CA: 3 men receive 15 years to life for killing registered sex offender in Redondo Beach

Source: 10/28/21

Three men were sentenced to 15 years to life in prison after pleading no contest this week to killing a registered sex offender during a home-invasion robbery in his Redondo Beach apartment in 2017, authorities said.

Taylor John Cervantes, 26, of Hawthorne, Myles Jorge Sawyer, 28, and his brother, Brandon Scott Takeo Sawyer, 27, both of Torrance, were handed their sentences immediately after entering their pleas to second-degree murder on Wednesday, Oct. 27, in Torrance Superior Court, Deputy District Attorney Shiraz Khalid said.

Charges of conspiracy, burglary and robbery were dismissed against the three as part of the plea deals, Khalid said.

A fourth man charged in the case, Tyler Lee Stark, 27, of Torrance was sentenced to six years in state prison in February 2020 after pleading no contest to robbery, court records show.

Stark drove the men to and from the apartment while the other three entered and killed John Haig Marshall on Nov. 28, 2017, prosecutors said.

Whether Marshall’s past played a role in his death was unclear.

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And of course they’ll have to register once they get out, right? Shouldn’t PFR’s know if one of them were to move into their neighborhood?

I’m also confused why the driver got a lighter sentence when we’ve put other drivers on death row?

As a former criminal defense investigator, I worked on at least 50 or so murder cases (at both trial and appellate level), as well as several ‘voluntary manslaughters’. Sometimes my client was the lone perpetrator, sometimes an accomplice, sometimes acted in concert with others. Cases included mass murders, serial murders, capital cases, etc. I’ve been following this case for some time now.

These “people” planned this out (premeditation), acted willfully, intentionally, and with malice aforethought, which are all of the elements necessary for this crime to be charged as first-degree murder. (Not sure about the fourth, the driver, without reviewing the evidence). Further, they committed mayhem on the victim (used pliers and other devices/instruments). This is an ‘aggravating factor’, to wit, “The murder was intentional and involved the infliction of torture”. This aggravating factor qualifies as a “special circumstance” and qualifies the case to be Death Penalty eligible. (although the governor has put a halt to carrying out executions in California). This in no way was a 2nd-degree murder, which is what they were offered and accepted.

Who to be outraged at? First, the District Attorney’s Office. They decide what the charges will be and what “deal” will be offered to the defendants so as to avoid a trial. We all know if this were a sex crime in which the victim was tortured and murdered, there would be no deal at all. The victim’s status in this case (a sex offender) certainly played a significant role in the D.A.’s decision. Certainly, the D.A.’s office will justify this sweetheart deal by saying they think a jury would be unlikely to convict the three, as they may be looked at as “heroes”. The facts released by the police/D.A. reflect that this was a retaliation for crimes the victim committed against a friend of the murderers (which was admittedly heinous).

Secondly, the so-called Judge of the Superior Court, who is not a party to ‘the deal’ and who has the authority to reject this deal if he felt it too lenient. Most tough-on-crime judges that I am familiar with (the vast majority of judges) would consider the facts and circumstances of this crime and refuse to accept this deal while severely reprimanding the D.A.’s Office. Fifteen years means they’ll likely be out in about twelve years.

We all remember the Santa Clara County judge who was ‘recalled’ due to his ‘not tough enough’ sentence that he handed down to a young man convicted of a sex crime. I would be in favor of organizing a concerted protest against this judge, in which we seek either his resignation or recall.

For not being punishment, the registry sure has a high body count.

“Whether Marshall’s past played a role in his death was unclear?” Criminal complaint , The 4 men met in Torrance and drove to Home Depot in Torrance Purchasing /Pliers bolt cutters , before driving to the victims apt , one strangling the victim , and the three men tortured him with PLIERS AND BOLT CUTTERS! before Killing him ! UNCLEAR? oh so they did all that for the giant amount of loot . this crap right here should be far enough to do away with this registry and the criminals pushing this dangerous registry , I am sick of the higher courts turning their heads to this , My heart goes out to this humans family.

“It’s unclear if Marshall’s past was a factor.” Seriously it’s as clear as crystal, yet you don’t want to admit it. Admitting would conclude its punishment, vengeful, and government created. Should of just stayed in your lane because all of these deaths are on government’s hands.

Next year only Tier 3 offenders will be publicly listed on Megan’s law website for people like these 4 meth heads to hunt down and kill.
If you see someone on your property or standing by your door their probably there to harm or harass you.
Once your place on the registry your literally on the run for the rest of your life, people who own houses don’t have to worry about law enforcement agencies tracking them down because their homes are already being monitored.
This nightmare didn’t end after you took your plea deals or did your time in prison or on probation, no you were giving a life sentence and didn’t even know it, we all got played by the government the feds had the internet and was useing way before it was given to the public so they new knew we were being sentenced to death.
We all know Martin Luther King was receiving death threats Before his death he knew the feds were coming.
So I guess the million dollar question is how far are you willing to go for your freedom.

Stay focused ✌🤓

Would it be ethical for anyone on the California bar such as Janice or Chance to call the DA’s office, and ask them for the justification in only charging it as Murder 2 rather than Murder 1 with aggravating circumstances? And getting it on record for the reason they decided only to pursue the lesser charge? I don’t know if the average citizen like us can get such information, but this sounds very ominous.