Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of Dec 2021. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
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U.S. Sexual Assault Rate Continues to Decrease
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CA: Former Senate Bill Resurfaces, Could Significantly Expand Number of Registrants
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Convicted sex offender may renounce US citizenship, be deported to Philippines
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advice needed:
well actually i’m hoping Janice could help
or anyone please
can a news publication be forced to remove comments? turn over commenters information?
my name along with a hand full of others may or may not be posted in the comments along with false and incorrect statements most damage false allegations is done by 1 commenter
I plead guilty in 2018 for CP 311.11a I had it reduced from a felony to a misdemeanor in 2021 and had my Probation ended also. completed all my classes. I had talked to my Attorney and he said it was now a tier 1 is this true. please help. I was also told that if it was listed as a tier 3 that it was wrong and they would fight it.
I love the work you folks are doing for us. I will be donating to the cause, but I can only send money orders to what Address.
However, since your felony offense was reduced to a misdemeanor on February 11, 2021, this places you within tier 1 per CA PC §290(1)(a) (1) (A) A tier one offender is subject to registration for a minimum of 10 years. A person is a tier one offender if the person is required to register for conviction of a misdemeanor described in subdivision (c), or for conviction of a felony described in subdivision (c) that was not a serious or violent felony as described in subdivision (c) of Section 667.5 or subdivision (c) of Section 1192.7.
Is this true?
Who is the idiot that started ANY registry ? Double jeopardy in full speed ahead mode , selective discrimination , ex-post facto galore , lying / perjuring / tampering / false accusers making up crimes for conviction profits. DISGUSTIING.
Just put real offenders who have a real victim on an EX CON REGISTRY like in Kansas —- sex offenses are just one category
So what I understand is that with Sorna even though we have completed our time probation and our 10 years registry. We will still have to comply with Sorna rules for the rest of our lives? do I have it right ?
Here’s a half-hearted effort at fair and balanced reporting:
TV6 Investigates: Does the sex offender registry keep the public safe?
As a general comment, I am curious why the attorney who I paid in full two months ago has delayed filing the motion to remove me from the Michigan registry. As a one count Tier 1, it should be a simple matter. Having met every requirement and having been advised that success is immanent, I’m wondering if perhaps he is aware of changes upcoming to the registry regarding Tier 1. He is well known and successful in this area. Any ideas ?
Does anyone know the process for ALI’s proposed opposition to 213 .model penal code. Looks like some registry changes are possible. Which us why so many AG’s are against the changes.
Not sure if any of that would pertain to us.
FYI, YouTube now includes disliked videos into your history. Previously disliked videos may have been a way for a viewer to mark videos they have watched (there is no “I watched this video” button/mark).
Seems many can’t fix a lot of things in one’s personal life. Many on here got into this offender ordeal by different means. Yes we all can get into trouble. Even the bible says we are all born into trouble but be bold, their is always a rainbow at the end of the tunnel.
Sure my mouth got me in trouble but who was being taunted? Who can tame the tongue? Yes my actions were to prove when I went down to see what was going on. And many of you all on here need to prove in this game play behind closed doors. If one can say con game this registry is.
The Oppression Lists have radicalized me. I woke up yesterday to the news of the deadly tornados in Kentucky and all I could think about is what awful people they are.
Kentucky is a P.O.S. state, full of terrible people. Not all of them, of course, but most of them. They have no problem harassing my family. They don’t care if we live in the streets. They don’t care if we are dead.
So I can’t really care what happens to those people. It is terrible that it probably affected some good people also. I’d help those people if I knew them. But I won’t help the others or care. The Oppression Lists require that. We are not all in this together. We won’t be as long as Lists exist.
Puzzling? Guess we all can get in deep waters. Will Allen, put your guns away. Sure people will take advantage of another if you let them. This computer age as Tim in WI says is a bit misguided in much or who’s got all the answers to why a crow crows at midnight or is a dogs bark worse than his bite?
While Janice,Chance and many others on the team strive to solve this registry one wonders who is the David and who is the Goliath or why did Janice say… Stand up, speak up and of course show up! Yes their is a time to speak and a time to stay silent. One wonders if one is working on getting a quick fix to all this registry taunting or is this a scavenger hunt to see who has the winning combination to right this wrong in this registry ordeal.
Sure law enforcement want to be proud for what they do but are they really proud or foolish as many. Who is killing who worrying about all this registry. Just and Justice are two different issues and none of us are just. True Justice always has an end to it but one should always remember that their is always a right way to do everything. So what is this court of American Justice today a fools game or a fools parade.
I have a Federal CP receipt conviction from the late 80s.
Note that possession was still legal at the time.
The fed jurisdictional hook was use of the mail.
Receipt is analagous to possession.
Im trying to find out in which states was possession legal prior to 1990.
I know California is one.
Anyone have a suggestion how to research state laws?
If I look up state laws, it tells me current CP law, but I cant easily find what laws existed, if any, prior to 1990.
I am curious to know, not anything that is really addressed here, but being on parole for a sexual offense in Texas means that you have to take polygraphs at least once a year. You have to pay $200 for those polygraphs and, if you fail, you have to take another one within 30 days at your expense of another $200. I’ve been failing a few polygraphs in which I did tell the truth. I don’t know why but they keep telling me that I have failed and they keep taking my money from month to month.
I never knew anything about polygraphs before but I know by first hand experience that they aren’t accurate. It seems inhumane for them to keep taking my money, especially when I struggle at a hard, laborious job to try to provide food and shelter for my family. I wouldn’t mind donating from time to time either but between parole, therapy which costs $40 a week and polygraphs monthly I have hardly anything. I had a panic attack a couple of weeks ago. A friend of mine had a heart attack because of this. It seems that life goes all right until they keep seeping money from you. Out of 6 years on parole this is my first complaint because I don’t want to feel as if I am using thinking errors or making people feel sorry for me.
What I did years ago was a bad decision that caused consequences that I deserved by making those choices. I spent 16 years in prison and 6 years out. These people (parole and therapy) keep siphoning money from me. The only thing they see wrong right now is that I cannot pass a polygraph. I have trouble breathing sometimes and all I am told is that there is something that I am hiding or something that I am thinking and they will not stop unless I disclose some type of information. My life is transparent-what do they want me to disclose? They could do anything they want to prove otherwise. Man, I am just tired of them taking my money and I want to get a better home before my mom passes.
Got a reply back from Experian… No changes to the app. The change in display of addresses with Tiered Registry shouldn’t trigger, I think, but will keep an eye out.
Prince Andrew called New York’s Child Victims Act ‘unconstitutional’ in a request to throw out a sex-assault complaint against him
You know the old saying that talk is cheap and yes lying is still lying no matter how you stack the deck. If one listens very carefully they should understand that they do these registry morality games on the internet to keep adults from talking to teenagers when the proof is in the pudding.. Yes law enforcement will say… you thought you were talking to a teenanger when they are covering up in this whole ordeal. Its a situation type encounter of enducement.
So how cheap is true justice. Just as cheap as the person setting the other up in this Law enforcement ordeal that has many on pins and needles. Who is doing the evil in this controlling type factor of sexual enticement. Do we or should we all learn lessons from these ordeals? This practice by LE is a great downfall or who sinned in this prevention type decoy of a morality play.
Just checked my tier status as I was tba for most of the year. Tier 2. will be starting the process january 2nd Sorna and alll.
Author bell hooks passed away yesterday. She wrote “Once you do away with the idea of people as fixed, static entities, then you see that people can change, and there is hope.”
Let that soak in as we discuss first-person language and the way labels are applied with their lack of analysis to the person(s) who have a prior sex crime conviction. People are not fixed static entities, but can change, grow, mature, etc away from their prior conviction, regardless of what the crime is, to lead healthier lives for themselves and those around them. Those in position to make such changes possible must believe in this and show maturation of their own as people and leaders because they must believe in people who can do what is needed (especially when given the right tools and environment to do it in).
This idea is what needs to be challenged in the status quo of today when it comes to labels, less than adequate tools and proper environment to grow, etc, in. This is what legislatures/Congress need to be called out on when they show lack of leadership behind the dais as they propose legislation. Those people who have a prior sex crime conviction are not fixed or static, but neither are victims who can grow, mature, change to not be victims without forgetting the event while leading healthier lives for themselves and those around them.
Life is not fixed or static and neither are people. Both are dynamic and need to be cared for in manners of growth and maturation, not stifling it to prevent growth and maturation. Hope exists and people should encourage it for both those impacted in a negative life event.
I noticed that another well known personality was arrested for issues of improperly registering. Lawrence Taylor (NFL hall of fame) was arrested recently in Florida for failure to register a new address and possibly other related issues
If the link does not work a quick search produces several stories on the topic.
Check out the movie Unforgivable on Netflix. I cringed through most of it because the leading character played by Sandra Bullock brilliantly had been in prison for 20 years for killing a cop and was having an impossible time re integrating into society. Needless to say I identified completely with her although my crime was in my opinion far less serious.
Just want to double check a couple things here with you fine people here I just got my response back from the DOJ in California And they took me off megan’s list meaning I am In Tier 1 now only 10 years of Registration? Is that correct? and my time began the first year I registered?2018? meaning I will finsh in 2028?
This seems weird:
Undercover sex sting nets 16 arrests in Cook County
Were the “sheriff’s police officers*” bored and just said to each other, “Hey, let’s place some sex ads and arrest some folks!”??
It’s just seems weird that they intentionally created the illegal situation, created the circumstances of the crime. 🤨
*In any case, the “sheriff’s police” should stick to policing the sheriff and deputies!