Federal SORNA Regulations Litigation Fund Now Has Matching Grant Program

UPDATE FROM JANICE 12/15/21: We made it! During the past 6 hours, we crossed the finish line and will be able to fully match the $15,000 grant. That means ACSOL has raised at least $30,000 to challenge the new SORNA regulations. Sincere thanks to everyone who donated $5 to $500! Your donation made a difference and so will our litigation.

Of course we welcome additional donations so we can continue to increase the fight for justice!


The federal government published final SORNA regulations last week that cause great uncertainty for all registrants and could significantly harm most registrants and their families. 

In order to stop or at least minimize the harmful effects of the new SORNA regulations, it will be necessary to litigate many of its provisions.  An essential requirement for litigation is funding. 

To that end, a total of $15,000 has been offered for a matching grant program.  That is, for every dollar donated, the matching grant program will also provide a dollar. 

It’s easy to donate using the “Donate” button on the right side of ACSOL web pages on our websitewww.all4consolaws.org

It’s also possible to donate by sending checks or money orders to:
1215 K Street
17th Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814

Click here for a full list of ways you can donate to ACSOL

Related: ACSOL Leaders Discussed New SORNA Regulations


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Isn’t this action usually undertaken by various ACLU’s?

just donated 100.00..sorry Janice thats all I can afford..Good Luck and Go Get Em!

I feel so helpless…it’s paralyzing. Registration feels like being in a hurricane with no shelter. Are there 15,000 people who can donate $1?

As of tonight, we have raised about $4,000 toward the matching grant program. Only $11,000 left to go.

Give the bastards hell Janice. Make em rue the day they messed with us.

Hello All, I just donated $300 for this just cause.


I just donated $50. Thank you for all you do. We appreciate you and your efforts!

Just ponied up $500. Come on you guys, let’s fund this.

I just did $50.00. I am poor and I skid row LA. I know there is none better to do.

Another $100 donated.

A lot of people talk and talk a lot on here, now it’s time to put up or shut up.

Donation made. Best of luck on the battle! (WTF will the “it’s technically fine” ever end?)

Hi Janice,

I am on Parole in CA and wanted to donate. I was just told by my parole agent that if I donated I would be violated as I have a condition that says I shall not associate with any known sex offenders. I think this is a common condition for 290’s on Parole. He even said if I participate in meetings, etc that he would violate me for association. Is this legal?

Off subject a little, but still relevant to this section. I would like to see a suit such as the one I am preparing and would be more than willing to donate to such a cause of action. [edited due to bad link]

There maybe over a million sex offenders. But hundreds of thousands don’t know about this website. Or the help that is needed We have a whole list of people with all their address and emails. All Thanks to the hit list.. If I had the money I would drop them all a postcard in the mail to donate and to join this website.

I am sorry but no one need to be responsible for some other parents child. The parents our of the said child is in total control and if the parents miss handle the child it should fall on them not society… Parents like too pass the buck to much. Like john Walsh.

SORNA and IML are straight up genocide and hate crimes embodied in lying legalese. A journalist could win the Edwin R. Murrow award if they reported on this scandal effectively. The NAACP should be front and center in this fight since African American registrants are disproportionately represented. The Anti-Defamation League’s moto is “to secure justice and fair treatment to all”. Have well-funded civil rights organizations been asked to stand alongside ACSOL on March 3rd or at least contribute funds? Does ACSOL have a publicist prodding prime-time syndicates for coverage? Does it need one? Janice, Chance, and team have already earned the Presidential Medal of Freedom… they just need it to be awarded. 
THANK YOU to the person with the matching grant!

All from the guy who sided with registration as a civil regulatory regime and not a punishment.

$100.00 more towards the SORNA grant challenge.

If it is of concern to anyone, I believe for the 2021 tax year, individuals can make up to $300 in non-itemized donations, married couples $600 w/out revealing the recipient of your contribution to your tax preparer.

irs joins leading nonprofit groups to highlight special charitable tax benefit available through dec 31

I’ve got $80 in change I need to turn into a money order and send it to California. I’ll include a note that I don’t want a thank you, but a juicy steak.

To my surprise, I recently received an unexpected and sizable bonus of “combat pay” for my work in the ongoing battle against COVID-19. 😃
I have donated the entire bonus to this ACSOL SORNA Challenge fundraising effort! 🤗 👍🏻

$350 in the last month donated. Keep it up everyone with what you can!

Just donated $20

Sorry folks it’s been a tough month for me but I will help spread the word!

I wonder if these new Laws are going to effect my petition to be removed In San Bernardino County? The DA already had no objection As of November 17th I’m just waiting on a court date Which could be between now and may next year, I tell everybody to donate to the cause whatever you can afford I do

The entire objectives Janice are to not attack the registration laws but in cases of complaintant being 16/ accused is 20’s up to 27 (like Iowa Age of Consent, for example) to attack the ridiculous notions about 16yo not being able to consent. These are under United States v Rodriguez-Guzman (9th Circuit) not crimes of violence. Yes it’s an immigration issue case but the nucleus is what is the ordinary contemporary and ordinary meaning of a minor. Janice I presented this in a recent 2019 18 usc 2250 case but the Magistrate thought the arguments to be creative. However, if you limit SORNA to under 16 years of age offenders then most likely they would not fall under SORNA as that definition would be an overbroad definition of minor in SORNA.

Given Doe v Snyder (6th Circuit) your official argument SHOULD be that SORNA registration requirements constitute a form of probation-which right there is where the courts missed out on- because you have
A) CONDITIONs of release ( appear to register etc before law enforcement officers) B) TERM of Confinement aka registration definition of 10,15,25 or life terms.
C) a means of REVOCATION in that you’re arrested and brought back to court for new charges that RELATED back to the supposed to be collateral Estopped case.
D) A term of confinement for your disobedience to the laws.

This exactly is what SORNA amounts to as a form of probation regardless of if it’s civil or criminal scheme.

Another (Equal protection) great aspect is that you should litigate this in the fashion that other similarly situated CRIMINALs never have to register for murder or car jacking etc. Categorically we’re all in the same boat as “felons” but (without any evidence that Romeo/Juliet cases pose any risk of harm ) or vice versa that that old serial killer next door to you Janice is not harmful as a teenager or young adult who slept with his girlfriend who her parents disliked the guy or divorce revenge cases.