Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of July 2021. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
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General Comments Mar 2025
Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of... -
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Question: what exactly are the laws/rules for a rso traveling out of california state for several days to visit family and or vacation? Is there a seperate federal law from the state law? I have always believed one can leave california for up to 4 weekdays(and the weekend) without having to register ones intentions to travel. Am i correct in my thinking? Thanks for any information.
🥳🎉😃 Happy California De-Registration to many of you!! 🥳🎉
☑️ Yes, July 1st marks the day that many California registrants will be able to apply to be removed from the registry.
I am wishing the best of luck to all of you! 👏🤗😃
I hope I can petition the courts at some point. I was involved with an underage mother in 2017( she was 15 and I was 26 at the time), did my time and terminated my probation early. Yet in the tier registry I’m a level 3. I know the tier system is still being worked on, but I hope I can petition at some point in my life. I am trying to be the best father and husband I can be, and even though my wife and children support me, I pray I can get myself off the registry.
I just read another article quoting figures from the May 2019 BJS SO recidivism report. As in so many similar articles, the author emphasized that released people with sex offense convictions were “more than three times as likely as other released prisoners to be arrested for rape or sexual assault (7.7% verses 2.3%).”
And like so many authors, he did not point out that footnote 1 says, “For this report, ‘sex offenders’ refers to released prisoners whose most serious commitment offense was rape or sexual assault.” That group represents a small fraction of all people convicted of sex offenses. However, most readers would generalize that 7.7% to all people convicted of a sex offense, which greatly exaggerates overall risk. Ok, my raving is over now.
@AJ, et al,
In May, Edwards v Vannoy decision from SCOTUS came down and denied retroactive application for relief to the applicant, which we discussed was a poor decision (it was not a watershed case to grant relief (more below)).
Since then, I found this article by Mr. Fleming (the author of another article posted for reading on @ACSOL about Tides Turning) which I believe will be found educational to read when it comes to SCOTUS and their thinking & decisions: SCOTUS Shamefully Allows Past Non-Unanimous Jury Convictions to Stand,
“Retroactive application of a criminal procedure rule is only for “watershed” rules, according to Supreme Court precedent. But there has only ever been one rule deemed watershed: the one enshrined in Gideon v. Wainwright, wherein the Court guaranteed the right to a defense attorney in criminal cases. That is because the right to a defense was deemed necessary to prevent an “impermissibly large risk of an inaccurate conviction,” and it also “altered our understanding of the bedrock procedural elements essential to the fairness of a proceeding.””
Look forward to any thoughts in reply to this posting.
@ Janice…any chance of resuming in person ACSOL meetings this year?
Seeking help in MI…How do I find somewhere to live?
I’m really breaking down here. I had offended in 2012, ’13 I recieved probation, and tier 3. I finished probation three years ago. I tried moving with my immediate family, but we could not find any 3B places that would rent to me specifically, so they moved without me, hoping this year we would all just BUY a house. Ive overstayed my welcome where I am, though it remains available to me…
We arent able to buy a house, things are not working for us there due to recovering credit. Once again we need to look to renting.
I dont understand how to do this, as a registrant. Everyone just says no when I call them. I see cities like Kalamazoo put up laws protecting people with criminal records, but then they specify that sex offenders are reason enough to say no. Why aren’t we allowed to live?
Im 33 and disabled. Chronic pain, hearing loss, and bipolar. Im easily overwhelmed with social situations, and legal things. I am simply trying to live, I have followed everything they have told me. I never even stopped registering when it was on hold the last year.
There are no resources I can find for renting in MI as a registrant. I dont even know where else to turn.
‘To Catch a Predator’ host Chris Hansen has been arrested AGAIN.
Start watching at the 40 minute mark for an inside look at the Okland SAFE enforcement team and registration office. More so, to hear their propaganda they spout.
Yes, it’s mostly a documentary about stopping underage teenage prostitution and pimping in Oakland, which is a good thing, but to hear what they say and what was chosen to be included by the editing and film crew makes sure every RSO portrayed as life long child predators.
Seriously? 🙄 Why aren’t these just called “Family Abduction Alerts”??😒
Another “sex offender sweep”. 🙄 “We come on coming back” (“…. because it’s fun to harass these guys”, says law enforcement.)
This is sad news I am bringing here, but needs to be done. My good friend that I met after my initial arrest and was introduced to me by my attorney to help me deal with what I was about to experience took his own life yesterday.
This is very hard for me. He truly was a good person that like most of us just did a dumb thing. I was on the verge of taking my life yrs ago when this all started for me and Tom talked me off that ledge. He always seemed to be able to accept his situation and we often spoke about what life was going to be like when we were off the registry.
we even spoke of possibly moving overseas and starting a business together.
He never commented here or got involved in anything regarding the registry. He said he didn’t like being reminded about his mistake.
He didn’t have family, but today I went to a place we used to meet at and there were a lot of people there for the same reason, so I guess he touched many lives.
I think that every time a registrant takes their own life, we should send a picture of that person to our state representative to remind them of what the registry does to people.
I will truly miss my friend.
Anyone ever heard of the “The Free State Project”? It’s a goal to try to get any many Libertarians to move to New Hampshire with it’s low population to take political control of it.
How about the Registered Citizen Project? Get as many RCs to move to a low population state. take political control, then remove all these registration laws?
Los Angeles County just passed a law banning homeless encampments and criminalizing homelessness that’s kool but what about the 6.500 Transient people convicted of a sex offense that live in Los Angeles County that can’t find a place to live or go to homeless shelters because of the registry.
Regarding the collapse of that condo in Surfside, did anyone wonder if your family would have been allowed to live in that building or not? I did.
My guess was that since it is in Floriduh and so close to a beach that residency was probably restricted to good families only. So on the morning of 7/4 I actually tried to find out. Pretty ironic that an American would be trying to figure out such a thing on the day referred to as “Independence Day”.
Anyway, I found a wonderfully official and fake-sensible looking website that belongs to Miami-Dade County. Of course it is about 10 times harder to use than it ought to be. But it has all the “sex offender” search features, etc., that most of them have. It also allows you to put in an address and get a nice satellite view. I did that for the condo and it displays it and a huge circle around it (think it is 2,500 foot radius (or about 1 mile wide)). It had certain landmarks like schools, parks, etc., highlighted. My guess is that if any particular landmarks fall within that circle then a PFR (Person Forced to Register) could not live in the condo.
I say “guess” because I poked around on the site for maybe just 30 minutes or so before I got tired of caring about it. I read some FAQs on the site. Read about “sex offenders” and “predators”, all that. I couldn’t really figure it out easily enough. It would likely take a few solid, full days to actually figure it out. But in short order I decided that whether or not my family would be allowed to live there, that it is not acceptable that it is even something I would need to figure out or that there are billions of dollars wasted supporting all that idiocy.
Which all lead back to an original question that I have about the collapse and that is – should I care? Should I care about a bunch of people who are almost certainly just fine with telling my family where we may and may not live? Should I care about people who are fine with government oppressing my family? No, I don’t care about those people and won’t. So the question is, how many people living in that condo are fine with the government oppression? How can I identify the good versus bad ones? What percentage is which?
Today, in America, it is very easy to be apathetic.
In the current era of “wokeness,” people are now being allowed to self-identify themselves as whatever gender they choose… or a mix of “genders” and society is apparently gobbling it up and supporting this.
Is it possible then, that felons and SOs can choose not to self-identify as one so we can get off the SOR or any kind of registry or background check? Society is labeling us as felons and SOs… and that’s discriminatory. We can use the exact same logic as the LGBTQIA+++++++ community lol..
As a Mich resident, I wonder when tier 1 registration will be discontinued. I would like to see the entire country do away with the registry. Not sure if tier 3 should be removed.
I was told by an attorney today that with a federal Tier 1 conviction, a state judge is required to remove someone from the registry after 10 years. Is this true ? A 406a motion is being prepared. Is this correct ?
For anyone who likes UK television, season 4 of a show called Line of Duty features a season-long storyline where a person previously convicted of a sex offense is being set up to take the fall for a grisly crime. He is treated very sympathetically by the writers and the main detectives (who are a sort of Internal Affairs unit). I was pleased and surprised. It’s a surprisingly good show and is on Amazon Prime. You may want to see the earlier seasons first.
Why are Tier 3 sex offenders on the registery for life and not tier1 and tier2 ?
Oh joy. Another insane outlier that’ll bolster the idea that we’re all like this, just waiting to pounce on someone at the first chance we get. This guy clearly has major issues, and is probably one of the type of people who should be in Coalinga at this point.
Yikes I’m freaking out…
I had been trying to contact the officer at the local PD who does the registrations to find out my tier. I tried from middle of January until I gave up later in February. Never returned calls and I even emailed once and nothing. My annual isn’t until December so I figured I would probably not find out my tier until then. Ignorance is bliss I guess.
Do you all know about the US Postal Service Informed Delivery? It’s a service where when you sign up they will send you pictures of the mail that you will receive that day. I literally just signed up for that earlier this week.
I just got the notice of what’s in the mail today. There’s a letter from the officer in there for me!
I can only imagine that it’s a notice of my tier. And I’m freaking out about it. I don’t remember my exact code but it was a felony, got 5 years probation, no jail time. I got off probation early, I also got reduction and expungement a couple of years ago. My code was a wobbler and the misdemeanor version doesn’t even go on the registry. I have never been on the web site.
I have heard that some ‘never on the public site’ people are now going to go public and I’m afraid. I’m afraid of what my tier will be and if I will now be publicly listed. I’m currently unemployed and if I go public how will that affect my job search chances? One of the mail reasons I took the plea I did was because I would not be on the public site so if that changes now that is NOT fair.
If I am Tier 1 my 10 years would be up in 2025, that wouldn’t be too bad considering. But Tier 2 and above would be horrible.
The mailman tends to show up around 11am to noon… so I guess I’ll find out then.
A Tulare County patrol deputy is accused of raping a woman in Hanford. He is on administrative leave while law enforcement investigates the allegations made against him. Araujo has been with the department for four years. He was named Officer of the Year in February 2020. This is the second arrest of a sheriff’s deputy and the third arrest of a Tulare County law enforcement officer in less than a week.
Anyone have any troubles getting into Disney world (Florida)? Also, what’s about cruises to Caribbean? Any issues?
Any suggestions on where to find work in Los Angeles County as a SO would be very helpful.