CHALLENGE MET to Provide Funds to Fight SORNA Regulations. Thanks!

[Thanks to all of you who helped meet our goal to fund our fight SORNA regulations! Of course we encourage all to continue donations to ACSOL so we can expand our fight]

The sum of $1,200 has been provided to ACSOL in the form of a challenge grant in order to fight the federal government’s proposed SORNA regulations. However, the sum comes with strings attached. That is, ACSOL must collect at least $1,200 from others during the next seven days in order to receive the original $1,200.

“We thank the donor of the challenge grant, who has asked to remain anonymous, that has been provided to ACSOL to fight the federal regulations that will cause great uncertainty in the lives of all registrants,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci. “The catch is we will only receive the original $1,200 if others contribute the same or a greater amount this week.”

The federal government issued proposed SORNA regulations in 2020 and ACSOL provided a lengthy, in-depth response to those regulations outlining several violations of the U.S. Constitution as well as existing federal law within the regulations. Subsequent conversations with federal government officials suggest that the regulations will be finalized in some form in 2021. ACSOL is leading an effort comprised of legal professionals to file a series of lawsuits throughout the nation when the regulations become final.

Included in the proposed SORNA regulations are requirements that some individuals register four times a year, report leaving their residence for seven days or more even if they remain in the same state and disclose internet identifiers. As currently written, the proposed regulations would apply to registrants in every state regardless of whether the state in which they live is SORNA compliant.

Donations to ACSOL can be made online using the “Donate” button on the front page of the website and by U.S. mail to ACSOL, 1215 K Street, 17th Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814. Donations must be received by May 10 in order to be counted toward this challenge.

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Now there’s $1,100.00 to go.

Michigan already does this to us and after years of fighting in court, we all see how that ended.

Had NARSOL and W.A.R. been communicated with in regards to this challenge?

SORNA is federal; it will affect them, too.

Just donated, thank you to the original donor.

Okay, I donated! 🥳🤗😁👍

$100.00 from me. These horrible regulations will impact all of us. I urge everyone to donate whatever you can. Many thanks to the legal team.

My donation is complete! Go Janice and ACSOL!!

Glad to contribute to the fight

$200 more

Even though New York State removed me from their registry in March of 2016 I will donate and help fight this government abuse

Just sent $100. Hopefully we’re getting close to the threshold!

I don’t think it will matter, but what the hell. Not the 1st time I have given money to a cause I thought was not winnable. Hope I’m surprised this time.

Donated. Thank you for fighting this nonsensical government overreach.. corruption.. patronage job wasteland. Low recidivism and No domestic violence registries. Smh

I just donated $100.

Like many (if not most) of us, I’m poor, but I did make a small donation. If all registrants gave just $5 or $10, ACSOL would have a very large sum of cash to fight these new SORNA laws.

I already said I’m willing to pay what is needed for you guys to take up the constitutional challenge to Family Code 3030. Just tell me what the cost is, when you will be able to fit it into your schedule of cases and I will make as much money available as I can possibly manage. I don’t care if I have to sell my house to get this done. Janice, you have my email.

Just gave $500, hopefully it goes through in the next 24hr. If not I will try again. My family should be on board too, even if it is over the match amount.

Many thanks to all who have made donations to ACSOL during the past 2 days! Donations ranged from $5 to $500 and we truly appreciate each one of them.

This challenge seems to have been an effective tool in getting people to open their pocket books, including yours truly.
I’m sure I’m not the only to notice there are only a handful of regulars on this board despite over 100k registrants in the state and a ~million nationwide. Imagine if 50 or 25% of us participated here and donated. I know the costs of postage, paper and envelopes is expensive when multiplied by 100k, but how about a fun raiser to cover the coat of a direct mail campaign? What about telephone outreach? Maybe too invasive?
If we could get 100k people contributing enough money I’m sure Janice and her team would put it to effective use.

Donated! Go slay em Janice and team! Sick of this bs already!

How much is left to make the $1200? I will meet it.

$50 from me. Imagine if everybody just auto-donated just $1 a month.

Tom Kelley:

I don’t know which state you are in but things are definately heating up in Michigan. Michigan’s registry has been on hold since February 14, 2020, so registrants have gotten a break for about a year or so thus far and the pot is just warming up.
I joined the army in the 70’s at the end of the Vietnam War. There are two things they don’t teach you in the army, how to retreat and how to surrender.
With vets jumping into the fight it’s going to be a new war. I hope you jump in and join the battle.

I got $25 in my wallet and I would send it through the mail; yet I don’t trust cash being sent. Is it possible to get a money order and send it that way? I know $25 isn’t much, but what will I do with it. Rather see it put to greater use than stuffing my face.

Challenge accepted. Just sent $100

Thanks for all the hard work put in by ACSOL