General Comments May 2021

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This was posted on my neighborhood’s NextDoor app: “Database Map of Local Registered Sex Offenders: Might be worthwhile to check the database to see who your neighbors are, especially if you have kids. Kind of horrifying. 

It’s inaccurate. It does not include me.

1. Is there any update on the american law institute? If I remember some months ago they where deciding on things like cp charges and if the registry should be public.
2. Are their any cases challenging the registry heading to the supreme court by any chance? Or any in the work?
If so do they need support or how could we support them, rather with letters or financially?

Has any one got threatening phone calls lately . I recived a call , yesterday , from a man saying he was from a agencey that was up-dating my sex offender regerstration . I don’t hear well , so I always have the phone on speaker , and I was in Cosco , And the guy had a mexican acceny ,So I did’nt hear everything he said. I went out side , and ask who he was , I didn’t understand what he said, but Soon told him he was full of shit , He says I’m being watched as we speak, and I was going to be killed in my car.. The conversation went down hill from there.
I have been on the registory for many years , I’ve never recived a call like this , from an unknown caller, I think it was a scam of some type , I don’t know. I don’t know how they got my phone number.
I’m I the only one , or is this bull shit going around lately ?

We need to be involved in groups working to change the criminal justice system, like Critical Resistance and DSA, to be sure their efforts include RSOs.

Different buy similar.
I found an email in my spam from someone whose name I know asking if I had some girl, with a link. The email address was sketchy, so I did not click. Nope, not falling for that one.

Only time I got a call from the sheriff’s office it was during COVID to register over the phone. Otherwise if I don’t recognize a number I don’t answer. I thought it was against the law to pose as a cop; yet it’s okay when you try to scam a PFR. If you do you get a warning from the cops, what a crock!!

57 days left until SB384 takes affect the district attorney’s office and the public defenders office are gearing up getting ready for battle the district attorney’s office has alot of power but so does the public defenders office in the fact that the DA has to prove the petitioner is a threat to society.
Meanwhile Janice Bellucci and ACSOL will be fileing hella lawsuits challenging the
tiered registry perversion.
Unfortunately my bday is before July 1st so I can’t participate in this shiit show until next year but it’s all good ima just sit back with a bag of popcorn and enjoy the show

Good luck ✊😬

Was wondering if this would be a good angle to fight the registry Or possibly another Avenue to prove it is punitive.

Since studied and discovered doctors, nasa, Olympic trainers, military, have all used heart rate variability(HRV) to test a persons stress levels. And how the body experiences recovery from many different types of physical and physiological stresses. It is a physical measurement of a person reaction to a stressor and their recovery. Could we prove it to the courts that all these restrictions and the chaotic environment they have created for us to try and maze around is punishment. If we can show physical measurements over long periods of time and how it effects health. Maybe a large scale study could be done on registrants and our family members to prove that the registry does cause bodily harm in the form of stress and research could provide physical measurements to provide it. There are many easy ways to measure HRV from fitness trackers to apps that use the camera on a cell phone. This is a widely accepted practice in the all fields of health. I’m an athletic male who eats a healthy diet. I am 100% healthy according to doctors. When I asked doctor about my HRV and why it’s it’s lower than average considering my healthy lifestyle, he stated there must be some stress in my life that is causing my nervous system to overreact. Well the only thing in life that’s not great and keeping me from relaxing completely is the registry. I didn’t tell him that in fear. And in doing not so realized that is probably the cycle of anxiety I experience and hold on to. And so it continues…

Anyways just a thought wanted to put it out there

I learned today that, shockingly, I’m a Level Two. I’m not sure how that happened but thank goodness. Nevertheless, I’m clearly not a candidate under current criteria for removal (my friends were under fourteen) but it’s a step in the right direction. I’ll take it. Are they factoring in time under registration crime-free?

Well, they have gone and done it now. They have almost achieved their ultimate goal of stripping me of any semblance love, happiness and normalcy…
I was accused in 2007, signed a plea in 2009, got out May 15th 2010, and met the woman who would become my wife on June 29th 2010. We were married on 12/10/10 and filed our first adjustment of status application at the end of January 2011 because my wife is still a Chinese citizen. We had never heard of the AWA and tried to do the application ourselves. They dragged the process out for about two years before rejecting it. Of course while we were waiting, expecting things to go through eventually, my wife’s student visa lapsed.
Not long after the rejection we consulted with several other attorneys who said they were experienced, but turned out to have as little clue as we did how to proceed. But that didn’t stop them from grabbing our money and justify keeping it by writing up inflated researching bills that amounted to jack squat in answers.
On January 27th 2014 my wife gave birth to our beautiful daughter. Then on May 5th CPS and the state of California took our daughter using “Family Code 3030”
Which essentially said that if I babysat my own daughter while my wife was at work, its was viewed as our daughter being in “eminent danger of harm” and gives CPS, and the police the right to snatch our child right then and there, and we would have to go to court to try and prove why we should have our daughter returned to us. Now, I’ve gone on about this before so I’ll not put you guys through it again, you can simply look up my other posts if your unfamiliar with the story.
Fast forward two more years and a lot of BS later and they terminated our parental rights even though we were never directly accused of any wrong doing. Well about this time we found an attorney out of New York who claimed to have had some success with Adam Walsh immigration cases. So we hired him and ran in circles gathering every scrap of paper and evidence we could muster.
Things seemed promising for a while, we ended up getting an initial approval for the I-130 which was supposed to be the difficult part. We went through the process of fingerprints medical exams ect. And then right at the end of 2019 we were set to go to our interviews and just a few days before we recieved a notice that it had been canceled and we should wait to be rescheduled. Except this is right about the time that covid decided to throw a world tour party.
So we chalked it up to the pandemic and waited patiently, and waited, and waited with no further updates.
Soon after the Biden administration took office we recieved a Notice of Intent to Revoke (NOIR) pertaining to our hard won I-130 they were asking for more evidence, except they were asking for all of the stuff we had already sent them. So we gathered it up again and sent it off. Waited a few months and finally today we got our Notice of Denial for my wife’s petition.
I am of the firm belief that the US government would be happiest to see us all homeless, family less and friendless if they can get away with it.
I am sure they wouldn’t hesitate to throw open some concentration camps to do away with us for good if they weren’t sure they might ruffle a few of the wrong feathers. I mean hell, they have already adopted a disturbing amount from the Natzi playbook. They had registries for the Jews, they also made sure to have “Identifying Markers” on all of their papers as well identifying them as Jewish (Less than human by their beliefs).
How much longer until we are forced to wear bright emblazoned “SO” Armbands just so nobody gets to miss an opportunity to sneer and spit on us… I mean its for their protection right? And after the public beatings, lynch mob impromptu trial and executions reach a critical mass, they will start rounding us all up into ghettos and concentration camps saying its for our protection, all the while telling the people its for their protection too… and just as they have the majority of us rounded up is when the ovens switch on. There to make short work of any dissenters, the infirm and the weak. The rest to labor until we are used up, and get to finally retire in the warm embrace of mother oven.

And they wonder why after they have stripped a person of their dignity, happiness and everything else that gives a person’s life any meaning. That these people sometimes wander into government offices with nothing left to lose and wind up making international news. And there is always some politician giving a press conference afterwards saying things like (retarded stuffy politician voice) “We have no idea what could have drove this individual to such acts of violence.”
Yeah, sure you don’t. Except its by your design.

Maybe we should make this our own religion, so maybe some other county can ride in to save us from our oppressors?… No takers?… oh well.

I went to prison and did my time, but they aim to make my life as miserable as possible so long as I am alive. They have taken my dignity, self respect, daughter, and now soon wife. Of course we are going to fight and try to appeal ect. But are we really only delaying the inevitable? Was the decision made before we filed the application and all of this was just for the show?
Anyway, good luck to you all out there. Keep fighting the good fight… Im just not going to cook anything in my over for a good while…

I am liking this. It seems to be more up to date than Rtag

I have been off the sex offender list in Pennsylvania for four years. Two years ago I applied for a new passport. It is not restricted. In September I will be taking a river cruise through Schengen countries. My only concern is that on my flight home from Switzerland I will have a connecting flight in London. I know London denies entry to registered sex offenders. Since I am not a registered sex offender will I have any trouble once I arrive at Heathrow airport to wait for my connecting flight to Philadelphia? My research has indicated that I am not listed as a registered sex offender on any state or national database. Thanks for help anyone can provide me.

With all the news going on has any organization done anything with the use of STINGS to get people to become sex offenders? Seems that with the focus on drugs maybe this could be another step to freedom.

I have been off the Pennsylvania sex offender list for four years. Once I was removed from the list my research indicated that I did not appear on any state or national database. I obtained a renewed passport two years ago and it is not restricted. I have traveled through Schengen countries several times over the last 10 years and have not had a problem at all, other than returning through customs at my home airport in Philadelphia while I was still on the list.

In September I will be taking a river cruise from Amsterdam to Switzerland. During this time I will be traveling through Schengen countries. However, on my flight home from Switzerland I will have a connecting flight in London. I will have a two hour layover. I know the UK does not permit entry by sex offenders or felons. Do I have any reason to suspect I will run into a problem while waiting for my connecting flight? I appreciate any thoughts.

Biden is trying to lift patent restrictions on Covid vaccine to save all those sex offenders in other countries. Meanwhile his DOJ (actually he inherited this crap from the previous admin) is doing everything they can kill every registrant in the U.S.

Seems coincidental that This Duggar C.P. Story is getting so much attention at the same time the SORNA regulations are being set to implement. Like the Feds are feeding info to the press to bolster their position and get the public behind them.
Wouldn’t be surprised if they could have arrested him a yr ago , but held off to coincide with the new SORNA.

Just a general question;

In the legal section of this website under registration rules for the 50 states, it lists California as keeping everyone registered once you are on the list. ( ” Per Rolfe Survey, visiting Registrants are placed on state’s website and not removed.”)

If a visitor stays in Ca. for more than 5 working days and registers are they stuck on the list like Florida? I seem to recall on an ACSOL call that it is not the case. Any help?

Pigs claim to be “protecting children”. This is how they actually treat children, and the government, supreme court, and police unions all applaud.

“Investigators Probe Cause Of Fire At Controversial Englewood Building That Houses 60 Registered Sex Offenders” Great line from this story: “Former resident Jasmine Tinsley said the landlord didn’t even tell her about the former offenders until she moved in – while pregnant with her 6-year-old.” That is one l-o-n-g pregnancy and borderline child abuse!

Gee, I wonder why there was a fire?

This headline, alone, is a real keeper: “Minnesota Psychologist Charged With Having Sex With Sex Offenders”

Perhaps a new, more esoteric registry for this class of offenders is needed?

This doesn’t, however, quite rise to the level of California’s Coalinga State Hospital for the Criminally Sexually Insane having an actual prostitution ring composed of state employees to service the needs of hosprisoners (for those who somehow found these staffers sufficiently attractive). And yes, that really happened.

“Sex offenders sue state after being denied leftovers from their Satanic feast” Fresh from the Corn-and-Hog State, there’s this bit of agitprop/civil disobedience theater staged by Iowa’s civilly detained. This is a good start.

This is a question for any US Permanent Residents that are RSO’s.

Are you out there? Is there any? I’m was convicted for CP, did my time, I was due to be deported, but at the last minute ICE removed my detainer and let me stay. First off, I really don’t want to, but being on supervised release makes international travel hard, if not impossible.

Is it possible to leave the US for good while on? I am a RSO, but I do not have a US passport, so no markings.

Just trying to clarify things, figure out when I can leave the US for good.

So my reduction/removal petition went to the board and the ADA.

They are moving to deny it due to not showing enough proof that I have changed since my original offense in 2007 in a different state.

They acknowledged that they made my level higher than it should have been at my initial hearing as their points were based on fabrications that were proven to be so at that time.

They even had the guff to say that they didn’t know if I completely the second offense therapy even though it was part of my condition for even being let off of probation.

So now, I have to prove to them that I am not a violent drug addict with a drinking problem even though they acknowledged that I was never to begin with but put those points in there even though they knew it to be false with statements contradicting themselves from one paragraph to the next.

Right now working on getting my cert of good behavior for here which isn’t an issue as I’ve never broken the law here, but the procedure takes a minimum of two months.

Mental health check and drug test are easier would take about an hour each if I can get an appointment during the lockdown here.

Right now if you travel more than 10km here without police permission it straight to jail 😅

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