Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of March 2021. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
Read MoreMonth: March 2021
PA: Sharpsville church ‘disfellowshipped’ over pastor’s criminal past
[ – 3/2/21] SHARPSVILLE, Pa. (WKBN) – A pastor in Sharpsville committed a crime long ago. Because of it, his church has been expelled from a prestigious national organization. The church is West Side Baptist, which was “disfellowshipped” last week by the Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention, the largest Baptist and Protestant denomination in the United States. The church is located on East Main Street in Sharpsville. It was expelled or disfellowshipped because of its pastor David Pearson. … The statement from West Side Baptist also claimed that…
Read MoreAction Alert for Florida: Act Today to Oppose Senate Bill 234
[ – 3/2/21] Senate Bill 234 will be heard by the Senate Rules Committee this Thursday, March 4, 2021 at 9:00-11:00 A.M. Eastern This bill will redefine the meaning of “day” to include “part of any calendar day”. FAC has submitted a letter in opposition to the Bill which you can read here: Letter to Rules RE SB234. Additionally, we plan to have a member speak before the meeting. We are calling on all members to contact the members of the Senate Rules Committee by calling and emailing them via…
Read MoreCA: Lawsuit Challenges Halloween Restrictions in Rialto
[ACSOL] A lawsuit has been filed in San Bernardino County Superior Court challenging the Halloween restrictions of the City of Rialto. Specifically, there is an ordinance adopted and enforced by the City of Rialto that prohibits all registrants on Halloween from decorating their front yards and exteriors with “typical Halloween decorations”, from opening the doors of their residence to trick-or-treaters and from leaving on any exterior residential, decorative and ornamental lights. If this ordinance is violated, registrants may be fined up to $1,000 and sentenced to up to six months…
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