General Comments Aug 2021

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As we talk about the legal system here in this forum, I ran across this set of articles by Reuters exploring judges within this system of ours in this country who have done wrong. It covers 12 years worth of judicial reviews and punishments (2008-2019) but is open to more if more info can be provided.
While I am not one for a registry, this website provides a 12 year registry of their misconduct which is better than a Price Club membership because they are automatically eligible for joining and are joined upon further review without issue (public info ladies and gentlemen!). However, as they note, there is no national database which collates this data, or even state level databases that do this (which is similar to the LE database that is published by the media and not the states), and it can be very difficult getting any info on judicial misconduct to begin with.
I encourage you to take some time if you have it to read through the five parts of the series (1-3 are articles with 4-5 are on methodology/obstacles). IMO, it is sad the system holds the regular person so publically accountable but the judicial and law enforcement systems so secretly accountable, if at all. This has to change.

Grab a beverage, maybe a snack, and read on brothers and sisters…

Holding Judges Accountable, The Teflon Robe

Last edited 3 years ago by TS

Life on the registry is a hard one and not everyone will make it through this situation alot people will turned to drugs and a life of crime to survive and end up doing hard time for FTR under Californias 3 strike law.
For me moveing out of my family’s house so they could have a normal life was the hardest thing I ever had to do BUT I just couldn’t drag them through this anymore.
So I rented an apartment across town and my wife and the kids moved back to her moms house in Irvine it was hard but it was the best thing I could’ve ever done for my family
My kids are so much happier they have friends now my youngest daughter is having sleep overs and birthday parties now my wife is also doing much better she was able to go back to school and became an dental assistant shes the team mom on my son’s soccer team she’s interacting and socializing with other parents in the neighborhood things they couldn’t do when they were with me.

Good luck

Are criminal justice reform efforts going to backfire and make registry
reform harder? Cases like this make me think so:
If you read far enough you’ll see the crime he was out on tether
for—he seems violent and it’s bizarre he’d be more eligible for the fruits of criminal justice reform than any of us. The public is going to really sour on this stuff before we every get a chance to push for expungement for sex crimes. I really wish we could build a politically-neutral criminal justice reform movement with a focus on data and fairness, not political expediency.

While I mentioned Oak Ridge and this Manhattan project yes it was very secert. Was it about pride being proud, or saving people. Its like one person fighting over land rights or peace who was making peace or was it who backed down first. Even the people working there at the time didn’t know what was going on. Being hired for a scret project and than finding out later it was for the war effort in a mass destructive way.

Now we have this destruction in a human behavior way. So who is guilty an who is not in this one way type of intimidation if looks at this in a different prospective. Its like a two wrongs don’t make a right. one should remember even taking a life is not always the wright way to do things even in war. Even predicting can be a shell shock. The main factor is man against man in many of these ordeals and even this leading one astray.

I’d love to see this guy’s voting record on Registration Legislation in Arizona:

“Arizona state lawmaker faces calls for resignation after arrest on child sexual abuse charges“

Washington man gets 25 years for murdering sister’s rapist after meeting him in jail (

The victim’s family should go after the state since there appears to be documented evidence a change was requested but ignored. The state probably let it play out too to boot.

Last edited 3 years ago by TS

This article got my attention: “Inmate, 26, beats his sister’s rapist, 70, to death and is given an extra 24 years after they were assigned same Washington state prison cell”

“A Washington State Patrol investigation …. said that, because of issues like different last names of family members, there was no reason to suspect that Goldsby and Munger knew each other when they were placed in the same cell.”

Ever catch yourself spending 2 hours trying to decipher just wtf these legislators are talking about?

Assembly Bill No. 1129


An act to amend Section 647 of the Penal Code, relating to privacy.

[ Approved by Governor  October 11, 2019. Filed with Secretary of State  October 11, 2019. ]


AB 1129, Chau. Privacy.

Existing law generally makes a person who looks through a hole or opening, into, or otherwise views, by means of any instrumentality, including, but not limited to, a periscope, telescope, binoculars, camera, motion picture camera, camcorder, or mobile phone, the interior of a bedroom, bathroom, changing room, fitting room, dressing room, or tanning booth, or the interior of any other area in which the occupant has a reasonable expectation of privacy, with the intent to invade the privacy of a person or persons inside, guilty of a misdemeanor.

This bill would specifically include electronic devices and unmanned aircraft systems in the list of instrumentalities described above.

This bill would incorporate additional changes to Section 647 of the Penal Code proposed by SB 485 to be operative only if this bill and SB 485 are enacted and this bill is enacted last.


Vote: majority   Appropriation: no   Fiscal Committee: no   Local Program: no  


SECTION 1. Section 647 of the Penal Code is amended to read:

647. Except as provided in paragraph (5) of subdivision (b) and subdivision (l), every person who commits any of the following acts is guilty of disorderly conduct, a misdemeanor:

(a) An individual who solicits anyone to engage in or who engages in lewd or dissolute conduct in any public place or in any place open to the public or exposed to public view.

(b) (1) An individual who solicits, or who agrees to engage in, or who engages in, any act of prostitution with the intent to receive compensation, money, or anything of value from another person. An individual agrees to engage in an act of prostitution when, with specific intent to so engage, the individual manifests an acceptance of an offer or solicitation by another person to so engage, regardless of whether the offer or solicitation was made by a person who also possessed the specific intent to engage in an act of prostitution.

(2) An individual who solicits, or who agrees to engage in, or who engages in, any act of prostitution with another person who is 18 years of age or older in exchange for the individual providing compensation, money, or anything of value to the other person. An individual agrees to engage in an act of prostitution when, with specific intent to so engage, the individual manifests an acceptance of an offer or solicitation by another person who is 18 years of age or older to so engage, regardless of whether the offer or solicitation was made by a person who also possessed the specific intent to engage in an act of prostitution.

(3) An individual who solicits, or who agrees to engage in, or who engages in, any act of prostitution with another person who is a minor in exchange for the individual providing compensation, money, or anything of value

it goes on to more intentionally confusing BS.

Why dose this need to be so convoluted?

Heard on the radio today that Lorena has breast cancer (all CP people will know who she is). Early stage but aggressive. Anyone else hear that?

I recently had a couple thoughts regarding litigation angles, so I’m throwing them out for comment and further thought.

1) Are there any situations in any jurisdiction where someone is compelled to register even without a conviction? If so, doesn’t that perhaps change registrants to a quasi-suspect class? While “convict” is not a suspect class of any sort, once the class known as registrants includes both those convicted and those not, wouldn’t that change the legal standing of the class?

2) With the ALI’s recent change in posture regarding registries, isn’t it now a very useful tool to shred a jurisdiction’s position? After all, the ALI didn’t just decide this willy-nilly or in a vacuum. Having the ALI analysis to put under a judge’s nose sure seems like it would make the government have to do a better song and dance, at minimum. Using the ALI stance, one can much better argue that the registry laws are actually exacerbating public safety issues, not mitigating them.

Wondering if anyone has used any of the online therapy sites. I would like to have a fresh perspective on my life and the therapist I was using became stale rather quickly. Her idea of help was telling me ,”It will get better, you’ll see.” And finding me extra work delivering newspapers @ 4 am for $10/ hr. Not exactly what I need.
Anyway, if you have used and can provide any reviews it would be appreciated.

Jason isn’t that a bit above the average norm. Even the word GRINDER has a sexual slant to it and is a bit obnoxious. The story was interesting but the ending was sad. A minister of God for Good instilling a sexual enticement. Guess nobody ever played the game “Clue: growing up. That’s a bit like my story only I warned the person they shouldn’t be on an adult site. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. The main issue is police and governments have always overstepped their boundrys every since landing at Jamestown. Talk about a Civil War of Justice via this computer ruse.

Events happen in many strange ways. I even liked the voice recognition and the voice gave it away in this two wrongs don’t make a right. Guess someones’ trying to get someones goose or goat..

Here’s a video that I came across that explores sex offender registries. It’s not the average fear driven view.

I am curious if anyone in California has filed their petition yet, and what their experience is or was like? knowing how it went for you, and which county you were in, if you hired an attorney, and so on, would be quite helpful for many others.

Thank you!

Many can’t stand or deal with a lot of this registry as mentioned by some on here. Even Will Allen and others are getting stir crazy. Myself I’m already crazy and yes I have my share of mistakes as everybody else. Sure everyone wants to know is the registry Punitive, Punishment, or lifetime shaming. Sure we can all look at this registry as a shame game in this fraudlent way of protecting some imaginary fake teen conning another with this got ya type of internet ordeal. So who draws the line. Its right in the bible if any of you all care to take a look at it.

Start with Isaiah 28:9-10 even read some of the torah or Old Testament laws. Are governments breaking the commandments today? That should be a good foundation to work with in putting an end to much of this registry crap. Also be warned about judging today in government as it is overshadowing, even with this plea deal, that many take or get mixed up in these situations. Now if you want to get in church that’s up to you, same with taking a convid shot, nobody can force you. Their are many people that have made a decision not to take this vaccine.

I’m looking for some help from anyone familiar with IL’s registration requirements. From the FAQs on the IL site ( and the Summary on here, it seems one can only spend 3 cumulative days, whether consecutive or not, in a calendar year before being required to register. I’ve done a search and reading of the IL Statutes and the closest I can come up with is this, from 730 ILCS 150/3 (a)(2)(ii) (

For purposes of this Article, the place of residence or temporary domicile is defined as any and all places where the sex offender resides for an aggregate period of time of 3 or more days during any calendar year.

It’s a bit confusing how it’s written. Though I can see how it may be interpreted to mean 3 days aggregate in the State, that is not a standard reading of English, IMO. To me, this quoted snippet is saying I am okay as long as no places of residence or domicile exceed two days, aggregate, in a calendar year. So it seems I could stay somewhere in Chicago for 2 days, then another 2 days in Champaign, then another 2 days in Peoria, and I would be okay because neither any nor all the places have an aggregate period of time of 3 more days. Reading it to mean 3 days aggregate in the State makes no sense because that would turn my Chicago-Champaign-Peoria locations into a single “place of residence or temporary domicile.” How can multiple locations, quite possibly in different counties, be defined as a single location (“residence” and “domicile”).

Help!?? I would like to go to IL for something yet this year but I’ve already burned 2 calendar days there.

Thank you.

AJ while you and many others on here are confused about these laws, rules, and stipulations of where you can go and come, or visit just tell it like it is. Truth is truth and truth never hurts anyone. Janice and her team may be able to give you more input on this or someone on here from your area.

It just seems that most all of you all on here, and correct me if I am wrong, want to solve or understand all this with some quantum theory or some theoretical understand of an apple I-pad rule when most of this sex registry is man overcoming man and changes like a get smart shoe phone, whether with a sexual inducement via some computer trend or a sex sells moment of pride with a cover up as we are protecting kids and/or the community, or even some a Maxwell smart understanding of an agent 99 teen hustle. Wonder if Will Allen still uses a shoe phone.

With all due respect Janice and her team are doing their best but much of this registry is more than a constitutional issue ordeal or is the servant greater than the master or if the blind lead the blind they both fall in a ditch. These law enforcments are not really worried about it as its like a divide and conquer conquest to many of them.

Their using Old Testament vs New Testament to take many down in this registry saga of enticement. Respect of person can be somewhat shady as this is a devilish on governments part. Even this SORA thing is off the wall in many respects. Government seems to be playing by their rules to castrate many with these registry ordeals.

It seems the governments little experiment of imposing travel restrictions on PFRs was successful enough that our elected idiots are now going to expand their newly discovered powers.

Well it has been awhile since this happened to me while setting up travel plans (last was with Carnival Cruises about 7 years ago, fully refunded and letter sent), AIRBNB did a security check on a rental I had booked for Palm Springs this week. They sent me an email and a blurb from my Megans Law profile and said I didnt meet their security standards. Canceled my booking, deleted my account and promised a full refund. Completely demoralizing.

England’s fully committed to copying America’s brutal crackdown on sexual deviance.

This young guy, with a long non-sexual-offense rap sheet, is clearly mentally ill and needs institutional help, not prison and a lifetime on the registry. I find it extremely unlikely he’d ever be able to find an actual parent willing to sell a young child for sex. England’s leaders, like America’s, are committed to finding the evil that lurks in the hearts of men. It’s easier than defeating the Taliban.

A lawsuit challenging predictive policing in Florida has many people concerned and angry that the sheriff was harassing people with criminal past for crimes that they “may commit but not yet committed”.

This sounds very much like what the registry is doing, harassing many people for a criminal past for crimes they “may” commit. If this lawsuit is successful, I wonder if this somehow can be used against the registry as well.

Here is the article:

Last edited 3 years ago by AJP

I received my mail-in ballot for the 9/14 gubernatorial recall election. What is ACSOL’s position on the issue – should he stay or should he go?