CA: Long Beach Looks To Ban Childless Adults From Park Playgrounds

Source: 9/9/21

LONG BEACH (CBSLA) – The Long Beach City Council is considering a proposal that would ban adults unaccompanied by children from entering park playgrounds.

The motion, which was co-authored by four councilmembers, calls for “kid zones,” which would be designated as “safe spaces” for children at parks, playgrounds and beaches. Only adults who are accompanying a child under the age of 12 would be allowed to enter.

The council Tuesday night voted in favor of requesting that the city attorney draft an ordinance that will then return to the council for a second vote to make it into law, the Long Beach Post reported Wednesday.

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Ok, this makes no sense at all to me.

If you are an adult without a child in this type of area you are considered a possible threat to children simply because you don’t have a child in tow. But, if you have a child in tow this means there is no chance in hell that you are a threat to children – what no threat to children in that park or any other park because you have a child in tow.

So if it is a gorgeous day and you want to enjoy the park and you are alone this means that if the picnic table is next to the playground you are forbidden to use the table to eat your lunch because you happen to work across the street and come to the park to relax during your break and eat your lunch?

I got an idea for a new business. Set up a booth in parks like this. Call it “Rent-A-Kid”. Rent a kid for an hour to accompany you in the park so you can eat your lunch in peace without people thinking you are a weirdo. And then return the kid on your way out. Yea, that sounds stupid but so does this ordinance.

Ah yes. Let’s start punishing innocent people. Only adults accompanying a child 12 or younger would be allowed? So if a guy is accompanying his 13 year old niece, he would be breaking the law?
Way to go. Let’s pass more stupid laws.

Did I somehow miss it? They didn’t say it, but this law means MEN, right?? Doesn’t it??
And, since approx. 20% of individuals on registries are minors, shouldn’t this law extend to any individual over the age of 12 and banish them from playgrounds too?? Wait… there are children as young as 8 and 9 on registries, aren’t there? So banish any unaccompanied child over the age of eight – especially male children??
I mean, that’s what the City Council really wants to say, right? So why not just say it?? No, really, don’t worry about being politically correct or non-offensive, just say it! Cowards! 🙄😡

How many kids been harmed at playgrounds by adults?

What next? “Childless” adults banned from theme parks, beaches and public swimming pools? Oh, you know it’s coming! Yeah, lets just ban any and everything that gives us creeper vibes.Lets continue this trend of proposing and passing divisive laws than shun and shame just so the special snowflakes can feel “secure” in their little environments while on family outings. /s

They should create adult only outdoor playgrounds with equipment designed to maintain the mass of the individual who won’t cause structural problems as noted in the article and keep children away from it so adults only can enjoy it without the obnoxiousness of the brats who cannot behave. Then when children do use it without an adult accompanying them, charge their parents with willful disregard of the child’s safety. Stupid council…

Let’s ban city council and congressional members who enact laws based on nonsense. Is the Addam’s family in charge?

Posted this yesterday, glad to see it up. A lot of the concerns I had are actually being commented. Next to my shop I drive past a small park it’s not even an acre everyday a dozen or so senior men go there to meet up and play chess, it’s less than 15 ft away from a play ground. The park is equally used and there’s never been an issue of what is claimed in the article. When I first read it I automatically thought to myself man if this passes then what else would be codes would be implemented that geared towards keeping Registered Citizens from enjoying public areas, as someone else mentioned: theme parks, movies theaters, maybe even shopping centers. Even better what if in the code the “Child Safe Zone” is so wide that it prevents someone from living next to a park. In Texas, right near my childhood home they have child safe zones where I am not allowed to even be near, which is dead center of everything all the good restaurants, the movie theater, shopping outlets. I was told I could be arrested if I’m caught in these areas. I just see this happening, and it’s reliving my time on paper. Sorry for venting.

Good I’m tired of going to the park and seeing drug addicts and prostitutes walking around all dirty and gang members dealing drugs and getting into shootouts right in front of innocent women and children.
So I commend long beach for trying to clean up their parks it’s crazy as Hell out here, it really isn’t safe to be at the park with your kids anymore.

Wow, I’d like to hear what those adults who just can’t have children have to say about that. A slap in the face for sure. How idiotic, yet again.

Did anybody read the actual article? The argument is that adults misuse the playground equipment by playing on it thus damaging it.

Well, if that is their REAL reason, they don’t need an ordinance banning adults from the area.
All they need is an ordinance saying that somebody above X pounds, including a extra fat 11 year old kid, can not I play on the equipment.

Guys, this isn’t against registrants. This is against ALL adults. I don’t see this holding up in any court. The article even mentions such measure having failed in the past. You can’t just ban people from a public space because you’re worried about the equipment. And that is their reasoning. It’s not the safety of the kids but the safety of equipment being used by people who’ve outgrown its weight capacity. Let them waste time and money on this.

I would argue that families with children of that age should have an additional tax levied on them and all others should be relieved of the taxes to maintain the park.

This seems highly counterproductive. The article doesn’t explicitly implicate registered citizens as a reason for this ordinance. Still, there seem to be fewer PUBLIC places for people to enjoy being outdoors. What’s wrong with an adult (single or not) swinging on a swing at a public playground? If people are damaging the equipment, certainly sanction them appropriately, but don’t prohibit all people from enjoying public facilities even if they might seem a bit too old.

Or maybe just build playgrounds for older folks to use.

This article sure got a good discussion going, but it occurs to me that since it has zero to do with laws affecting registrants, should it have been posted here to begin with?

Last edited 3 years ago by C

Superb idea! Ban WA! Clearly, nobody should be in a playground without a child? We only have multiple gang members, drug addicts, homeless and sex offenders in the city? We might ban people from streets, unless they have a car? You can’t go out at night unless you are working? Your not allowed to walk by a store, unless your a customer? 1st, this is a law that’s discretely focused on child related offenders! It will never pass and your all wasting your time! Get back to your 17b’s, expungements and filing to get off the registry! Huge waste of time

Aero, are you an attorney now? I filed my own 17b, expungement and 851.8? It’s very simple. I’ve also filed my own COR! I was successful with everything! Furthermore, if you have a 17b/expungement, it’s going to look much better going in and filing to get off the registry! That was a DUMB comment! I’ve been off the registry for a year and I don’t suggest (who does that) recommending not to get charges reduced. Most people should have done this years ago anyways.

If you live in los angels county and you’ve been placed in tier 1 or 2 contact Dylan Ford with the Los Angeles Public Defenders office he’s spire heading the petition process in LA county, I just left his office today feeling good about next year.


Good luck

Well stated Janice! Please note that if this website hadn’t existed, I would still be on. Your advice was the primary reason I’m off! I took the same route as Chance. I wish everyone all the best!