Did You Know? The sex offender registry is government sponsored doxxing that encourages vigilantism! [Video]

Source: NARSOL on YouTube 9/8/21

In May of 2021, someone called the Wheatland, California police at 1 a.m. to say he had “just shot somebody dead.” The killer brought a loaded gun and a cell phone jammer to the residence of Ralph Mendez, a person on the sexual offense registry, because of a much, much earlier sexual offense, and killed him. The killer spared Mr. Mendez’s 88-year-old mother.

Police arrived and arrested Rory Banks, and the district attorney charged him with murder in the 1st degree. Police said they believe the murder was motivated by the victim’s doxxed information found on the state registry for sex offenders. Registered citizen live in fear that vigilantes like Mr. Banks will find out where they live and take the law into their own hands..

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How many years have I been NARSOLs ear about focusing on the database? More than 10 years. Here is but one attempt to focus on misuse of the database driven infrastructure. Doxxing is a broad term. One of the most overlooked iterations of the practice of doxxing occurs when files are copied from one state’s computer system, to another state’s computer system by unauthorized individuals or means. How many times have you heard of someone being held on a (potential )out of state warrant in their name. Only to hear the person in open court deny ever being present in the state of the warrant in question. It happens to in civil courts especially surrounding child support neglect cases were jurisdiction issues arise for payment in separate states.

Next up in the Youtube queue is this story:

Steven Sandison confesses to murdering child molester in prison
It is a compelling video with 15,137,713 views and 56,164 Comments.
The video also supports the opinion that sharing details of crimes is not the best policy. This can be truer the more shocking the offense. It can be construed as bragging.

But the real point is this video is the competition. Compelling. Dramatic. almost slick even if just a police interrogation.

While the NARSOL video is factual, it will never compete. There is little human interest other than dry facts. No one speaking on camera, no narrator, no emotion to connect with. But at least NARSOL made something. Would it be possible to make something more like a short documentary? Would clips from the conferences take it to a higher level of production? Maybe a narrator? Would that be more engaging?

Is this what oppression feels like? I’m growing weak.

You know, there are many, legal to own by prohibited persons “non-leathal” weapons that are avaliable to anyone even registrants.

I don’t condone violence, nor will I be a victim of it.
