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⛔ Maybe we need to start a new movement:
“Defund the Registries” ⛔
For those who spent time in prison, was there any rehabilitative value to it? Not just for sex offenses in particular, but was it anything but time spent out of regular society? Any attempt to create remorse, a commitment to change, personal growth, anything? The Chinese have work camps that they feel can turn certain undesirables into productive citizens—at least, that’s their argument. We call it a crime against humanity. But isn’t just throwing people into a prison with other felons without any plan at rehabilitation even worse? I don’t know, I’m just wondering—I just don’t understand the American criminal justice system.
@Literally Nobody … I spent over 20 years in prison. “They” call it a correctional institution. But I found out that all it really is, is human warehousing. When I was just starting my time of “correction,” I spoke to the assistant resident unit supervisor and told him that I was ready, willing and able to participate in any and all rehabilitation programs that the State would require of me. He just laughed at me and said, “There is no rehabilitation, all we have is human warehousing!” Needless to say, I was dumbfounded. And over the years, I kept my head down, and went quietly about my business … keeping a low profile and staying out of trouble. The only reason I made it through all those years unscathed, is because the good LORD was very gracious to me. I PRAISE HIM!!! And to HIM, I am very grateful. Peace be with all of you!
It seems India has topped the list of countries as having the highest incidence of online illegal pornography viewing. But here is an interesting twist. They allow the people they arrest and punish to immigrate without noting it on their records. They can come here after being accepted for jobs and then apply for citizenship without ever being identified as a sex offender.
So WE are marked for our crimes of stupidity, but others that have done the same or possibly worse can come here without fear of being rejected as long as the company they are employed by ignores or is unaware of their offense.
My info comes from a client whose husband was arrested for this crime, yet was hired by a high tech firm that didn’t seem to do a thorough background check, or ignored it due to his other credentials. I don’t know the particulars of his offense, though. They know about my indiscretion, but aren’t bothered by it. Thank god for the rest of the world. ( except any ‘christian’ country).
@Nobody. I’m glad someone on here said their nobody. I said it a long time ago on here in hopes that somebody would catch on to it but actually we are somebody or are we not all under grace & truth. Sure we all have responsibility in life but who’s wisdom is who’s in this rehabilitation of the human being. Sure the prison systems are a sex-pool of outcasts if you would like to say that, but I would rather trust than think that I am somebody or an outcast. One wonders in this day and age of computers tech garbage who’s caught with their pants down or who gets brow beaten by his or her own sin theory or tongue lashings.
Basically its simple, we are all born with sin. Mistakes are human or are authorities making their own rules in much of this harshness. Sure one can go with seven deadly sin’s or the abomination of desolation and that’s even a heavy subject. So were is truth in true justice today?
Remember we just had an article of women getting mixed up in this registry Yes many women student teachers or teachers are setting sights on kids that they teach and yes women teachers have gone down the road so to speak but generally they get off a lot easier than men. Prison is no place to whine up for something like some of these computer cons. While authority is good if it is done correctly but this registry and this ordinance is a bit out of step so who’ has the mark of the beast. So who is trying who’s spirit or should we all go back to death of a salesman.
Good afternoon all;
I’m hoping I can get some assistance or clarification as it regards to travel within the United States, specifically to Tennessee, North Carolina, and South Carolina.
I was convicted in 2004 of a felony count of sexual abuse of children in the state of Pennsylvania, and had a 10 year registration to Megan’s Law. I was also one of those folks who got wrapped up in the increase to 15 years, and then 25 years through the Adam Walsh Act/SORNA, and was also subsequently removed due to the Muniz ruling. I have been completely off of probation/parole for around 6 years and off of Megan’s Law/SORNA for… I think sometime in 2017.
My 2nd wedding anniversary is coming up in June and we have been talking about various destinations in Tennessee and the Carolinas to spend anywhere from 4 days to a week’s vacation depending on cost. I can’t figure out if A.) I am going to be required to register in these places just for entering to go on vacation, and B.) Does the fact that I am no longer on probation/parole/megan’s law/sorna change anything?
I know when I originally got married, we looked at Florida as a possible honeymoon destination (I was also off of all of my requirements at that point as well) and they told us directly that I would need to register if I came to the state, regardless of whether I no longer had to register in Pennsylvania. That was a shock to me, I had (ignorantly, and disappointingly) thought that I was “done”. I guess in some ways we’re never done?
Anyway, does anyone have any idea how these 3 states work as far as registration for visitors? I found quite a few charts on this site, but the most recent one I could find was from 2018, and even so it wasn’t particularly clear as to visiting registration requirements.
Thanks so much for any assistance any of you are able to provide.
When posting a comment here there is a drop down list of email addresses and it is possible to select one and it will auto fill with that email address.
My question is how did an email address I haven’t used here get on that list?
My browser does not save passwords and autofill of forms is unchecked and disabled. My browser clears everything on exit. What am I missing?
Testing after disabling “remember search and form history” which is usually cleared when closing the browser.
@ Question: I’ve trained my email service to periodically post snarky comments and strong opinions here. I personally haven’t visited the site in months.
Read an article today about Vanessa Bryant releasing the names of the police officers who took pictures of the deceased at the helicopter crash site and spread them around publicly. This was the courts response:
“ A Los Angeles federal judge ruled last week against county attorneys who argued the deputies’ names should remain under seal because releasing them would make their personal information including their addresses accessible online, and possibly make them targets of hackers.”
Hmmmmm. There’s just so much to say about this one….. I’d like to have lunch with this judge.
I know there are a few from MN
After making my last viewpoint on here to C and even these topics that we all made comments to I have to say you all have inspired me and even inspiration comes in many different ways and means but there is only one book that should inspire all.
Sure we have many different cultures. I grew up with blacks, whites and many ethinic groups in a small coal mining town in WV. Course back than in the sixties we all watched, I think I was in the second grade that we all watched Kennedy get shot. Yes that was tragic. Course we still had prayer in school back than but today what do many have.. a Cher or her half breed song. Don’t get me wrong the indian nation is good and we all have morals but high tech and other things can get out of hand.
Much of this sex offender issue goes beyond even government justice to borderline injustice and also biblical injustice or are we all guilty, so we all should make it our goal and yes Janice know’s also that that is the right thing to do. Yes Janice is doing a good job out there but at times I’m sure her hands are tied. If we only do it for ourselves thats a bit self-conceited but if you do it for others that is helping others. Always look at the positive. Even many of these sentences and jail time slavery issues are a bit out of place.
Quick question… hopefully I can get a quick answer, though I think I know 🙁
I’m eligible for the covid vaccine so I scheduled myself yesterday to get the shot this afternoon.
It’s at the LA County of Education POD site in Downey. This morning while in the shower it hit me… does that qualify as a ‘school’? Am I allowed to go there?
I’m not sure what they do there, I’ve driven by there several times in the past and it looks more like a factory than anything.
I think for safety’s sake I should probably cancel, but what do you guys think?
This SUCKS!!!! Was finally able to get the shot and now I have to worry about this?
Yes we all have good days and bad. I just had an encounter with my probation officer. Got a call less than an hr. ago from one of my PO’s and she said that she was going to drive by and all I had to do was wave or be outside. She drives up parks at the side and we talk a bit no problem and she drives away. Call it a sneak check up or what who knows or just a random check.
It would seem that teaming two PO’s instead of one can tend to get a bit much but who am I to say whats right or wrong with this registry ordeal. Common understand has to be in their somewhere. Course I live in a Commonwealth State and can be a bit different than the states that others live in I would imagine but truth is still the truth.
You know I can’t understand about double tagging. Sure I myself never had a double tag team in my earlier years on PO. It was just me and my past PO and we got along good. Course he is said to have retire but founding that he is in another divison is a bit of a stretch. Now I can’t understand his retirement as he did’t look the age of retirement.
Maybe they moved him to another division which I have heard bu I am not 100% sure. Now I myself have a man and a women that visited me several weeks earlier this month. Yikes I wasn’t even wearing my mask when I talked to this lady as she sit in the car, myself on the front lawn and her windows rolled down.
Even failure to wear a mask might be an offense today if one looks at a lot of this from an angle or one sided but who can predict on another. I might of even been wearing a mask on my front laws I do not know. Sure from what the male counterpart said over the phone one day to myself when I ask, he said yes my 10 yrs will be up in july 2022. While other staates may be a bit different law is their to protect and serve but I’m sure prevent and punish can be wrapped up by bias means. Failure to wear a mask in ones front yard that would be a different call.
Some of this extension of probation is and can be a bit much.
Update Utah SB215: The Governor signed the bill. A “lifetime” offender with a conviction in Utah can petition to be removed from the registry after 20-years, under certain steep requirements. This does not, for the moment, apply to out-of-state offenders (I did object to the bill on equal protection grounds). There is a push to “fix” the registry in Utah and it is getting heated with the personal biases of certain legislators and executive branch employees, but the needle moved a little today in the right direction. My contact in the Utah Sentencing Commission said it will likely take years to get the law where it needs to be “based on the empirical evidence” (2% recidivism rate in Utah), but they are working at it.
Do anyone here know who is lawyer named Bruce Bridgman is? I received a solicitation letter about PC290 registration removal. The law office is Eagle Law Corporation.
Now we talk a lot about sex offender and registry law’s and how it can effect one, these classes and yes the second time around they wanted me to go it again after I had finished the course. Sure I had a little Christian confrotaton in front of the class as the instructor watches on.
My sister and a friend go in meet with my PO and they feel that I am to worthy as Christiany is a turn off to them and yes the instructor, District Attorney, and Probation officer wanted me out. See I was left in the hands of the PO… the judge wiped the slate on it. Even after the investigator says to plead guilty. Thats what one would calls a bit of judicial hanky panky. And yes it might of happened in many of your all’s cases.
This is interesting considering the court is saying the alleged victim has to be held accountable for their actions when consuming alcohol or drugs voluntarily which is in line with a drunk driving charge. Have to wonder how consent would be considered if not remembered in a voluntary intoxicated state?
Minnesota Supreme Court: rape victims not ‘mentally incapacitated’ unless forcibly intoxicated
Iv been getting letters from these scam artists for over 21 years now when I was 18 I actually called Bruce’s law firm to see if he could possibly get my name and address taken off Megan law’s website.
So I called told him my situation he said no problem that he does these types of cases all the time that all I needed was Certificate Of Rehabilitation that he would gladly get started on for 1500$ and after I received my COR he would put me on calendar and we will go be for the judge and ask if I can be relieved of my duty to register.
He also said the fact that the DA waited till i turned 18 befor takeing my case to trial that I had a pretty good shot at getting off .
Man this guy had my mom eating out the pom of his hand she grabbed her credit card and was ready to send this guy 1500$ but I told my mom let’s wait and do our own research and will call him back tomorrow.
The next day upon doing a little research we found out that haveing a COR doesn’t relieve you of your duty to register and the only way a sex offender could ever be relieved of their duty to register is by a Governor’s pardon and that no sex offender in California has ever been pardon.
Good luck
It looks like we’re one step closer to the point when facial recognition-enabled doors open or slam in our faces and Wally World is on the bleeding edge.
Yes I only brought this epside up as we all seem to struggle in this registry issue. Whether one has some religious background or not its the situation that many encounter in these registry ordeals. Sure I feel sorry that anyone had to go to prison in much of this unjust way when and those that are married I’m sure it was a bit rough on the individual so I’m sure this can help and its by you all jogging my memory after reading some of these types of posts.
Here’s a link and you can read up about all this scandel. I didn’t know to much about it at the time but yes I did like Kennedy. Course their were other unbecoming issues back than or should I sell my stille to Will Allen. j/k,_West_Virginia
How many of you wake up and the very first thing that comes into your head is ,” I am a registered sex offender”. I have been on this ride for 6 yrs., a baby compared to many of you guys, yet I think every morning, “How the hell am I going to survive today, let alone the rest of my life.”
@Way to long. I’m actually glad you mentioned that. Seem we can all get confused with some of the stress that goes along with this sex registry. Now God is not gonna tempt one with more than they can bare. Sure we all face trials in life. Yes and many times one has to reach out to a to a lawyer or a Constutional lawyer.
Yes I am glad that Janice and her team are even presenting this ACSOL site to many. Yes fraud comes in many forms or does government at times overthrow their position on many as in the case of many of these sex registry endeavors, whether via computer or on a one to one exchange basis. Hey I’ve never been married and never been thru a divorce but I can image its hard and when kids are involved and that just mades it much worse. Even this past voter thing that we all saw or this riot uprising, could anyone conprehend that.
Even when I got caught up in marajaha back in the time it was a bit unsettleing. Now they have been talkking about legalizing it or can we all be confused in much of this immoral sex registry scheme or or even some women wanting to blackmail scheme others or what biblical or ethical examples should we go by today in this America. So either one trust in themself, government, or God or what does the dollar bill say. So who is juggling the books in much and many of these vain government sex offender status.
You know its said justice is blind one would hope thats not irradical or dangerous. We all saw how dangerous this riot was a few months ago. Sure I plead guilty and I wanted to speak up but at times silence is golden. See when the blind lead the blind one falls in a ditch.
Is this registry a ditch in many ways. Does it prevent or pevert justice? Does it upset family members. Yes you guys out in CA should be glad you have constitutional lawyer such as Janice and also many other states that are fightening for the cause in much of this vain registry thats all across the USA.
During my days of working out at National Parks in my earlier years, I had the opportunity to work for the summer at Kings Canyon Sequioia out in CA but didn’t take the opportunity Yellowstone was enough for me at the time. Didn’t know to much about that area and all I knew is that CA was a gold Rush state. One wonders do authorities rush to judgement today in government issues whether state or constitutional, corporate, judicial, or even biblical today.
And yes your right I should keep silent as we all can many times get caught up in presenting views. So forgive me all.