Understanding Child Sexual Abusers

[themamabeareffect.org – 4/26/21]

Addressing the misconception that all child sexual offenders are pedophiles and the reasons why people commit abuse against children. Introducing the typologies of abusers to help protective adults understand that there is no set stereotype for offenders and why we need to involve all the adults and adolescents we know and trust around our children, to be educated on the issues of child sexual abuse and actively working together to empower children and reduce risk of abuse.

Watch the YouTube video “Understanding Child Sexual Abusers”

The Mama Bear Effect YouTube channel


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My mother abused me. It took a very long time and a conviction for CP for me to come to grips with that. She was by no means a pedophile. What she was involved control. Her abuse was what is called covert sexual abuse. She did it with my older 1/2 brother until he moved out and then I filled the void. It involved a lot of mind games and mental conditioning. There was some physical contact, but not of the recognized overt nature. She was not an evil person as people speak about when describing the abuse. I think She was hurting as much inside as the people she hurt. It doesn’t excuse it , though.
This is just as damaging and much harder to recognize. Spouses might not even know it is happening. It caused me trouble having intimate relationships as I got older. Trust in others became an issue throughout my life.
I have been told in therapy that this could be what triggered my viewing of C.P. , to connect with others experiencing abuse without the actual contact. I have been able to let go of those past issues. I don’t forgive her, nor have I had contact since I left home.
I am sure there are others her that have experienced this kind of abuse from a parent, guardian, or other adult family member. People need to understand that the scars are carried for a lifetime. It can ruin a person emotionally, spiritually and physically.
I am lucky in that I found a person that recognized my suffering, helped me to become comfortable with myself and showed me actual affection and love. Many never get this chance. I still have intimacy issues, but at least I understand why now.

Fascinating video that suggests some insight into online stings. Perhaps the stings like EDP445’s incite the incident by

1. Giving access in the form of a decoy.

2. Giving the “catch” a situational opening made enticing by the decoy.

Maybe EDP445 would fall into the inadequate typology, but who knows. Not a pedophile though according to the video.

The normally law-abiding person could be entrapped this way when at any other time the trap would not work. In this light, the pedophile and predator labels are most often false when it comes to stings.

Last edited 3 years ago by Ditto

Lock them up !! Lock them up !!

Minors develop at different rates and some are more mature than others. It’s all biological and if one can’t be honest, look in the mirror because you are part of the problem.