CA: Aryan Brotherhood defendant says guards at Sacramento prison conspired to kill inmates

[ – 4/20/21]

Lawyers for an Aryan Brotherhood inmate held at California State Prison, Sacramento, have stepped up their efforts to have their client moved to a new facility, filing new allegations that guards there have been involved in killing inmates and planted evidence against others.

Other evidence shows that officers provided the inmates committing the homicide false information that Aguilar was a child sex offender, knowing that the information would cause him to be targeted for murder. After the killing, officers are believed to have falsely reported that Aguilar’s killing was gang related.”

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Good luck 😬👌

When prison guards and officials a more criminal than the ones in their “care”, we have problems. This isn’t trickle down economics, it’s trickle down corruption and people need to be held accountable. Lock the guards up for their misconduct!!

Working as a criminal defense investigator for 25 years, I had a case in which the client/defendant was doing life in a California (central valley) state prison for attempted murder, when he strangled his cellmate, a sex offender. The client had been sexually abused during his childhood (by an infamous Boston clergyman) which sadly left him with pronounced emotional and psychological issues. The client was then charged with murder, and we got a plea offer for voluntary manslaughter. The 35 yr. sentence was to run consecutively to the attempted murder. He wisely agreed to accept. Made no difference as he was not going anywhere anyway. So they transferred him to New Folsom Prison. After a short period of time, he received a new cellmate. Three guesses as to the offense for which this new cellmate was doing time. Well, surprise surprise. Guess who was found strangled in his cell a few short days later? As to the wisdom of the prison guards in placing the (now) decedent in with our hero, we are left only to speculate as to their intentionality. This was about ten or maybe fifteen years ago now. Wondering if our hero has been housed with other cellmates to which he has found issues. If I were a betting man, I’d say the odds are pretty good the answer is yes. When consulting with civil attorneys who have sued the CDCR on behalf of the families of those who have been murdered due to their status as sex offenders, the feedback has been (and I’m paraphrasing): “This happens all the time. Nothing new. And the families who file suit generally do not receive much in the way of compensation/awards (punitives) as the juries look at the value of that person’s life so as to determine the loss”. And so it goes.

Horrifying! I don’t miss it a bit. I’m wondering when, or how, prison conditions and corrections officers will be subjected to the level of scrutiny that beat cops are now experiencing. It seems very remote if, for no other reason, than inmates don’t (overwhelmingly) have cameras and any security footage from fixed cameras would have to be saved and discoverable. Perhaps this is becoming the standard, now in which case, I would expect to see more criminal and civil actions to the benefit of prisoners in the coming years.

If treatment of people on the street by cops is bad, treatment of prisoners has to be far, far worse. And of course, it is.

Damn death sentence go to CA prisons now. Fking face death sentence everywhere nwe go. One place we used to be half way safe now we’re front and center for all the lunatics in prisons to torment and kill. Janice please finish the job and make them do individual risk assessments, if you do not know one will. Only way to minimize the casualties that are occurring in this war.