CT: Dr. R. Karl Hanson: Sexual offense recidivism risk: Not what you think

[onestandardofjustice.org – 1/15/21]

Dr. Hanson speaks about recidivism data and desistance.

One Standard of Justice, Inc. is a volunteer-based civil rights organization committed to ensuring that persons accused or convicted of sex offenses in Connecticut are treated constitutionally and fairly by the state before, during, and after their sentences. We believe that these persons ought to be accorded dignity and respect as human beings. They are entitled, like all other criminal offenders, to be subjected only to penalties proportionate to the severity of their crimes, to be given second chances where warranted, and to have adequate opportunities for education, rehabilitation, housing, and employment. Communities are safer with rational laws and a focus on prevention of sexual harm and and the healing of all those affected by it.

Watch the video and download PDFs of his research papers



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Articles like this are beating a dead horse as far as I’m concerned. We all know the studies. We all know the facts. We all know that studies and facts don’t matter to anyone besides us. You can only buy a political result, you cannot get it with facts and studies.Guarantee if you place this study on a legislator’s desk with a check for $200,000, he would have a new bill on the floor within two weeks.

This is s link to an hour long webinar. It includes numerous people, including Senator Winfield from CT. They are discussing the massive amounts of misinformation about people on the registry, that the entire registry is built around a false premise. I only listened to the first ten minutes, I will get back to it, but I highly recommend everyone listen to this. It is encouraging to now that more and more people, and people that are law makers are waking up to the fact that this registry does more harm than good, as even the senator mentioned how many people on the registry just can’t live their lives under it.

This is a very good video and kudos to Ms. Cooper, the host of the interview. Dr Hanson has difficulty explaining complicated ideas into a more simplified ideas, but if he sticks to the research, then he’s on point.

I think Dr Hanson needs to not include the accumulated recidivism rates with recidivism rates broken down in time categories since the incident. It is an unnecessary chart and discussion point as it provides confusion to the masses who cannot differentiate between accumulated vs residual recidivism rates.

I love the last question to Dr. Hanson on how he feels about the low recidivism rates and how law makers disregard the facts to not help reform sex offender laws. The response from Dr. Hanson isn’t great and a bit muddled while trying to say the politician should reform sex offender laws. Dr. Hanson did denote that sex offenders have a lower recidivism rates than most other groups, but, again, it was muddled.

Is this the conflict of interest doc Karl Hanson who fathered the Static 99 (aka “Scam 99”)? As far as I’m concerned, anything that comes out of Dr. Hanson’s “research” is pseudoscience and malpractice.

Very few politicians are elected to office making a science-based argument for anything. If the past few years are an indication of anything, it should be that people vote based on emotion and fear in far greater numbers than on science and facts.

Not until enough work is done to change the emotional charge behind the sex offender witch hunt will things change. No amount of science and facts will make much difference until those seeking public office stop using fear of sex offenders to get elected, and unfortunately that is unlikely to happen. They’ve found the perfect target for people’s fears and it’s likely to stick around for quite some time.

Time to end politicians love affairs with special interests. They represent the people, not who writes the largest check.

Look at how many Republicans in Congress said, President Trump shared in responsibility for January 6th. Within hours or days they moved away from him, now they move closer to him. Republican Senators are more scared to do the right thing and put their loyalty for former President Trump in front. Same goes with registration laws. Not making this political just connecting the dots