Facebook page requires no evidence to call men sexual abusers

[thepostmillennial.com – 11/11/20]

This summer, we witnessed a new wave of #MeToo sexual misconduct accusations on social media targeting powerful men in various industries in the province of Quebec. Like the previous instance of online indictments of sexual harassment, few professed victims could present proof supporting their allegations’ validity. And so, we were told to “believe all victims,” even when evidence was absent.

Not satisfied with the current Quebec’s legal process, Delphine Bergeron and an unnamed collaborator decided to curate a public list of potential sexual harassers’ names. The administrators share the list in question on a Facebook page named “Dis son Nom,” roughly translated into English as “Say his name.”

It includes the names of supposedly sexual harassers. Their names, occupation, employers, and location are listed. Each person on the list is given a rating ranging from 1 to 3. The numbers represent the type of sexual misconduct they are being accused of by their alleged victims. Type 1 is reserved for inappropriate sexual comments, type 2 for grooming, and type 3 for sexual contact.

On the Facebook page, it’s clearly stated in French by its administrators that it will give no context on why these names appear on their list. And so it’s impossible to verify the accusations. And it offers no apparent recourse for the accused to get their names removed from the list.

And so the purpose of the list seems to be a tool to shame and slander alleged sexual harassers without giving them their legal rights to a fair trial. The fact that the list reveals the accused’s employers seems to have the goal of causing them financial harm.


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Here’s a story from earlier this year in the “New York Post.” It’s yet another example of the destructive consequences brought on by the calculated listing and posting of names via social media:


So, if no evidence is needed, why can’t we name those people, too?

Yesterday Facebook suspended my account for a week for posting “Canadians are crazy. Wolverine and Deadpool are proof!”. It was a joke comment in a joke thread, on a joke page. Apparently that’s hate speech or something. But what’s going on in this article or me reporting the Shoot a Pedo guy and his post and images of promoting actual violence, yeah, thats all fine and doesn’t go against their community standards.

Without evidence, perhaps those accused of baseless allegations of sexual misconduct, need to start filing slander suits, hit Facebook and those publishing slanderous comments about them, in the wallet, where it counts.
Enough of the baseless claims.

The very same can be said about many U.S. & State courts. No real evidence is needed. Ask me how I know. And I’m pretty sure U.S. Sec. 230 would provide coverage for the FB pages mentioned here.

I’m surprised sex offenders haven’t created a counter website for Law enforcement District Attorney’s and population’s who pass these unjust laws.
I bet if random people had access to their personal information and sex offenders started driving by their houses all day they’d think twice about publicly posting peoples information online

Good luck

To many people are trying to get one up on Santa. Need a list of people who can’t mind their beeswax and leave people alone. Facebook needs to be the next MySpace irrelevant!!!

for having been directly affected by a false accusation, I can tell you that it is very devastating when people get the wrong idea about you. Gossip follows you from community to community. I learned the following:
The people who leave you for unsustainable political divide are not your friends. You should surround yourself with educated people instead.
The “Norwich Pharmacal Order” should be a cost effective tool to flush out the identities involved in organized crimes such as doxxing, terrorism, or under pretext of political agenda regardless if the defendant believes they’re criminally harassing you for “public interest blabla”. You should consider filing for one and also file a police report.
If there is private information(like your employment or where you work, or where you could be found and identified) involved associated with a heinous crime you did not commit and instructions to the people around you to do something that will directly affect specifically you, then you should consider filing a police report. Even a single action can constitute criminal harassment.
You are a big pussy if you do not stand up for yourself in any situation in real life especially if it’s a false accusation. You are not “taking one for the team” by falling on your sword. Remember, you are not part of the team; these people are out to ruin your life and telling you to shut up, and they don’t care if it was a lie. Why are you living for if you are letting what others say about you dictate your life. To them, you are already a rapist who should receive a brick through your home window. Even at a bar, if you don’t stand up for yourself, you’re going to send the message that it’s ok for you to get pushed around-That’s human nature.
Also, surprisingly FB has an office in Quebec where civil law is different from the rest of Canada. Quebec is a very profitable hotbed for lawsuits. Fat chance if FB responded negligently to reports to take illegal posts down and were aware all the IPs of reports were in French and cluttered in Quebec, especially if the FB representative is a young leftist female in their 20’s who were well aware of the plainant’s expressed situation. If you see your name on that list or you share an identical name, you should contact Calex Legal since they’re the ones handling the class action for this.
I honestly think it would be very beneficial to establish a “False Accuser List”(with material visual proof ofc) similar to CarFax for people publishing a lie about their situation, because that would help financial institutions and entities like insurance companies and HR a lot in blacklisting people at high risk of committing fraud and mitigate financial loss that come with propagating lies. There are two types of unsuccessful people on this planet that I hate the most: beggars and liars.