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With all these advocates striving to fight for this reform as Vicki Henry States who understands what they are up against. One would hope many have the wisdom to know the difference. Could much of this registry be some sword of wrath or some sword of justice in changing the criminal Justice System or are people wanting to change hearts in this upside down matter. Remember the heart is deceitful above all things.

So who is confortable with the word sex offender labeled on another by vicarious means or who is prostituting this type of ordeal in many ways. Now one has to be thankful in many measures that some women have tended to get involved in helping rid much of this sex registry riff on another.

One has to look at Criminal Justice aspects as well. Are authorities doing an overbite such as in their slogan “Take a bite out of crime”in most or many of these audatious offender ordeals that don’t even involve children as the actual players of this ordeal in many of these internet games. Who is doing the covert action or overt action in much of this downfall.

Sure Janice’s team have their methods or going about this, WAR has their methods, Naqrsol appear to have their methods but it would seem that no one can really get a stronghold on this ordeal that has damaged the lives of many and also made the USA look a bit foolish in its criminal Justice System. Is everyone blind? One doesn’t even know why this plague or Convid is here ir is it some mankind imperial of a Dark Shadow today.

So are we all borned naked or with the naked understanding with our own wisdom.
I’m sure one doesn’t get involve in this registry for nothing or are they the casuality of this WAR ordeal to use the pharse. While Ms. Henry has good views and many more advocate groups do also it would seems that the spiritual aspect doesn’t play in any part of this seduction by this internet computer device or this human thorn. So who is compromising who in this battle. Doing something right is good but influencing someone to do something makes one look just as guilty.

TRUE Anything can happen to anyone at anytime people love pointing their finger and throwing around the word sex offenders until it’s their family or friends on the list.
Any man woman and child can be placed on IML sex offender registery 90% of sex crimes aren’t even premeditated my wife has A cousin who cought HIV from hanging out and partying all the time she’s only 21 years old.
One of my best friends iv known since 6th grade die in a car crash after leaving a party. My point is just because someone is labeled A sex offender you dont know how or why that person ended up in that situation something could’ve happened beyond their control

Good luck