The Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws (ACSOL) will lead a vigil on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court on March 7, 2023. The purpose of the vigil is to educate both the Court and the public regarding the significant harm caused by the Court’s decision, Smith v. Doe, issued in 2003.
“”Organizations and individuals that support registrants and their loved ones are invited to join ACSOL for this event that will take place near to the 20th anniversary of Smith v. Doe,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci. “This event will not only be an opportunity to educate the public but also to unify organizations and individuals who support our worthy cause.”
The focus of the vigil is to bring truth to the U.S. Supreme Court and the public on topics including, but not limited to, the fact that registrants’ rate of re-offense is very low, not frightening and high, and that the registry is ineffective at stopping or even reducing sexual assaults. The vigil will also focus upon challenges faced by registrants and their families such as unemployment, homelessness and vigilante violence.
“Please add this important date to your calendar,” stated ACSOL President Chance Oberstein. “Additional information regarding the vigil and related events will be announced as it become available.”
This is going to be awesome!!!
My brother, sister in-law, my parents, my girlfriend, her parents, and I all live in the region. Depends what day this occurs for all of us to show up. I’ll get the word out and together we will end the injustice known as the registry to the public; but a death sentence to those forced to be on it.
This is amazing. I have had a vision of this since I was in prison seven years ago. There are a million people on the registry, that with family members makes several million people affected. Imagine if even one out of ten of us show up. This would be the beginning of the end. Thank you Janice you are amazing. The biggest obastacle we face is the ignorance of the public. This could really change that.
I knew Janice Bellucci was over there cooking up something BIG
I’ll be there on March 7 2023 I’m gonna personally Print and send out invitations for this event
So if you live in southern California and you get an invitation in mail for this event its probably from me.
This event is gonna be legendary
I dont know if ACSOL has and Instagram account if not hey should make one it will help promote our cause on a wider scale through hashtags,tagging and @ing other people who we could never have reach on our own.
After this event when the DOJ and the federal government see how much power Janice Bellucci and the ACSOL community has they’ll most likely have to start moving differently not only from the feds but also vigilante groups
Good luck
A very good and impressive website that we can all link to would be very helpful. It needs to be cross-linked at every relevant opportunity when the context permits, the link pasted in comments all across the net. Blurbs and teases of the coming content could be linked from now until launch date at every opportunity. These could be like high class press releases. The unconstitutional facts should be the focus. This needs to be highly organized so the media cannot ignore it.
What about those who are outside the USA, any plans to have such a event at the same time as say, Berlin’s Embassy?
I will absolutely be there, but why a vigil instead of a rally? Perhaps it’s just a terminology thing, but when I think “vigil” I imagine a silent protest…perhaps with candles. I’d much rather see an event with speakers and cheering crowds waving signs. The rest of the release appears to suggest there will be speakers. Is “vigil” really the terminology you are wanting to use to describe this?
I’ll be there regardless, just questioning the verbiage.
I love this post!
So would we call have to register under DC Code §22-4001(8) to participate. Seems ironic huh…..
Thank you for organizing this event!! I along with my fellow advocates from United Voices for Sex Offense Reform (UV4SOR) will stand in unity and make our voices heard!! Can’t wait and looking forward for more details!
Please sign and share my potition to rewrite Megan’s law and help all the registry’s have a lighter sentence after prison the info is in the link, thanks again
Me and my wife will be there
I enjoyed attending the protests we did in Carson and Oakland and fates willing I will be there in Washington DC in 2023.
If I can help in anyway please let me know, I’m glad to do anything that’s needed now and on March 7,2023.
2023??? Why not 2022? Are we bust that day?
These “justices” think they are all perfect and know everything. Most of them are privileged — who will never see the hardships of the ordinary American. Yet the mainstream news media and bootlickers will glamorize these judges and politicians as if their shit don’t stink.
Something like one-third of Americans have a criminal record — and these judges, who fail to uphold the Constitution, are a big part of the problem. About 21 percent of Americans are diagnosed with a mental illness each year. Again, these judges are so out-of-the-loop that they could give two shits. Homelessness is growing at rapid rates, many homeless sex offenders, exacerbated by the government-imposted label of “Registered Sex Offender,” and our judges and politicians have completely and utterly failed in this regard as well.
I do not trust the government anymore. As a Registered Citizen, we should also go to Washington DC, the capitol of this so-called Scam of a “country,” and demand that we be refunded all of our taxes paid via sales tax, property tax, income tax, etc. for all of our involuntary servitude of having to register as so-called Registered Sex Offenders after we rightfully paid our sentences for the crime we committed.
We should be given interest for all of our taxes paid, and damages for negligence, because the so-called “chief justice,” John Glover Roberts Jr., wrongfully argued that Registered Sex Offenders have “frightening and high” reoffense rates. Mr. Roberts also argued that Sex Offender Registration is tantamount to Price Club membership. Mr. Roberts was then promoted to Chief Justice by warmonger George Walker Bush, who led us into war, under false pretense, and is responsible for the death and injury of hundreds and thousands of people, so that he, his corrupt cronies, and Richard Bruce “Dick” Cheney can profit from war contracts via Halliburton, KBR, and so on. The corruption in this scam of a country is absolutely horrendous. I don’t know how anyone can stand for this country anymore.
Well, with the First Amendment Right we still have (before this corrupt government called “America” eventually takes it away), I say to Mr. John Glover Roberts Jr.: Go Fuck Yourself.
At the time when Mr. Roberts argued Smith v. Doe, there were something like only about 400,000 Registered Sex Offenders.
Now, in 2021, there are about one million Registered Sex Offenders in the United States of America. I bet many, including our family and friends, who have witnessed how horribly corrupt our “justice” system and jails/prisons operate, are convinced that this so-called country, and the so-called “government,” is a complete fugazi. A complete and utter Scam.
And no, I’m not just talking about the $50 phone calls to home, the $20 gas station hamburgers sold during the jail/prison visits, or even the $300 polygraphs or $2,000 psychological evaluations. I’m talking about any and everything the United States of America involves itself in… they manage to screw up.
But just like this Scam of a country profits from wars, they have to keep up raking in the $$$ to keep this country the world leader in mass incarceration. If that means millions in prisons and jails — and a million on the Megan’s Law Scam… then so be it.
“Land of the Free, Home of the Brave?” Yeah right, lol.
Janice, I’ll be there standing with you and the rest of ACSOL, plus all the other anti-registry groups!
This is a HUGE step towards getting rid of the registry!
I am willing to sacrifice whatever money and time is necessary for me to attend. This event is far enough in the future to allow me to start planning for it, including saving a little each month for expenses.
Let’s all take part in this event. Every other major improvement in civil rights for other people groups required effort and sacrifice like this.
We should play Twisted Sisters” We ain’t going to take it, we aren’t going to take it anymore.” We have been compliant but no longer will be silent!!
I think it would be great if we had a separate funding effort for security at this event. We cannot depend on law enforcement. I think at least some people need to be hired. Perhaps off-duty law enforcement? Security company? Whomever, but they have to be legitimate and armed.
Take my case and show the people of California and this country just how corrupt the justice system really is.
I wasn’t found guilty, I was made guilty.
The court appointed the public defenders office CLERK to defend me on an offensive that carries a life sentence.
The DA told her to make me wear a short sleeve shirt and a size 38 pants ( I wore size 30 ) on the day I took the stand to defend myself.
After I was sentenced, the court changed the offense to a crime I was never even accused of, then made it look as if the jury found me guilty of it. There is not one court document that says I was even accused of that crime but, the court records state I was.
The California court system created a sex crime and the records say I even went to prison for it, there’s not one document on this planet that shows I was EVER even accused of that crime but, California used it against me to enhance my sentence.
Take my case Janice and take this case to Washington to prove to the people just how corrupt t is e justice system really is.
I really hope a lot of people show up to this free assembly. I know there are, more or less, one million Registered Sex Offenders in the United States. But I’m sure most are so down on their luck, lack resources to travel, and/or are too busy with their own lives.
The Supreme Court has a lot of blood on its hands, not just from the Justice’s disastrous record when it comes to protecting the rights of those labeled by the “Land of the Free’s” government as “Sex Offenders,” but also when it comes to protecting other rights of gays, minorities, and even assigning more rights to corporations than to individual people (think the Citizen’s United case). I never liked Donald Trump for President, but I do agree with him when he called Justice Roberts a “disaster.” Yeah, John Roberts is an absolute disaster. Roberts argued Smith v. Doe with absolute dishonesty, fit for only a corrupt judge. Roberts, and the corrupt judges who have shared his twisted agenda, have a lot of responsibility for the suffering of people and their families. They operate off the hysteria of the mainstream media and politicians.
It’s almost like the American government has no problem “protecting” the public, for “public safety,” when it comes to oppressing Registered Sex Offenders, even if the sex offenders are their own citizens who have paid their dues.
With the arrogance America and its “leaders” have displayed, this country deserves to be shamed and relegated behind China and Russia. I have zero confidence in this Banana Republic. This Coward Country has treated all one million of us as third-class citizens, based off of a bogus supreme court decision.
Sure I will drive up there to the capital in D.C since I live in the Shenandoah Valley. Would love to see how those Hit and run skid marks play in D.C. I’m sure the more support the better. Events are good even when I took travel and Tourism in Business College Six of us went to Historic Williamsburg in one of the School van’s they supplied. Just let me know and I will have a Sign or two ready. Who knows Will Allen might even get some sex education lol.
This is a great idea, but the mission should NOT be to throw tier 3 registrants under the bus in order to fight for the others. I’m tier 3 but am married with children and have been out almost 14 years crime free. I also was never on probation or ordered to take a sex offender class.
Plans continue to be made for this event including a conference to begin the evening of Tuesday, February 28. The conference will include a full day of speakers on Wednesday, March 1, followed by training the morning of Thursday, March 2, regarding how to effectively communicate with Congressional members. The training will be followed by meetings in the U.S. Capitol with Congressional members and/or senior staff. Friday morning will begin with a few motivational speakers followed by THE EVENT about noon. Specific details regarding THE EVENT will only be shared with those who attend the conference.
I’ll definitely be going. As the day draws near, and if anyone wants to go but doesn’t have a ride, I’ll be able to take 3 others with me. Just share gas expense which won’t be much because my car gets well over 40 mpg. I’m in Oakland County Michigan.