WA: Sex offender sentenced to more than 12 years for extortion scheme

[kitsapsun.com – 5/4/21]

Saying she would sentence him longer if she could, a Kitsap County Superior Court judge gave a sex offender 12 ½ years in prison for an online extortion scheme targeting gay men in which he assumed the identity of a prior victim.

Judge Jennifer Forbes told Christopher Malik Longmire, 25, the 152-month maxim sentence was “not enough.”

“I’ve come to the conclusion that our society needs to be protected from you as long as the law will allow,” Forbes said.

Kitsap County sheriff’s detectives started unraveling the scheme in January 2017 after authorities in California traced the extortion threats back to Kitsap County.

Detectives found that in 2014 Longmire had posed as a female to solicit intimate photos from a 14-year-old boy he had previously assaulted when Longmire was a juvenile. He then used those photos to create profiles on gay dating sites to begin the extortion scheme, according to court documents.

Authorities were able to identify 15 men who Longmire targeted, at first by chatting, exchanging images and gaining their trust then demanding more extreme videos. One victim described the acts as “outrageous and degrading,” according to court documents.

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This story takes the term offender to a whole new level. This guy has gone beyond being a sex offender to just being plain offensive as a person.

I find it funny that the judge said, “I’ve come to the conclusion that our society needs to be protected from you as long as the law will allow” and yet it ended up that the person will be listed on the Hit Lists after he is released from prison. That is the start of failing to protect. That will certainly make him more dangerous and put society at more risk. But it is so much easier to believe the panacea of the Hit Lists.

It is also funny that the judge said, “From where I sit unless you can learn empathy I don’t know what your future is going to be.” Considering that the Hit Lists work very well to destroy empathy I doubt this guy is going to be able to maintain any empathy for strangers. If he is lucky, he’ll be able to care about people he knows and people who are close to him. But that will likely be the extent of it. He’ll become a dangerous enemy to a lot more people than just the handful of people currently and in a lot more respects than just sex.

The Hit Lists aren’t acceptable and they must cost as much as possible. They must have the most negative consequences possible. They aren’t going away so there must be war.

Im confused what did he do sexual that requires him to register for life he extorted 15 grown as men with a photo of 14 year old boy he got back when he was a juvenile should he go to prison for what he did hell yes but for 12-1/2 years hell no maybe 2 years. Honestly maybe being black did played a big part in his sentencing this is America.
Ether way this guys phuct he should of found something more predictive to do with his spare time now he has his whole life to think about the stupidity of this whole situation

Good luck ✌😁

I’d bet his sentence was based more on being a registrant than being black. And going by the article, his hustles will continue while he’s in prison.

UNCONSTITUTIONAL use of the database? Check!
It is the collective consciousness that counts.

I’d bet his sentence was more based on his status as a registrant than anything else. He’s a hustler, nor more or less. And his hustle will probably continue in prison once he gets access to a cell phone.