandermic doing. That should be a tell all in much of this.
We all can go with preaching about the wrongs of the registry or the rights of the registry but its the principal and the justice that is behind this demise of man in this type of callous under minded protection/prevention scavenger hunt.
@Worried in Wisconsin
Thanks for the information. I didn’t know how they worked.
If this article does prove politicians use the registry to punish those they don’t like
What is this Boo type registry? I used a word on here of free agent. Sure we all are a free agent’s or do we all think alike. Should we just let science figure out the big bang theory or some thorn in the flesh or do computers control others via digital machine mechanic’s. What is faith than? When a man comes home from work that his wife will have dinner on the table or that she gets the kids to bed on time or who is watching Phil Donahoe reruns today.
This whole registry is like a bad moon rising of the mind to take over another person’s free agent will. Sure nothing wrong with prevention if done in the right manner. Even granny Clampet was against city slicker bankers. Sure everyone on this registry should be upset in many ways. Its time to contest much of all of this registry law.
Fighting for Justice is the most important thing anyone can do for their fellow man. Is this all a kingfish Ano’s and Andy get rich quick scheme or does it actually prevent. One wonders if government are on a 24 hour darvon pill and on the take in everything to protect their good name. And yes the bible does says all lie.
Why do people that have to be FTR,not off them selves.evenmore? Fleetwood Mac would be my 1st band I loved,I’m 51.I also loved Likin Park,Sound Garden,an Anthony Bourdain! They have the coin an everything we need to fix our mess, but they took the selfish easy way out! I’m not going out that way! I’m Irish an will fight, scrape,pull hair! An bite!Just so our plight is won! Don’t do it! Think of our kids I have 3 an pay child support on 1 still, plus have 2 grand kids..yeah I’m human!! I guess I like the hard life!!
I did some more investigating on the passport front today…
First, there is now a note on the passport web site saying that people requiring the ‘unique identifier’ on their passports can send in their valid passports, along with a letter stating that they fall under IML, and get a new passport that way. Seems like they are saying to renew early and get the proper marking.
That option was not posted when I renewed my passport early two years ago hoping to get a compliant passport and be done with this, as they just sent me another unmarked one. Seems like it’s a valid option up until your passport is revoked and made non-valid.
Today I spoke with a number of people about this at the passport office. Finally got to someone high enough to know what’s going on. He had me read him some coded numbers on my current passport to find out which specific office issued it without the marking, and then said that someone from that office would call me to provide further instructions. Sounded like there might be options other than the ones in the letter, and possibly I can just renew the current one without having to do this all over from scratch. Might save me a buck or two.
So, when I get the final answer from them I’ll post back. In the meanwhile, anyone wanting to take care of this now who has a valid passport can look up on the FAQs by searching for “sex offender”.